Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Eco-camp, Super success? LOL FUN!

So i am back from Ecocamp at Sentosa Underwater World Singapore. Well i was so irritated and pissed and angry y'day. I had to miss the games part of the camp, cause i got work in the morn. At first is say i go at 8 but i woke up late, 8am then i wake up. So went at 9am instead lorh. Then was super pekcek cause of the sushi orders giving ALOT of problems. Make my head big nia. Then the idiotic X'mas goods die die dun wan come. Make me go back for nth. Sibei irritating.

Then after that went home, kin kin to bathe. Then chiong to see ahma. She fell down on Sunday. Must go see her at least. Then heng there got thing to eat, if not i tink i will faint siol, or at least my leg shake. Then after that finally i started on my journey to Sentosa. But bloody hell waiting for that 181 took so long. Kns.

After reaching Sentosa, met up with su and yixuan at beach station. Then follow lihui tgt with annabelle go find my group. We only manage to play 1 game the use big chopstick pick up green bean then let it fall into the bottle. Lol. I did it in 3 tries! Yay. Wow we were the first team to finish! Yayness! Go group 5! Haha. Then after that was waiting for the other groups to finish. Then ate watermelon and play frisbee. After that go to the UWS for the briefing and etcs where they bring us around the exhibits and explain to us (heard b4 for us 2nd timers). Then after that is have dinner, then we went to bathe. Lol duno why we had to have some funny bathing routine. Then after that i tink is supper bah? Not too sure but we didnt do much lah. After that is just take slping bag and off to the conveyor belt! We all like sibei shocked by the total offing of the lights lah, at least last year still got abit of light. This year is TOTAL DARKNESS. Somemore we slping at the end of the line, so is we extend to the inside of the conveyor belt but we were the last ppl so after us is no one. So scary. Lol. Then down there listen to alot of stories. Haha.

Then morn, woke up go wash up then breakfast! Nice nice. I tink the food provided by UWS is nice just that they should have 2 drinks de better. Even if we can't finish we can just put in bottle of smt luh. Especially at night. Hahaha. Then is go see the divers feeding the fishes. Then all left but me stan and theeee another junior duno. So we were walking around like sialah where everyone. Haha. After is go see the Fur Seals, pink dolphins were put on hold cause they just changed the holding area and retraining or smt. Then giving of prizes and then off we go! Lol. Went to the hawker centre at harbourfront eat. Nice nice. Winnie left first though.

Then came home. Somethings happen lah and made me damn sian nia. Really tink i not enough slp very unstable sia. Small things can make me so pissed and angry till i wan to cry. Ok not want i did. Lucky got perry come talk to meee then i ok abit. Haiz. Tml work again. Shit it mannnnnn. Ah sian i forgot wat time i nid to go work tml again.

Just wanna add, I LOVE MY CLIQUE! Yay yay! Although this year we are missing 2 ppl but still. Fun with ur always!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Regrets and feelings of emptiness

So y'day was the end of our tests. I can only say that if i really pass the paper, like i said i will treat lyndia xianglin and constance go anywhere they wan to go eat. Only limited to them whu heard me say that in the room y'day! Later i pock ah. Hmm now that i tink about it if after moderation MIGHT pass leh, shit better eat maggi mee for the next 2 weeks first. Who ask me to slack so much this sem and didn't study wholeheartedly. So many things weighing down the mind. Guess i can only do my best for the exams.

Now gonna write down all the projects and see how to go about doing them. Ah man so crap. Being a leader is so sucky. I hate it. Ah well only looking forward to the Eco-camp on 21th 22th although i will be late for it also due to work. Lol. Woohoo maggi mee here i come!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Exams - GGfied!

Everyone's saying how this this all the exams are ggfying. Lol. All like so funny one lah. All the teachers love to do stunts and scam us. Combine with the quite abit of studying needed its a sure recipe for students doing stunts also and dying left right center. Of course i'm the one that dies at the middle cause i too pro liao die last at the center. LOL!!

Haiz so bored nowadays. Gonna find games to kip me entertained. So now i'm dling maple story to play with huishi. Haha so no life lorh. I wan to spend my time more meaningfully plsss. Duno why i feel like buying new clothes. Yawnz. Money gonna be spent again. Ahhh hahaah.

Ah soon this year is gonna end. Wonder if i had grown in this year and did i become a better person anot. Abit afraid to know. Haha

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Just feel abit off.

Somehow, i really feel like going to Kbox to sing. Be it to erase the always lurking sense of sadness or to get rid of my smouldering anger. Seriously why are some people so inconsiderate? Dun wan to listen then dun come lah. Even if the main thing u nid is to copy the things, shouldn't u at least give him some respect and AT LEAST lower down abit? So that at least he dun nid to strain his voice so much until he kips coughing. So what if u manage to get a good grade? I tink u fail in life. Maybe i fail too for being unable to control myself. Instead of complaining us taking away the ADs why dun u think about how u can get it back from us? By first and foremost shutting ur bloody big mouth up. Ur tink ur so cool saying stupid things when he asks ur questions? Irritating shit man ur just plain lucky he is such a kind person, if not i tink ur should be out of the class and bloody failing this module. I'm not saying ALL of ur just most of the idiots.

Ah well, not that i wrote it out, i still feel the same. LOL. I know i should be studying for SHWM since its testing tml but i just duno leh. I nid to get it tgt since this time round, there is no feeling of test AT ALL. Shit man. I'm hungry now. Ah so random. Watever.

Sometimes i really wonder what do i expect out of it. Everchanging thoughts.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Standard Charter Race - DONE but shag

Haha so it was finally over, i swear the last 3 hours was the most taxing time. The bags were few and we were tired but we cant really rest since ppl are still trickling in. Ok i shall start from the start.

Sat morn i went to run with hock and his gf, but he himself overslpt. Haha so i ran myself first. Then after that i went back home slack abit, then go for work lorh. Wah sat was like really no ppl one sia. Few purchases. But then got funny things happen. U know the sink that we have to clean the fish, its just like ur normal sink at home, then below it at the pipe there got the cover where the pipe turn horizontally before going vertically again down? Cause the sink was choked so auntie took out the cover to let the water flow and to unchoke it. Then she forgot and with the pipe she flushed the cover down the drain! Lol so funny lah. Then we were like OMG? Then had to run around to the big drain see if got flush down there anot(we got a filter thing there) but alas it wasn't there. Then we went to the another drain which was b4 the big drain but after our sink drain. Its one of those small ones, like those drom the rooftop small and round one. But right when we open the drain, we saw SMT THAT CAN MOVE AND OCCUPY THE WHOLE DRAIN. Guess wat was it? Its a...............CRAB! No u did not see wrong, its a Crab i swear. So we had to spend like 10mins trying to rescue it (the crab stupidly prefer the drain thus we had to forcefully drag it out) First i must clarify i have NO idea how the crab manage to got into the drain but i know that the auntie working night shift forgot to close the crab tank thus the crabs had a nice night walk/outing. So in the morn i heard they were running around finding the crabs. They were everywhere lah, at office store veggie area and the door there. Must have been quite the walk for the crab and quite the hunt for the aunties. Lol.

Then at night went to constance hse to meet first, su also came. We had such a joke time there lah. But constance mother really like openly listening to us siol! Jaja lucky nv say anything confidential there, HAHA. Then went to the pickup pt, saw lihui and michelle. Then we were waiting for su's friend fasihah? Sorry forgot spelling. Then also got theee liyana or liliyana? Plus pamela and pingen lorh. Then reach there like so many volunteers siol! We were like woooooah so many ppl. Haha. Then change into the New balence shirt. Its so thin lah. Then had briefing about how the ppl going to deposit their bags(we were at the baggage area) then had a SHORT(5mins) break then we started since the ppl came at like 3.30 for those running the full mararthon of 42KM. Then at first me liyana and another girl from CSS also were asked to ask the ppl to queue for the assigning of areas for bag deposit. But is like the ppl really ALOT SIA. We were like shit wtf. Then ok lorh nth to do but try and direct the ppl to queue. Then the ppl like deaf sia, i shout out for them to go queue up but they still walk pass me trying to cut. =.= Then best we kana scolding why we not doing our job? Hello theres like 3 of us covering a big area and sometimes the ppl ask us question then others sneak pass us, wat u wan me do? Zzzz so pissed off sia. Then we just put bag when they come lorh. Until 9plus when ppl finally stop depositing but thats why ppl from the marathon come back to take back their bag. Haha so no rest actually.

Then give back bag lorh. But without slp for the night was really shag lah everyone so tired. Somemore the morn so hot, there no fan somemore. Behind at the far end is really damn HOT. Can faint one lorh. Some of us cannot take it and went to slp in the shelves (me and liyana). Others slp in the uncomfortable position of semi-curling into a ball. Then finally finish lorh. Took....960 with boss and liyana at the esplanade. Then took 180 from BP interchange. Haha concession rocks!

Back at Jp, had to detour to get my Singtel top up card, then i went back to JP to buy mac to eat. I ordered take away and then i went to the NTUC finest to buy the e-thirty for val. In the end when i reach there is like SO PACKED OMFG WTF? I sibei pissed lah, i quite tired plus dirty plus hungry(forgot to add the food provided was GIFAFM aka get it fucking away from me kind of taste) still nid to squeeze. Then quickly chiong buy for her. Then finally home to bathe and eat.

Then still i play com, haha then charge new phone. After the phone was filly charged i transfer all the impt dates into it, all the dates i nid to type like 3 times cause kip typing wrong cannot see properly too tired liao. After like 30mins i finally finished it and lie on bed to slp till today morn. Haha then i only rmb perry and CJ called i tink to ask dota. Duno wat i reply them can't rmb. Haha.

Then today celebrate val bday at BTP pizza hut. Nth much happened actually. So we got 18 things for her. Liddat lorh, Haaha. Ok long post today. Tata

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Spending money like water~

Wah damn sian leh, i bought a new phone. samsung one. But i realize i super not used to the features in the phone sia. Lol. My god $188 gone. My 1 month work at NTUC flew away just like that. Nvm, see my dad wan anot. If he wan i shall be a gd child and give it to him. Of course when he renew his contract the phone he get will become mine! Lol. Fair exchange u know, 0 for 188 leh not bad deal liao.

So many things i wanted to blog but as i dragged on i forgot about them totally. I only rmb that i will nid to spend money AGAIN as i nid to top up my phone card, left $2.10 nia. Poor meee. Someone be kind enough to donate money to me? Lol. OH then still nid to pay Eco camp $25, die really like water gone into the sea man.

Ah well gonna go for the Standard charter race later, nid to be there at 2AM for god knows wat i forgot the reason. LOL. Just know that i nid to be there. Ah well, hope can see ppl that i know there.

Thursday, December 3, 2009


Lol i'm like so high from talking to jon. He sibeh funny leh. Still tell me wat next week free. My god, make my day super joke. Next wk got 2 test he tell me free. LOL.

Oh my god today WSH was ggfied man. Lol can only blame myself for not studying. Lol. This week past hectically also. Tues i even got time to go Junhua hse play mahjong sia. Nv die b4. Haha.

Then i tink this wkend will die also, Sat morn go run then go home bathe then work then rest awhile then go AMK AT MIDNIGHT as i volunteer for Standard charter race. Then sun go home nid to study for Noise pollution and monitoring control test on MONDAY. Haha how gg is that?

Ah well sure i can survive one. I can study while working anyway. Take notes put at table stand there read. Woo. Pro right? Haha. Ok lah nth else to write liao. Tata.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Wow i nearly fell aslp in front of my com.

Well like i said when i reached home i was suddenly so tired all of a sudden. Plus i was fixing that crap new fan that my dad bought. Like wth i can't find the screw that the instruction manual said there is. Then while trying to close the front lid of the fan its like so god damn dif? Cause the things are too tight cannot push the metal grill in. But after i took a power nap i was super awake. So i did part of our CWT pract2. So now is left with 3 questions. And the last pract to do. Then liddat lorh.

Oh since i rmb i shall write about this crap shit incident at NTUC last week sunday. When i was about to go home, there was a sudden commotion. Like 2 person shouting at each other, damn heated up argument. Then u see like everyone stunned at first, all looking at them. Then 30 sec later EVERYONE stream to surround them and watch show. So how did it happen? One of the guy supposedly molested the wife of the other person. Like touch her butt or smt. So joke pls. So guys, pls control urself in public unless u wanna get shouted and taken to drink kopi with Mr policeman. But hey, if i get to have free kopi yet i didnt do anything wrong i dun mind going to police station. LOL!

Ah well. End of the year is coming but i dun really look forward to it. Its the end of another year, meaning that my time with my friends now are reduced by another year already. By this time next year, i wonder how my life will be?

Friday, November 27, 2009


So yeah its here already, gonna go Sitex later to buy casing for it. If not its really too slim sia i sure will drop it. Lol.

Y'day was practical day, satha lesson in the morn which i didnt really listen to. Then is break which was spent crapping also. Then is Npmc, wah her tutorials are always so weird. Dun like. Lol. Then practical was easy lah, everyone is like so free. Then all the guys was like gathering at our practical side talking about gyming and etc. At first say go gym with them at CCK one but then didnt go. Sorry guys! Then after this went home lorh.

Then went i reach home i SAW MY NANO BOX! Holy i was really shocked leh. But still damn happy. Lol. Then faster go dl itunes to put songs in lorh. Then was talking to hock. Lol. Ok gonna rush to bathe and meet him liao. At night then i update bah.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

What a beautiful day(Not)

Ah well ppl that saw me today should know why i said this. Not gonna say why am i like this. Just that really if u tink the day is not gd its seriously NOT gd. Thats all i can say.

Also nth to write, nth happen today. Like totally nth. Even when eating also liddat, just eat, finish then go class lorh. As usual the CEEs were noisy until satha changed one of their seats. Machiam pri sch sia. Just chase them out already. Waste time nia.

Oh the 154 i took like got shit smell sia. Wtf scared me for a moment thought i suay MAX step on shit, heng nv. Ah well. Tml is another day.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Finally Jap over(provided i dun fail today test and have to retake)

Well as i said it already finally jap is OVERRRRR!!!! My god the irritating like hell bugger module is over i'm like so HAPPY! Today woke up early as usual go sch for that super early module, in fact i was so tired that now i kip yawning. Power. Tink today i wke up so early at 6 can. Zzzz. Then came sch, went to buy milk to drink. Tink i addicted to tea coffee and milk. Song boh. Then go lesson, like teacher go through abit, then do quiz, then individual oral then do pair work. Hmm tink i did badly for pair work although teacher say can pass. Wonder if i got drag my partner down anot. Dun tink so even though he was saying until abit my fault. Ah well its over whu cares.

Then constance and bf went off first. I had to wait till 12.35 for RS to finish his retest. I was wondering WHY i had to wait for him sia. Lol. Then went to makan place to eat. God i ate so much. And crap i said i was gonna run but i play game till forgot. Shit man. Anyway i asked hock help me buy online the Nano le. Sorry no Itouch for ur to play. Really not worth my $80 more for it. But crap hock tell me its gonna arrive at 30th nov which is next MONDAY! So slow pls. Lol. Hmm no one online to ask got wat thing nid to do. Yawnz.

Sian nid to on show give mother watch, and she can only watch after 8pm which is like so late pls. Haiz no choice. Tink electric bill gonna go SKYHIGH liao. Lol. Kk at least i blogged 2days in an row!

Monday, November 23, 2009


Wah today lesson ended so early sia. Hmm i tink i did a bad thing today in sch. Hope it doesn't get anyone in trouble. Lesson ended at 2pm due to Andrew giving us elearning for this week. Brought the wrong book for Satha lesson damn sian. Nid to copy from someone liao. And i still deciding if i should go gym tml after lesson. Jap test tml. Right now i am still ok with it, not too stressed but come tml i tink i will be damn scared over it.

Today did some things after sch lorh. Went to JP to check some stuff, then i went to gek poh to cut my hair lol i even saw rick's mother sia. Power. Then came home and slacked till like dunno when. Oh and i finally nearly compile finish CWT pract 1, 90% done. 2nd one i asked them to send me this fri, tink the third one will have to be abit more rushed. But hey my members will work one so no problem bah, more like i must look after myself to do MY own work. ^.^ Lol huishi asked me tml wan go MJ then say cancelled. Yawnz boring sia liddat.

Sian now boss they all ask me to instead up $100 just buy a itouch but i dun really like it, i dun like the design i dun play the games and i just tink its not nice. LOL i feeel like an ahpeh looking for things with FM radio. But hey the Nano have ok! Lol. Tink i will stick to my Nano in the end. Shit nid to get it soon to get the accessories on Sitex. Ahhhh!

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Shit i can't decide.

Oh man even though i have ALOT of things to do i am still here wasting my time away trying to decide on something useless. Lol ok not really useless but not that impt. Like whether should i buy a Ipod Nano. Its $228 for 8GB. Like sooooo ex plsss. Most expensive thing i would have bought even in my life i tink. Except for laptop.. Eh wait my laptop also not i pay one i JUST rmb. 0.0.

Today went for afternoon work shift. So boring also, no ppl one. Can fight with sat night sia no ppl. Wait i tink afternoon win night in slack. Lol. Time crawling by siol.

Nabei that stupid bro kip walking in and giving stupid comments. Bugger.

Hmm nth to write leh today. Shall finish here. Lol i kip wondering, as hock says, how long can i hold out to?

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Wat a flood day!

Lol main thing today was the FLOODING at Ngee Ann man. Lol i tink i shared a video on my facebook link showing the waterfall at Makan place. So funny can? Its like the waterfall in a swimming pool except this one is in a canteen and from the ceiling. Plus the drains, like those quite big canals ALSO flood siol. Thats like so crazy man. Heard atrium was flooded till ankle length. Lol heng we went to class like 1 hour b4 and when we reach blk 34 the rain just became heavier. Lucky man cause my umbrella i lent to boss and val then me and constance was walking in the rain. We went to KFC at BTP. I seriously dunno why they wan go there eat luhhhh. I really dun like their food their le. The chicken so hard to bite.

Hmm today actually passed quite fast leh i have no recollection of doing anything substantial sia. Weird. Tml is another sian day with lesson starting earlier due to LLJ having make up lesson. Well her lesson usually quite joke so still ok but then elective is another matter. Boring plss. Haiz. I thinking if i should take tml and go Far east SC to fix my PSP leh. Although will take be quite tiring with laptop and etc but i really wan to have it fixed so that at least if i wan to play it i won't be pissed off. Really that analog stick has caused me so much anguish, its like ur project half way liao get deleted u will damn sad right? Mine is saved data deleted. Thanks to my joke bro why always itchy hand plus the cock up analog stick, it is a perfect formula for saved data to be deleted. How can i even play a game if i know that there is a high chance for it to be deleted? Waste the batt nia. Hm but if tml go there and it RAINS. Then i gg have fun liao. Lol.

Haiz tues the jap i also dunno how did i fare. Wonder wonder. Then i was hearing about the dates for exams and its NOT THAT FAR away. Omg. Most of the modules i studying now i dun really know ANYTHING about the theory. Die. Then still nid to worry about the projs and practs. Really very tiring lah. First time i feel that i am really tired of work.

Plus i dunno wat possessed me to agree to go back to NTUC to work. With so much things now, and working on wkdays... I dunno if i got time to work and go for GV events and still do my HW. Tink GV event i really have to give up going for some or going late.. At least now i dun nid to hear my mother nagging me about going to work. But yet i can't help feeling that i have just went back to b4, when i have to miss things to go for work. Can't help feeling that why is work always cloashing with GV events? When i dun have work there weren't so many things that i wanna go for GV leh. Like once i go back work, got Eco camp and GV chalet and etc. Sometimes i can't help hating my family for bring poor, making me have to go work and missing out my life on poly. Will i be truly be able to enjoy my life after? Next time is a very vague answer which no one can tell. When will u define future as? Do you think that in the future i, no WE will have so much time to meet up and have fun? Everyone had their own life to live and its only NOW when we are right here in the same place with the same goal that we are able to have so much time and fun tgt. Nvm, i tink if i continue on i will be emoish again.

Such a long post and thanks if u manage to read till here.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Monday tired!

Su say must update more so i very gd one listen to her. See su i listen to u so must give us ur readings ok! LoL. I like so materialistic, nid smt from her then listen to her. Haha. Hmm today really early release and i miraculously managed to get on a 154 even though i deliberately miss like 2 buses. Nice one lah. Hmm reach home early also good i can blog!

Then i started work last weekend. Realised that i actually still rmb how to do most of the things, after all i did worked there for 2 years although 1 year is only on wkends. Was on night shift so today really quite tired. Sat was so free that i really damn bored. There's like so many ppl but no one buying fish. Lol. Dun even have housefly for me to catch also. Super nth to do. Then sunday was totally different. Quite a number of ppl buy sia, tiring but at least the time passed quickly, well as quick as it can le lah.

Then after it ended reached home then i realized that i have alot of things haven do like learning for jap, knowing wat are the words and the quiz. Siao liao lah that one. Cmi. Later must drill it into my head. Then somemore at night cannot slp sia despite being so tired, made me damn pissed off lah.

Today was still ok bah, heng the quiz for Npmc got boss and winnie and constance tell me answer. If not sure die also. Her lesson sometimes really off topic sia. No idea wat she wanted to tell us. Be a cheapo? Lol. Then satha lesson was ok, actually i really like his lesson bah, yes its abit boring at times but he teaches well lah. Then Andrew lesson was quite tense cause he had some family problems and abit sensitive so everyone was quite quiet. Hope it isn't that bad bah. Then liddat lorh.

Sian leh why i go run and gym nv decrease in weight one siol! Still the same i tink. Must be eating too much as usual. But really sometimes damn hungry what. Sian. Nvm shall see bah. But when next week work afternoon shift also dunno got time to go gym then go work anot, tink will be too tired lorh. See bah.

Another note. Hope A lvl ppl work hard and get gd results! Must go out after A's ok? But must see when i free HAHA. Tues tues i free! Ot ur go out at night lah then i also can! Lol.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Time passed so fast!

Woah its nearly been 1 week since i last blogged! Lol everynight like not enough time to use sia. But compared to suuuu whu is like EVERYDAY also so busy like CEO liddat i guess i'm so must better off. Well we all must cope with wat we are given bah.

Today, not a gd day i suppose. Only thing was that the 3 of us, winnie constance and me really crapped during class. Waste of time sia. Time to go write in private blog!

Hmm i dunno if tml i should go run and gym with hock siaaaaa provided he going, he not online cannot ask leh. ONLINE PLS!!!! Tml working night shift so i shall try to go. I really dun wan to waste my last 2 week of running and training. See bah, and i nid to confirm the time again, not too sure. Lol.

Haiya this week passed too fast. Nth i can rmb to write down here. Maybe tml will have things to write bah, but then by the time i write it its gonna be Sunday! Lol. Tata.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

So tired!

Woah i didn't update for 5 days. Anyway i personally feel that this week was so BAD for meeeee. Like i said monday i was late for sch and with a bad start the day was also, not totally bad lah but shit enough. Then i tink i had to study for the shit up jap test on tues on mon night. Totally failure at that so went to slp instead. Tues, totally blank day can't rmb wat exactly happened but i know i flunk the test and the writing assessment was quite gone case. I can't learn words in 1 week. SO FUCK I'M GONNA GET C FOR JAPPPPPP!!! Nabei. Wed i can't rmb wat happen leh, i tink i went to JP to check out somethings. Then somethings happened and was quite troubled, then thurs is the interview for the internship AKA attachment. So jing zhang for it, until i woke up early like at 5.30 then cannot slp. Then also when going home i DROPPED MY MP3! The LCD screen cracked but it is still usable lah, cannot see the things nia. BUT I STILL HEART PAIN!!!!!!!! Shit man. Fri was still ok bah i tink, woke up early and went to mac to eat with constance. Haiyo her ah so loud sia. I tink ppl downstairs can hear her. Then night something happen AGAIN!!?!?!? So i had to walk from my hse there to lake side again.

Wat a happening 5 day week. Today sat also not bad, or should i say even more happening. Morn i went to run 1.6 km with hock and his gf. Then went to gym. Then i came back home slack abit then go ah ma hse. There she told me my cousin found a bike ask me wan anot. So i was looking at it, and its NICE like the gear change de mechanism so high tech or maybe i laotu but watever. Then after fixing the seat(in the end i still find it too high but uncle say dun too short) i went for a test run. So i might as well go find huishi since he said wanted find me one, but wth he was at taman jurong mac!? So i cycle from my ah ma hse till there, wah leg pain sia plus damn tiring. Then stay there talk cock with them then do things there. Then i went back ah ma hse to eat dinner. Then i gl go another way back, nearly got lost sia there all industries LOL. Heng i not that suay.

Hmm OH YAH i going back to work! Today NTUC auntie called me and ask me, wait or more of beg me to go back help them with the x'mas order. Cause the Head of the dept was transferred to other place then they can't cope so ask me to go back since i at least got 2 year of experience liao. Then i just rmb now no money so might as well go back, but then i hope GV events dun clash too much if not gg. Must earn money for xmas presents. Haiz.

Dunno why today i just wanna get drunk but no money buy alcohol. Gawd this is crap man.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Wat a bad start.

Morn was terrible. Y'day went for the clean and green singapore, it was absolutely fucked up. People are stuck left right center. Can u imagine 6-7 coaches of people waiting for their coach and trying to squeeze out through a SIDE GATE? Not including those people OUTSIDE trying to GET IN. Fuck this is the perfect concoction for a packed and irritated public, especially with the people are mostly auntie and uncles who can really cut u down like tofu. =.=

Well at least went there got to take photo with denise keller. Quite chio lah actually. Whole day was spent in a blink of an eye. After CGS was over boss yana su stan and i went to vivo. Boss su yana wan shop. Then i went to skypark emo, but weather too sunny lah no dark place emo. In the end went to waste time with the juniors. They seriously damn funny, especially that annabelle. Wtf i look like year 1 and somemore china person???? Change specs pls. Then when all going back yana call me ask me where was i so went find them again. Took 963 with boss yana and stan to BPP then we walk there, bought a mouse at the popular there which i really like. Haha then took 180 home.

Wah then today really damn tired sia, i woke up at 7 but so tired that i lie back down and next thing i know its 7.35. Then i chiong and didn't even bathe =.= Took mrt also but then when i reach clementi bus stop the number of people is like FUCK MAN REALLY FUCK UP. Cb i missed 2 184 and 1 52 and a shuttle bus to NP. Then 154 is only because its a double deck and behind got another one that i manage to get on. Nabei so i was late for the Npmc quiz. Bloody waste of my marks.

Shit i spent so much money today. Tml cannot spend so much liao. Must control myself. Then so today went to JP to look for some stuff but didn't find it so instead bought some other things like pencil lead staple bullets and tape. Kao pencil lead so ex now?

Then now i just finished doing my jap hw, the quiz i have no confidence in it and the writing assignment i totally give up le lah, do wat i can. Haiz. Luck to me pls

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Heck wth?

Y'day jap test fail liao lah, i all dunno how to write 1 word. Damn sian sia. And next week is the writing test wth WTH??? We learn it for TWO god damn lessons and its writing test. This is unbelievable. Think will die again.

Hmm today quite blur sia, i went to sch early like by 1 hour? Lol then was quite surprised to see su already there haha. Then wait for the rest, then went to preety lesson, power i actually didn't fall aslp in her lesson. Then due to me not taking the same lift as boss they all i ended up eating lunch with lyndia they all. Sian mh and wx was talking about the medical checkup like drawing blood so pain and etc but they like very high liddat. Kns. Make me nervous nia. Then was sathan lesson, the cee ppl so noisy lah. No ears to hear that mr sathan is having a hard time talking already meh still so noisy. Inconsiderate ppl. So angry that time. Then preety tutorial was dots, so many things we didn't know. Haiz.

Then after that went to GVrm to stick the base of our sculpture tgt. Its abit slanted but its fixable bah, so not that much prob. Then the rest went off first b4 i left with boss when its time for her jap lesson. Kinda talked about somethings. I realize that i dun like to ask ppl questions, or for help for any matter. Weird tink is i too paiseh to ask or maybe i just dun like to admit that i really dunno how to do somethings. Now thats a problem tha can cause problem.

I always had no time to use at home, play PSP 1 hour, then on com if got play dota usually will play like 3 hours. Then no time to blog or do other things like study. Really nid to cut down on dota. Always lose somemore since i anyhow play one. Or should i say i can't play and win. So today play 1 game nia. We won though. Then didnt continue so thats why have time to blog.

Lol tzehock was saying got girl can intro.... ^.^ Haha matchmaker hock. Kidding kidding nia. Dun tink i am ready to have 1. Shall not say much on this matter. Maybe 1 day bah.

Now i only wan to make sure i dun fail jap which i will if i continue on like this. Shit the moment i tink of jap it makes my blood boil. Nvm.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Sunday loh!

Fast, 1 week has passed, being with everyone for 1 week le. Quite happening this week, with all the printing of notes and etc. 8 more weeks to go, then hols again, not that i'm looking forward to it actually.

The outcome of the day really depends on ur mood sia. Friday was damn fun, with the joke tutorial-intro of leeleejong. She seriously damn joke lah my god. Win liao. But then the elective was ownage. Totally catch no ball pls. Then wanted to install the stupid program but there were so many ppl so gave up on it. Haha. Then after that went to help boss they all with the NEA sculpture. Wah damn sian then i kana green paint on my white shirt, so had to wear my jacket instead and go try wash the shirt first. After that went for the movie screening by NP-CSS but as expected there were only afew ppl nia. Lol. They watched kungfu panda and a series of unfortunate event. I missed kungfu panda and the start of a series of unfortunate event but then i tink the show was really dumb lah. The girl de blusher put so heavy, if not she quite nice looking de leh. Lol.

Then y'day i woke up at 7.30 to go gym with tzehock and his gf. Hmm $1.50 still ok bah. Well i didnt really go there exercise i guess, i only ran like 10mins LOL. Then go train my arms and legs but dun really know which machines to use so try try all. Haha. But still at least today i can feel pain so is got use bah. But $1.50 everytime... Haha go sch one nid orientation mafan leh. Then reach home slp till noon then wake up do jap, then watch 桃花小妹. So long since i give up using com to watch show. Hmm i tink the show is quite slow leh, like so mundane, maybe nid to be later then ciji bah. Shall continue to watch bah, save electricity anyway, using 1 appliance instead of 2.

Anyway, WHO HAVE 蘇打綠 SONGS????? Send me pls i beg u!!!!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Sch is so sian

Ah crap i dunno if i can make for the appointment with tzehock this sat liao boh sia. My illness comes and goes. Unless i stop by thurs and have 1 more day to rest, i doubt i can survive going sia. Hmm sch started 2 days, sian for 2 days. First day 2 assignment which i have no idea how to do. GG then today jap class Hey it was better than i thought. Then ended at 11.45 so took 154 back as usual but this time got winnie and rongsheng tgt cause winnie went to rs hse slack/rest/do watever no idea. Went to withdraw money+buy herbal tea + pack food. Reach home ate and bathe then suddenly feel damn tired. So went to slp, for like 3 hours? Then woke up feeling damn hot so i thought shit sure fever again. So i was right, 37.9 san jyuu - nana . kyuu. Haha must practise more then can rmb. So ate those left over fever medicine, plus cough medicine which is the sea coconut. Its quite effective lah but when i drink it i sneezed causing me to INHALE the mixture which resulted in me spraying the mixture all over the table. Its like spicy one lah then imagine inhaling it, knn i nearly die from the coughing man.

Tml got the wat CGW briefing, well at least i only attend not like su so stress nid to coordinate or smt. Haha. Someone recommend me games to play?

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Sick all around

Everyone is sick sia. Me winnie boss and val. Well at least winnie and val got their bf to give them love and care(quoted from someone go figure it out) I dunno about boss but i'm stuck at home eating panadol and trying to reduce the dust intake into my body, my mother was burning offerings or smt.

Last day of hols, actually wanted to go out to eat pepper lunch at JP with tze hock and MX. Guess we weren't meant to meet each other till sch start bah. I ate maggi mee just now, hmm the chicken abalone quite ok wat, why all dun like to eat. The only thing is that i tink my taste bud is having a riot, anything i eat or drink i also taste it as salty, even when i rinse my mouth the water also taste salty, weird huh.

Wah nabei this shit person walk by go scratch his keys on the wall or smt, making weird noise. I seriously xia dao leh, like those heart skip a beat kind, maybe cause it reminds me of sorority row. Knn itchy hands sia this guy.

Well i tink i might be ok by evening but better dun take any chance by going out. Hope everyone stays healthy!

Saturday, October 17, 2009


Ok back from chalet at pasir ris. Now posting from my grandma hse, haha since my cousin went out so i kop his com to use. Hmm chalet was at pasir ris costa sands, the place where i had my sec3 camp. We booked the 1 storey one which was totally sianed, the toilet is small and the shower head is like bathing with air as said by norman. First day got Boss su yana winnie constance ernest and kelis. Well we met su and yana at the chalet itself. After that we went to the NTUC at E!Hub to buy some of the food for BBQ on the 2nd day then later on norman jon also came. Then at night tim and val came. Then we went to watch midnight movie. At first boss wan to watch cloudy with the chance of meatball but then change to wan watch Darah but the ppl there check the age so constance and val not yet 18 cannot watch. Then finally decided to watch sorority row. Kns its a gore(?) movie lah. Or killing movie nia. I dont't know since i humji and close my eyes since the killing started. So essentially i closed my eye for 80% of the show. Then i forgot wat we did..... I only rmb boss su yana and hui2 went to the toilet at the swimming pool to bathe. Then after awhile i went to sit outside the toilet and wait for them. Gd thing i did since opposite the toilet the apartment had 3 malays guys whu were acting suspiciously. Then val and tim went off also.

Then at 4am in the morn me norman jon and ernest went to eat mac breakfast. Then sat down there and talked cock for quite awhile b4 going back. Then the 4 of us, or rather 3 plus my head lie on the pull out bed below the 2 single beds then played some stupid game where i lost till can tuo ku(lose till no pants) one. Joke. Then liyana had to wake up to go work so i accompany her walk half way there lorh then went back and slp for 2 hours at the bed. Then the girls all woke up and went to eat so i also go lorh, lol i hungry anyway although it had only been the most 4 hours? LOL. Then i forgot lri did we prepare the prawns on the first day or the 2nd day? Anyway after the guys woke up and then went to eat and came back we play taiti and gamble lorh, then after that was blackjack. Kns ernest seriously damn lucky lah, he blackjack like 4 times in like 1 hour? Anyway i dun tink i even got so many blackjack in ONE day lah. KNSKNSKNS. Lol so i was the biggest loser there. Then after that was BBQ, was busy cooking. Then sarah wann doreen tim val weixiong lyndia xianglin and wangshuang came for the BBQ. BBQ nth much to write about lorh. Except that they damn joke when got cockroach. All run sia, then kip asking me to kill it, which part of my face got the words cockroach exterminator? Lol but nvm lah must learn from my mother. Plus its rare that there's smt that they are scared of till ask me do. LOLOL. Then after BBQ all went back home liao lorh, left me boss su val liyana and huihui nia. Winnie was sick so went home while constance her mother wans her to go home. Then at night they siao siao wan to go play sparklers. So walked to somewhere near the beach there to play. Scary sia then got this guy sitting under the tree there so dark only can see his phone light lorh. Scare ppl nia.

Then go back drink beer then i fell aslp, cannot take it lah few hours of slp and with the bed and beer sleepy. Haha. Then wake up, packed and went to white sands eat KFC. Finally went home then.

I still tong till 7plus lorh, then i cmi slp liao, until 12 wake up then drink some soup and play psp till 1.20 am then slp again. HAHA.

Finally sch starting again, didnt buy my books yet gonna wait till sch start then buy sian sure nid wait like toot liddat. Ok lah type this post so long kns tired sia. Gonna post soon again i guess, on some other issues.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Be more money minded pls!

These 2 days i lie on my bed and the first thing that i think of is how much money i spent just y'day alone. Well thats about $200. Considering that i bought a crumpler bag and went to eat sakura. =.= I have no idea why the hell did i go on a spending spree. Well most ppl are damn happy after buying things but for me i only think about how much i spent on it and the more i tink the more sian i become. My first bag that i bought myself and with my own money so i should be more happy but i actually dun feel anything. Maybe cause i spent almost 1 month thinking whether i should buy it anot and i have ample time to reflect how much money i will use just to get this bag.

I suppose i can say i made a promise with myself, that i will not spend so much already. When sch starts i shall not spend so much unnecessary money anymore. No more buying of food just cause i wanna eat smt or eating dessert just cause i feel like it. I guess it can also serve as a way to monitor my food intake? Watever anyway.

Only in this 7 weeks of hols have i realize how much money i have spent. Thought about many things over these 3 days. For the past 2 hols i had been working and with that i am earning money faster than i am spending it so i dun realize how much i spend during the hols. Also because of my work timing i dun have time to go out also so it also serve to cut down on my spendings. But now that i am not working i can clearly see the amount of money i have used and how i spent it, whats more it will only get worst as i start to buy more things and paying for everything myself. There's always the possibility of some unforeseen crisis that will cause my to burn off a load of money? I wonder if thats how poor ppl feel like except they feel it everyday and at a larger scale.

Back in sec sch its still possible to save quite alot but in the end i still spend it all on some useless things but now in poly i can't, gotta have to change this bad habit.

In the future when i will be out there earning my own keep, will i earn enough to support all of us? With a dip is it enough to get a gd enough job? Or do i nid to get a higher deg to get the requirement for me to find a higher pay job? Do i wan to spend the money of going to uni and spending loads of money on it just to get a higher pay? Is it really worth my time? Will i be able to find a gd yet stable job with my dip and work up and eventually reach or surpass the amount i could have earned with a degree? How long will that take and what if there are obstacles lying in wait to make me stumble while climbing?

So many questions, fears, uncertainty but no solutions nor answers or even confidence that i can overcome them. No one can give me the answers anyway, its up to me to carve my own path through and perhaps with luck and a determination that i have not yet found.

Belief is a powerful thing but it is always fogged over by history and time causing strife.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Clique outing!

Wahahahaha i waited 1 day later then blog. Too lazy to write seriously. But well its for future references so no choice. OMG i read from others de blog that our archives will be deleted when it exceed is it???? NOooooooooo. Ok i shall change b4 it reach that level or smt. But its a hassle leh. Hmm see how bah.

Ok so that was y'day, i woke up at 9 since i couldn't slp and watch dora the explorer with my bro. Now that show not restricted to that monkey in boots liao, got liamia(?)(U know those monks from tibet use one?) and then got the wat armadillo also, soon the whole zoo will be there i tell u. Ok then since its raining(started like 10mins after i wake up) i bathe and went out earlier. Abit too early which is shown later when i reach bedok at like 11.25am(meet time 12pm). So i sat down on the stairs and listen mp3 and read my book. Then aboutttt 12 then i saw winnie constance and kelis, followed by boss then su and finally val reached. Huihui met us at bedok interchange and then we went to eat breakfast first. Aiyah hui2 wear high heels and shot up to the tallest person in our clique. HAHAHAH. Then took 40? to Katong SC.

Well the place is actually ok if u really wanna tink about it for the prize we pay. I mean $42 for a large room from 1-7 is quite cheap le. Somemore we 8 ppl so essentially we paid $5.25 each only. I tink sing the most de is Val constance and me bah? Ok i should say ppl that sang little are hui2 boss and winnie. Then during the middle of it they were trying out hui2's high heels. My god made them all like giant liddat pls especially boss. LOL. Then after that boss winnie and hui2 went out for a talk or smt bah? No idea then left us inside. Hahaha left lesser ppl so become abit more siao and sing more enthusiastically. Hehe i shy person ok 7 ppl is too many. Somemore the song i sang at that time is 1 that i really like. WOOTS. Hmm then after that we went to eat katong laksa lorh, go katong how can dun eat the food thats famous there? Then su and val went to eat shaved ice. Ice that are cut into shreds. Then after that go home lorh.

Val did not nid to cross the road to take her bus so we part ways, then boss and su walk towards some far off bus stop while winnie and i went to the bus stop that was opposite the katong SC but 1 stop b4 it. Then winnie's bus 10 came so she went on. I actually quite lost since i forgot which bus can take to mrt. Well so i wasted 1omins watching the bus info board. Finally i manage to realize that i can take bus 12 to lavander station to go home. So while i wait for the bus to come, well the bus passed by as i realize i can take it wat to do, i saw a super funny thing. At first i was staring at the road, then i saw this thing moving at the curb, then i saw that its a rat, not fat but rather long and well fed bah. Then i was staring at it and u know wat it did? It went scampering onto the road and stopped at the middle of the 2 lane road staring at the car. I thought that it was actually dumb enough to run under the wheel but i was sadly disappointed. When the car come then it quickly CHIONG AH back to the safety of the pavement. Then not quite done with its adventure it decided to explore the bus stop or more specifically a lady's legs whu was sitting at the end of the bus stop on the lower seats. So the rat RUN AH past the lady's legs, attracting her attention for about.... 30secs. LOL. That ends the adventure of jerry the rat!

Then ok lorh nth liao. I actually wanted to take picture of it one, sian if i know rats so daring in katong that time rats assignment i go katong find liao. Haha. Oh and mr CHUA MING XUAN coming back sin tml. HAVE A SAFE RETURN!!

Friday, October 2, 2009

Finally again.

Woots i was so damn happy y'day cause one piece was out SO EARLY! Yay but that means longer wait next week, Damn. Lol i tink now boss val su should be on their way to eating popeye? At first is say today whole clique go one but then constance goh pan hui says that she got camp so now we had to cancel it. Lol i dun understand why they love popeye so much sia. Maybe cause i never ate it b4. Haha. Well nowadays is really nolife as huishi said with me staying at home and just... Wasting time away. So as usual my mum starts to nag about WHYYYYY i dun wan to go work. Hmm i actually feel abit guilty about it lah but now, forget it bah. If next hols i ever still have time i will go work, i swear it!

Then last sat went to orchard with peifen ruimin jinyu adeline and lili(dunno how to spell her name) Aiyah then nth lorh, went to watch Fame. Not a bad show though, kind of like watching HSM. Then went to see crumpler but then i see liao like not really that gd leh, hmm but i made up my mind to buy one liao so tink i will in the end. Haha. Hmm boss say wan to go watch cloudy with a chance of meatball. Lol she was like, wahhh if can die under a pile of spagehtti how nice would it be. Damn funny lah.

Then i tink the next time i would go out of my hse would be this sun go celebrate kong weixiong's b'day. So long nv see xianglin they all liao. Hehe i also can do my job. To do smt. Lala.

Somehow i feel that suddenly i wanna go read up on history, those damn old histories like BC XXX things. Must be cause of all those books MX lend me, all about these things, Alexander the Great, King arthur, Ancient wonders, Hidden histories. Its quite fascinating actually. And MX dun bother telling YES its interesting i know already. LOL.

Ok thats all bah, really nth much to write anyway. Hey i just realize now i can finally dun nid to see keyboard to type. YAY but with mistakes lah. Haha

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Safe journey!

Well Mr chua mingxuan left singapore y'day for aussie! Rich ******* LOL. No lah at least i have someone to go there to buy things give me! Yay! Haha me and huishi already psycho him to buy us souveniers from aussie. If he don't.... well i wish him luck. But sian now i so lonely liao 1 less person to crap with, somemore he's usually 24/7 available one, ok except when he slping but i can call him and wake him up. HAHA so evil. Mx is a damn gd friend lah. He will never ps u one unless is some big thing plus he dun get angry usually. Come to think of it i always ps him >.< . The only thing with him is he dun have the courage to tell the person that he like wat he feels. Hope he might catch some blondie there or smt ;)

Ok lah i just realize its being 4 days since i blog so took time to write things, these few days afternoon i on show let my mum watch while i play PSP/watch the show. Then mon i actually went to my ah ma hse and reread alot of comic there. Then y'day my dad suddenly say he wan to make chicken rice. =.= Ok lah it was passable haha. I mean the rice was not fragrant enough cause my mum did not put enough oil in then the sauce for the chicken was not enough so the chicken no taste. Haha i sound like a picky eater. Woops.

Haha tze hock said i was the only person whu go find all my sec sch friends. I dun tink so lorh, ppl like Winnie more than me pls. Haha but then again hers is close friends mine is really like at first i dun really know them that well but since meet up afew times then closer liao. Sec sch were the best time of our life and its saddening if we forget about each other in sec sch. SO HUANG ZHEPENG U NGNT (No Girl No Talk) better find time to come out find us! Lol like he will read my blog liddat.

Being a person is so hard. As the chinese saying goes 做人难. Its hard for us to always understand what others think or feel. Sometimes in the heat of the moment we always do the wrong thing but only realize it afterwards. Control is something we all need but how many of us do have that? Sometimes i realize that i'm being so selfish and unfillial. Whenever my mother wants me to do something i will always say that i'm sian and dun wanna go. That time when me and my bro said we going to my ah ma hse my cousin called and ask if we were going there already and my mum was telling me most likely ahma call my cousin go shengsiong (tzehock ur ex workplace) to carry the ingredients for dinner that night. Ahma is old already and cannot carry heavy stuff. That made me think about what would I do if it was me? Would i have went with my ahma? Or will i give excuses to run off? Why is it that i still stayed in the past thinking that everything is still the same as it is?

Time waits for no one, but to start that first step is the hardest step of all.

Saturday, September 19, 2009


I guess most people will say its not bad le bah... 1A+ 1A 3 B+ with a GPA of 3.7 and accumulative GPA of 3.5 still. But i'm still not happy about it. More like no feeling. Results has no meaning to me. With the hols half gone and me haven done anything more than sit at home or go lib, i tink most things have no meaning to me le. I mean yes this hols met up with alot of ppl that i haven seen for a LONG time. But still most of the things that i'm doing is just for the sake of doing. If u ask me what will i be doing like next sem i won't even know. Suddenly i just feel that i have my head in the clouds for too long, blind to all the things around me.

Then y'day at night i was actually quite pissed off. Just because i didn't move my ass and walk to JP to buy Mac but instead i called for delivery my mum kp till i spend like $50 liddat. Yes its $3 more but its just this 1 time right. The weather was cold, makes me feel even more lazy, even if i walk to jp mac i dun wan to eat there alone and if i take away i still have to eat the things cold so might as well ask them deliver. She kips saying she scrimp and save till siao but here i am wasting money like nobody's business. Ok lorh then i go eat maggi mee for the rest of the hols lah, the maggi brand one 5 pac 1plus or smt. SAVE ENOUGH ANOT.

Can't really help to reflect on how the hell i survive in the past in sec sch especially sec1. Back in sec1 i spend an average of $3 on food A WEEK. I wonder how i live my life back then. Compared to now, well theres no such cheap food already but still i go for the cheapest but most filling food. But i also spend much more on random stuff. Things that i wan to buy, things i have to buy... Have i really changed into a person who spend money unnecessary? I dun tink so but everyday i kip hearing to save save save SAVE THE GOD DAMNED MONEY.

This sucks just go die and eat potato everyday.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Tml is results!

I must say i tink my last 2 days was quite fun. Although tues i stayed at home and did nth but then wed i went to Lakeshore there and see huishi siqi and guowei study there. I must defend myself first in that i did not disturb them hor! I was quietly reading my book. Is huishi and siqi themself slack. Huishi always like to make ppl guess songs with his ipod. I tink at least they got study abit bah... Hope they did, A's leh so impt. Oh yeah read in the news that some DJ found hawksbill turtle hatchling on East coast park. 26 of them in total but 5 was killed by cyclists/other causes. What really tick me off was that all the supposedly turtle conservationist groups all give nonchalant replys to the DJ when he called to ask for help. They didn't even tell him to call the police which IS what ur suppose to do, its a standard protocol which i just discovered also. In the end its passerbys and Teresa from Cicada Tree(surprise surprise!) whu made the effort to return these turtle hatchlings to sea. Extra info i learned is that ALL marine turtles are endangered and hawksbill turtle are CRITICALLY endangered. So to ppl that like to eat turtle eggs, i would suggest switching back to chicken eggs.

Hmm then today i went to Kbox at clementi with huishi siqi and mx. My first time at a Kbox leh. Hehe. Quite fun lah actually. Hehe i didn't really choose that many songs to sing mostly i sing along with the songs that they chose. Lol. Bloody hell New divide is seriously dif to sing. Lol. We all sing until abit lose voice. Hmm there goes another week.

Tml is results day, omggg abit scared ah. I just realize that our I&E is actually quite half done in that we didnt get the photos from the cicade ppl(at least i didn't) and so is the video from tim group missing. Lol if i fail cause of this i tink i will go berserk or smt.

Haiz i really cannot comprehend my dumb brother. If we ask him to take like 4 things, he will take 1 thing at a time and walk 4 times instead of taking all tgt. Note the things are all paper that CAN be taken at the same time. Lol. Haiz dunno to laugh or cry. =.=

Feel like talking to some ppl that i long time nv talk to. Should i? Haha.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Too free.

Now that i'm staying at home everyday, i'm so free that i have time to blog almost everyday. Well also because today all the people that i talk to all MIA. Valerie go msia liao, MX got poly outing, tzehock also go msia, then the rest all dunno go where. Haiz. I realize that my left eye's vision is getting worst. I mean i can see but its.... Not in coordination with my right eye. Hmm can't really express wat i wanna say.

Suddenly miss those days in choir when we are taking the coach to someplace. All the tenors guys sure will sing song one. Derrick wensong stanley me huishi perry haocheng. Back then i still rmb we will be idiotic and sing those ssongs with high notes and then screech our way till we reach the note. LOL. But those were the most fun time that i had. Somemore the other section that will be sharing the coach with us will always kana our ownage singing. Lol. Aiyah that time go pei XL and lyndia buy their things then me huishi and mx were singing and made me think of choir. Despite the rude comments, hard practise and long timing, i really loved my time in choir. We were really a big family with different lives but the same passion. Sec1 was a stressful year with all the solo practises and wat-have-u-nots, sec2 was tough but rewarding with the SYF, sec3 was stressfree with only the SLs having to fret(>.<) while sec4 was another tough year and also a painful year with the SYF again. Too bad we didn't rreally have a section group picture nor a huge choir picture. At least not 1 where we have a clear enough pic.

Thinking whether should i spend time in the lib, in the way that i go lib and use the electricity there instead of at home. But then i dun wanna use com so much leh. =.= I dunno wat to do.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Oh man. Here we go again.

Wooo my mum complaining to my auntie again!! As usual on my grandma! But still since i kip hearing my mother's side of the story makes me sian. Hmm i tink new info i hear is that my grandma, too money minded. She treats her son and daughters differently. My youngest auntie, gave $50 for new year, and my grandma kpkb behind my auntie's back saying she has a salary of 3000-4000 why give so little. Then my uncle gave also $50 but she says aiyah he got give already very gd liao saying his salary was cut. BUT the thing is he still has a salary of $3000plus and that is AFTER he had a pay cut. Did i mention he didn't tell my grandma when he had a pay rise and only told her after he had a pay cut. =.= Ahh Every new year confirm got new things to say. My dad didn't get bonus for 2-3 years liao, then still nid to bao ang pow. Still my grandma feels that the money we give her is too little. My Ahma, when my dad wanted to give her the new year money, she REFUSE to take it, saying that she knows that pa didn't have bonus and my auntie(father side) had abit of bonus so its ok. SO much difference.

Sometimes i feel like just go there in front of everyone and tell them that if u dun like wat we do just spit it out. U tink we rich then go fuck urself cause we are not AT ALL. Our hse just looks new, the supposely new things are usually things that other ppl dun wan/given and so wat if i have abit of money in my bank i have to use it to pay for my transport food and notes. For the next 3 months i tink. So go away man dun say the word rich in front of me. Sometimes i forget myself and kip saying misleading stuff like i scared ah like i cannot buy myself but since when have i really went and buy it?

Somethings are just meant as a joke. Tink i will stop being so GL anymore, and just kip quiet when things are said. After all when things are all said and done no one knows what we all have to go through just to do it. Ppl getting stressed up due to sudden activity, ppl getting harrassed by idiotic guy whus brainless and weird, ppl having problems in maintaining the relationship. It might all appear fine on the surface but underneath how much fear is there? Of when or where will all things break apart? I can only wish for my friends that they can find the solution to their problems.

God's luck.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Late post

Haha late for 2 days. Suppose to write what i did on wednesday. But then i was out y'day and today too so only now then have time. Ok shall start on wed first. Soooo was suppose to meet at bugis at 1pm. Buuutttt some ppl were late and i was super early, like 12.35 i reach already? Then i found a seat at bugis junction and read Today. Then finally like mos tof us reach, like su boss me constance and constance bf kelis. Then we went to bugis junction walk walk until winnie reach. Then is liyana reach i tink. Then went to bugis walk, until they finally drag me to the line of shops that sells guy clothes. Didn't even realize that there's a place like that in bugis. Then they got me a set of bemudas and shirt. Then after that i tink is val reach, or was it hui2? Can't really rmb. Then after that hui2 and yana +winnie chose another shirt. Then we went to long john eat dinner, but su yana hui2 went to got me another shirt since they still had some time b4 can break fast. So i got 3 shirts and 1 bemudas in 1 day. Then also went to cottonon to get a pair of havaianas look alike. Lol only on that day do i know wats havaianas. =.= Then continue walking, oh then constance and kelis went off while winnie bf came. Then after yana bf came we all went home. I tink is a super cut short version lah. My memory failing me liao lah.

Then thurs i went back to sch to help su boss with their ecolantern. Wah kao so many things to do lah. Didn't really do much in the afternoon though since i totally fail at tying raffia string. But in the end i helped in mending the breaking apart fish. My god its such a dif job lah kns. The glue is hot and the scales are SHARP. Cut me so many times. I shall quote the teacher " Hope that we can win the first prize ah!" LOL.

Then today i went to the Comex at suntec with Xianglin lyndia mingxuan and huishi. 2 NP friends 2 CSS friends. Then go there we saw so many ppl lah. We saw SHUZHEN 2 times, once at JE mrt then at the comex. Then got see calvin from CSS. Then at the Comex saw weixiong and weizhi and the cherlyn or cheryl from EWT. Such a small world. Bought my Router at 49 doolar. Then i also bought a laptop cooler at $6. Like the promoter said, "Unbelievable price! MOONCAKE of Comex, Usual price of 28 now to 6." Imagine the words with the slur of indian words = a good laugh for the day.

But then to wear those new shirts and bemudas tink i nid to at least slim down abit. Sux. Oh yeah since already buy so many things le might as well buy my crumpler since i tink my present bag is weird with the new clothes. =.= I tink although the clothes are free i nid to spend more to fit it into my daily life.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

The emptiness just won't go off

My god i was out everyday since friday. Sunday went to JP to find jolynn cs and huishi. No one told mx and he went to plaza sing and had to take mrt back. So saddd mx. Then also didn't do much, went to pepper lunch eat then we talked crap there. Then came to my hse and they played cards. So stupid right. LOL.

Then y'day jolynn very randomly said that she wanted to eat botak jones so we went to the bb branch and ate. Then after that we went to find ngee kiang. Lol we like go prevent ppl from studying lorh. Then all listening to that huishi talk so much. His life too much crap like him. LOL Sch got joker principal and class, hse got joke dog and sister. But then again i tink managing to meet long 'lost' friends is nice. Haha. Ok i shall write out whu i wanna see after the jc ppl finish their a's. Plus those poly ppl. Let me find my year book first. Go by the order from the back.....

Ok from 4/5, Pamela, zhepeng, yingsheng, gail. I tink marcus and others i will see them soon again so doesn't matter. LOL.

From 4/4, ok i saw xinyi huiyi like last fri, then michelle, peifen, ok actually i want to see EVERYONE FROM 4/4!!! Pls have a meetup after A's?

From 4/3, all the idiots that i always play cards with, those from 2/3 ppl. Yaihui, arthas, Guangjie! Ok other than that i saw most of them on teacher's day. >.<

4/2 hor, AL THE CHOIR PEEPS!!! DERRICK NG ZI GEN! Lol he mugging now liao so hard to see him. Perry also, mugger duos. Lol. Ok since 4/1 i only know like few ppl i shall skip it.

Aiyah so mafan, to sum it up, Anyone that was in 2/3 '05, 44 '07 or in choir = i wanna meet up!!

Saturday, September 5, 2009

150th post! Yay.

Ok lah i see that the last post was on tues felt abit guilty so i shall blog. Hmm this week busy sia.. Y'day went to plaze sing to watch Final destination 4 with xinyi huiyi zhibing and MX. It was MX's b'day mah so i had to PS tze hock and go celebrate. Haha thats just my coincidental excuse yay. But then was ok lah, i mean first time watch final destination movie, and i dun like it. Gore and horrow shows are not for me. I'm too humji to watch this kind of shows. No thank you dun ask me go watch these kind of shows anymore!

Then today was having the CSS-NP bbq. Well i still can't start a fire. In fact i actually caused the fire to die like twice. =.=. Pro sia. And all of us like 1 week nv eat liddat, once the chef(the person bbqing) say i tink is ok, ALL chiong and take liao. All the forks are in our hands and ready to go one. LOL. Especially the prawns. First time went and saw the loft(from the outside). Nvm one day i swear i will get to go in one and see how it is. Haha.

Tml going plaze sing again. Ah well travelling fee is quite high already. Oh yeah i'm gonna go for the comex(?)/IT show? to buy a router since my bro getting his cheapo desktop which cost 292. Maybe i should take this chance to see got any nice desktop anot i can also consider. Dun wanna rely on this laptop for games if not soon it will turn turtle and give up on me.

Hmm tink i neglect my wordpress too much.

P/S. When stuck, rmb my sec sch.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Hmm guess no one noticed i was mia for 3 days. =.= Ah well i was working at the National Association of Travel Agency at the expo on fri to sun. Lol it was a slack yet tiring job lah. I mean its just directing of customers to empty counters but then we have to stand lorh. Although all the other runners from other dept all take chair and sit but we good pt workers didnt ok. But standing for 13 hours for the first time i complain understandable right..... I swear the 2nd i didnt complain liao, ok maybe like once wah leg pain.... But thats all. That lyndia still suan me say wah lao eh u guy leh like that also leg pain. In the end 3rd day she also say she leg pain, she only went on the 2nd day so her 2nd day was our 3rd day. See lah, retribution. Lol. But actually really get to see alot of ppl lorh. Fun lah if u really wan to think about it. But crap fri got jolin go didn't get to see. She went to the asia side while i was at the longhaul/european usa side. Nooooo. Btw i was at chan brothers booth. Quite an eye opener.

Then was chatting with lyndia and xianglin about some things. We as a person should really try not to judge a person by their bad points only. Like dun keep harping on the bad points of a person. I sure as hell wont wan ppl to rmb me as the idiot who have typhoon like emotions that changes every 5 mins. I mean especially if you are good friends then we should even more dun do this kind of things. Heard about some issues from other people's point of view, made me realize that my thinking was quite 1 sided and abit unfair actually. I'm not saying we should be optimistic to the point that we pointedly ignore someone's bad points. Well i can only say i will try to control my feelings more. Help me if u can ok? I shall apologize first in case i offend anyone when they try to help me. SORRY. Lool.

Then y'day went back to CSS for teachers day. In the end only 4/3 ppl all go back to sch. Only got me and mx as representative for 4/4 and 4/5. Lol but in the end i also got talk to anba and etc. We even went to west coast plaze to chat. I sit beside her somemore, the student that she didn't taught. LOL. But got to see all the ppl that long time nv see. Ppl like shunjie, congshi, xinghao, guowei, shazni, hongming and cibin. Then the girls were alicia, xinyue, jinyee, siqi, shiping, huiwen, shuzhen and serene. Dunno if got left out anyone anot. I always see huishi and mx so dun nid to include them. Then after that went to siqi hse watch huishi mx xinghao congshi and siqi play mahjong with XH and HS splitting. I was the accountant lah, knn the accountancy person playing while engineering student do the accounts. Lol but i enjoyed myself y'day in that we had so much joke lah, that jinyee and guowei duo so funny. Win lorh.

Well i hear that there's a alumni bbq for my sch so might be off again on fri and sat. Lol. I'm hunting for songs nowadays. Any one got nice songs wanna recommend me?

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Family issues.

My gosh my mum now complaining to my auntie about my grandma again. =.= Well since i only hearing her side of the story can't really say that my grandma in the wrong. Since i'm so free i shall type out wat mum's saying. LOL. First she was saying how my grandma always want my mum to give her money every month even thought she knows that our family is not that financially stable. Then also she was saying that my youngest auntie although earns 3000+ but only give her 100 each month. My mum is more irritated with the fact that my grandma treats her daughter-in-law better than her own daughters. Lol. Ok new update, my grandma asks for the vegetable money from my grandpa, like those $1plus or smt one. LOL. My god i never gets tired from listening to this. Then now mother saying, which of my aunties got into my grandma's "blacklist". Usually is those that dun give her much money. Well i suppose since they are old ppl they think more in the line closest kins are those with the same surname. Oh now she switch to saying my uncle always saying no money. And how he kept quiet when he got a pay rise. He only told my grandma that he had a rise in the past AFTER his pay was cut again after the economic setback. If i'm not wrong i tink he's a manager now, quite high siol.

Wah damn sian lah today. Feel so..... Went to JP again and after considering sometime(while walking in circles) went to NTUC finest to buy cup noodles and those maki sushi for lunch. Just thinking about it makes me feel pathetic, i celebrate end of exams with cup noodles. =.= Can't really be that picky since some ppl still have advanced maths tml. Good luck ppl! Tml gonna go Expo work. See anyone free and feeling rich anot can go find me. Lol.

Oh yah heard from radio that a gambling group was caught gambling in a chalet, 74 ppl in total. My god so owned can. Total bad business for the chalet in future. Haha. Hmm... OH i heard from my mother on wed saying that... I will get married at 25. O.o? She say that time when i was having that temple thingy during sec2 the temple medium say one. Plus wats more my bro even more pro, will have 2 wife, like divorce and marry again or smt. Holy. No money how to get married sia. Ok althought will have no wedding dinner which is 1 thing saved, still lah at 25 i still haven enjoy life enough to settle down pls. LOL. Shall see if its true, if by then i still have this blog. HAHAHA.

Nth else to write liao. I tink when i finish work then might have happenings can write. Wait for it.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Official PMS day!

I tink everyone just has this down feeling today bah. Ok lah maybe not all. At least i know that Su and val and me feels that way. Cheer up su i'm sure you'll be fine for the aqmc test. The test was just liddat lorh, no comments. Just that i'm not one that studies, but yet no one free to go around with me. Haiz. All with their bf *ahem* *ahem*. Ok lah shall not be an ass and say them. So in the end i walked around JP for 1.5hours. Didn't realize the kopitiam was closed for upgrading. Sucks to the core. But then saw NTUC auntie while walking and got to know that some of the ppl working there was transferred to hougang while the part time girl is quitting at the end of this month.

Was reading someone's blog. I felt really sad after reading it. I dun even know wat i can say to help her. I can only hope that she will one day be released from all these shackles and be truly free.

Anyway i saw tze hock on tv just now. YEAH I SAW U AND MELISSA. But then its quite dark can only make out the outline of the 2 of you. Lol. But i tink the singapore version of know the lyrics still have alot of room for improvement.

Actually i have alot of things to say but now, i just feel that not writing it out would be better.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Maths paper was death to all.

Today's maths paper was gone case liao lah. 1,2,3 sold.... as toilet paper. Totally useless, =.= i have like 20marks gone or smt. Some is due to careless some is no idea how got another one is because i cancelled the working and was about to write a new way of working when time's up. Total joke, but strangely i was calm even though i have half a question unanswered. Guess it was that bad. Lol.

Had a bit of studying for Air Pollution Monitoring & Control. Quite a few things not sure but right now i have no idea who to ask and how to ask. Tml the paper is in the morn anyway so shall die again.

Sometimes i wonder why i'm always so picky over the small things. Just cause of a small incident makes me unhappy over it. Everyone is studying for the exams but here i am slacking my arms off. I should wake up and remind myself that everyone has their own freedom to do what they want. Seeing some ppl makes me wonder why can't we be like them, maybe cause fundamentally we weren't all on the same level? I'm just being thinking too much again i suppose.

Well i dun expect anyone to understand wat i just wrote on top since i deliberately wrote it in a overall picture but for ppl that THINK they know, well just dun anyhow jump to conclusion and ask me if wat u think is correct anot. Lol. Its just a post for me to remind myself again what i should not be expecting.

A person has to have a strong belief and willpower in order to go far and go strong. Can't really say that i have this determination for my own life. Seeing other people working so hard just for their own beliefs makes one feel happy for them when they succeed and to really want to give them our support.

Y'day fell aslp on the floor again and woke up with a worst headache. But b4 i went to Zzzland thought about where all of us will end up in. I tink its because of that NP mag that i saw y'day. We all have to go to work eventually and that will be the main focus of our lives for the next 20years? Even if we want to meet up how possible will it be. Everytime we change our environment old friends leave and new ones, maybe not friends but people enter. Then as time went by old friends are lost and new ties are just not the same. Then you will really be cast adrift. If ever that kind of time comes, what can a person do then? Continue on by themselves or try to search for that which has been lost?

Nvm its been so long since i have so much crap to talk about. Guess today is just my day. Dun have the not.

Thursday, August 20, 2009


Ok lah although i dun like study 24/7 or even everyday but at least i try to study as much as i can. Lol Went back to NP this 2 days just to listen to preety. Wahaha Aqmc sure pass(only theory). Today also go listen on wrt so quite fruitful. But seriously i dunno wat to write here in this blog le. Totally nth to write here can. Ok Today i realize (again) that gossiping is seriously a fun but dangerous thing. Must control myself. Haiz.

Oh yeah, COMMONWEALTH PPL who free in holidays lets go back to the coffee shop behind CSS go eat wonton mee or fried rice!!!! Lol i suddenly want to go there eat, treat it as a memory walk to remember our night study days!

Ok Another short one. Lol. Lets pray that exams wont be too hard. Amen

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Happy birthday to myself! Lol

Thanks to all that celebrated my birthday or wished me happy birthday! Today got to eat 2 cakes, one from mx and tze hock another one from boss they all. Despite the fact that today was such a bad day with the gg-fied EBT test being a killer + raper ++. The fact that so many people came to sing me the birthday song was really a surprise lah. First time in my life so many people came to celebrate my birthday. Usually the most was 5 ppl i tink.

Anyway after getting the birthday card(its actually a piece of paper) but it has almost everyone's comments on it so nvm. I went to JP to laminate it already! Haha. I went to crystal jade with mx and tze hock to have dinner. Then we went to JP NTUC finest to sit there. LOL we sat there for like 30mins or more. Then we go walk again. Then finally we all went home. Lol. So short. I tink now i getting more and more lazy to write long post. Haha.

Again. Thanks to all!!!! Love all of you people!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Tiring day

Today done so many things. First in the morning i went to cut my hair, then i went to find mingheng and xianglin to give them tutorial papers to photocopy, then we go to jp just to give 1 copy to weixiong and for them to eat lunch, then we go lib to study although only study abit. Then when i finally reach home, huishi sms me ask me go find him to emo. Zzz but since he ask me is serious liao so i go. Then we walk from JP lib to the safra garden there then to lakeside mrt then to the mac near JJC. We went to the mac is to find guowei lah then after that talked alot of crap then finally came home. Lol.

These few days kip thinking about the upcoming GG-fied test. I mean i got study lah at least but i damn scared when the time comes i will forget all or can't rmb the impt things. Oh well the most no AD nia. Lol.

Too sian and nth to talk about so short post lah.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Finally an update!

Well last update was last friday! Lol. This week quite a number of things to do and upcoming also have test incoming so not gonna update so much. Besides the things that i really wanna write about is not suitable for posting here. Lol. I tink for the whole week time was really fast. I have no recollections of what i did actually leh.

BUT I RMB ONE THING!!!!!!!!!! I&E IS FRIGGING OVER!!!!!!!! My god that irritating and pisseedd module is finally goddamn over. We presented to a group of adults at the singapore botanical gardens.

Then Ebt presentation was a success i suppose. Lol we were the first to go and mariam was like Yay short and sweet i like! LOL. Damn funny lah.

I dun feel like writing here le leh. I wan to write in my private one. Lol. Then today! I finally drag myself to go joggggg. Feel like i going to die soon. Too old liao. NS maybe i will be one of those suddenly drop death kind. Lol touch wood.

Tml is going to bukit batok to do some event. Hope it will be fun! Ok i sian liao shall stop here.

Friday, July 31, 2009

LIfe so far

Since constance kip nagging me why never update, i shall do an update today. Haiya i wan to do my AQMC part leh but i dunno sia. No one online to askkkkk. Come on ppl come online plsssss!!! Nvm i shall go do EBT in the meantime. Sunday will be my I&E, excited to get it over, afraid some cockup might happen. Oh well we shall build the bridge only when we reach the river. Lol i'm having more and more lame sayings nowadays. Today was saying someone with friends like ants like that, so many. Haha. Random right. Then giving animals to represent some ppl, namely mountain/wild pig and hippopotamus!

Nothing interesting to write about leh. No inspiration. Life is too bland nowadays. OH I RMB LIAO! I got write a draft in my phone about this wedding i saw during winnie and yana's I&E! I go find.

Ok here it is! Well i really think about this event lah. Like how it is a decision for a lifetime and how happy it is to see someone getting married. I tink until now i took part in like.... I have like 5 auntie and 1 uncle married, out of which only 1 i didn't attend as i wasn't born then. The rest i was there although i got totally no recollection. Only the 2 most recent ones i rmb, my youngest auntie whu got married last last year and my uncle whu got married last year. Haha i rmb clearly since i was the one whu open the car door for the grooms. Earm hongbao u know! LOL. It really is a big event where 2 families come tgt. Despite having to learn to tolerate and understand each other more than ever after being married but the joy must overshadowed it. Ok random post.

Although its early yet but i wish for everyone that i know to have a happy marriage! But for that to happen must find a good GF/BF first! Lol.

Monday, July 27, 2009

My things to do for the next few weeks.

Gonna copy the things from su's blog, easier.

#01 - EBT Presentation on 6 August! So slides must be done soon!
#02 - EBT second test on 13 August!
#03 - AQMC lab report due on 7 August.
#04 - 2 upcoming AQMC quiz online.
#05 - Maths CCT!!! I got no idea when is it.
#06 - 2 maths online quiz?
#07 - Chiong finish I&E!
#08 - WRT Newater Assignment. (OVER)
#09 - WRT WRP report!
#10 - RMT Site Visit!
#12 - Recycling project/ Gv stuff
#13 - Plus RE test on 12 Aug.

Must kips seeing it then will rmb.

Saturday, July 25, 2009


Lol was chatting with huishi till 12midnight on friday. After some incident we realized that both of us are VERY similar, be it in our character(we both emo and think too much) or in the things that we went through. Not that i'm trying to harp on it but i suppose something good came out of that incident bah. At least now i have another good friend to crap with now. Haha.Shit leh i tink my RMT will be totally flunked since i totally dun understand what my teacher is saying in her lecture. Somemore winnie and constance pon and left me with ruixin and tim niaaaa. So saddd.

Ok then today i went to hindehde to help in a guided tour for people from the National museum of singapore. Well as usual i reached super early. Like 8.50 when we suppose to meet at 9.30. Lol.In the office got an unexpected finding, a preserved sample of a pangolin! Just nice i can use for my I&E. It was quite fun actually, seeing all the adults like oohhh and ahhhh at the trees and plants. Lol.

Ok heard about somethings. Wtf people gonna come snatch room from us. HALF for like duno 50+++ ppl?Its like so lameee.

Then, aiyah, whu ask u so kaypo read siaaa. Then so emo. But its in the past le so dun mind it so much ok? Now he's with you and if he ever bullies you or dun treat u that well tell us we will confirm deal with him. Dun nid to cry over this okkk (dun deny that its not part of the reason why u cry) Just be more like yana, siao siao abit then everything will be fine.

Ok i tink today post considered positive. Yay!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Nth happy to write about anyway

Ah well, its just me being too kaypo and in the end make myself unhappy nia. Stupid weilei. Stop being so kaypo will you? Nah not that possible. Maybe i should be abit more evil and not tell so much things to ppl that ask. Just some random thought.

Today wed, i totally did nth in sch, not even listening in class. These few days can't concentrate in class sia. Totally. Is either i do my own thing or i slp. And the temp in the class nearly always so hotttt. Ok lah some ppl cold leh but i dun feel ANY coldness at all. Hope they will heat up and change the temp colder in future. Stayed back in sch, finished rereading HP and the order of phoenix.While tim and val was playing plants vs zombies, ok tim and ernest played the most. Actually wanted to do some work but in the end still slacked. I have no idea by when is the nearest thing we have to submit. Gonna die soon. Talked to tim about some stuff. All i can say is, when u make up your mind, must tell ok? Will be happy for you.

Ok lah got happy stuff but is y'day happen one. Decided to skip RE lessons to go to the Newater plant. We took MRT to tanah merah station where we met up with huihui. I swear we were the most noisiest bunch in the mrt man. Then went there see see look look. Took some pictures, of course i siam as usual, but it was quite fun bah... I guess? Then i went with yana and boss and winnie, can't rmb the bus number but i rmb that we got off at suntec. Then we walked to the busstop at suntec convention centre to take 700A. While waiting for the super long bus as we missed one, we chatted about quite some stuff lah. Then we took the bus to bukit panjang interchange. I went there to get HP and order of the phoenix from MX. Thanks MX!!!! Somemore i saw jocelyn there sia! So qiao! Then finally reached home at like 9.30. So late.

Nowadys, i see so many things happening. I really don't know what i want and what i hope to have le. Feeling so crap now, not knowing why i'm like this. Why can't life stay simple as it always is? Why do people have such a sophisticated brain that it thinks so much? Brain, should just break down, let me be a vegetable at least i won't feel anything that way. No feeling, no pain and no sadness.

Feel like recycled sludge, stinky and avoided.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


This post was put off for like dunno how many days man, first is because i busy watching harry potter during the weekends, then is y'day where the screen looks abit weird, finally now it looks normal so shall faster blog all that i want. So its gonna be a super longgggg post. But i tink i forgot half of wat i wanna write le.

Ok first is Sat continued. Kns do i have a very charitable face or smt? Why is it that people like to ask me to donate or smt? First is after eating at vivo this person ask me to donate, like $10. At that time i abit emoooo then i just give lorh. Its for a gd cause. Then after that, when i going home from the NDP practise along the citylink this uncle was like asking me if i got change can give him cause he lost his money. Then i just give him $1.30 in coins since i quite pissed and tired, can't think properly. I must have the very easily bullied face when i'm not happy or smt.

Then yeah i was at NDP practise there, not to see but to be a rubbush collector. We were collecting the plastic bottles from those big garbage bag lah. Some of the bottles were like half full. This shows how wasteful ppl are, we even found some bottles that are FULL. Then we use tongs to pick up those bottles from the bins and collect it. My seniors using those bottles to do a sculpture or smt. Interesting right? Haha. At least i got to taste wat my army food will taste like.

Then is sun. Sunday is my own I&E nid to settle. My group and timothy's group went to jacob ballas children's garden to observe a MAD lesson by cicada tree and also to show the ppl from cicada tree our project up till so far, well actually my group only discuss with them only. Tim's group then is present. But the place is quite nice, its just in front of the NUS bukit timah campus. Received very positive feedback so now nid to do minor changes to it then can liao.

Y'day was SUPER boring. I bring my laptop also boring sia. Nth to do, like RE 2 hours like free time liddat, his lesson no use one. Then EBT is like no notes, then i cannot focus. So slack instead. Then AQMC practical is playing of plant vs zombies. Then the lesson everyone like all slping sia. So funny. One thing i not very happy about during AQMC lesson. Wah u damn fast hor? So fast siam into the row and sit down. Just because i dun say anything, nvm i play with you see whu will win in the end. Fun.

Wahahaha facebook quiz say i shy! Yay! And not only me, huishi and mingxuan also! So we shall form the SHY ppl association! Somemore we have similar experiences! All in the same boat sioll! But then huishi tink the name too cool, he not suitable for it so he want to split from us to form the GAY ppl club! So he decided to form another faction!

Today is 2 of my friends de b'day! Lol Pamala and Wenyi, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! 2 chio bu b'day ok! Hahah. Hmm now that liyana mentioned, Aiyah u no nid to be sorry lah. Out of your control and i already expected it. Nth to do about it. Haha! So no nid for the apology ok? Haha! If really wan then buy me a BIGGER b'day present! LOL!

Now this is another record post! Lol. Tml might skip RE to go Newater plant. If Blogger cooperates i will post again tml! Wait for it yeah? Haha.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Tears shed for someone else are the most precious

Ok i know this post is late for 2 days but still. I don't want to act that i'm really sad over huihui leaving. I admit that i am not that close to her and although yes i am still abit sad, compared to most of you mine would seem mild so.... Think of it another way, at least now she has some breathing space, at least now she can dun nid to travel so far just to come to school. She will have more time for herself and most of all, she will not feel so stressed up with all the birdface in XXXX XXX. I can only hope that in the poly that she going to she won't have so many bird face and will find friends that care for her as much as all of you. Tang Hui Hui, like i said b4, live your life the way u want it and never regret. Look forward but never forget that behind you there will always be people looking after for you, even if those closest to you doesn't.

Today was really busy day for me. Morn woke up early to go to Hortpark to help winnie and liyana de I&E event. Reached there quite early lah. Then waited for awhile then liyana came and told us about our station. Mine was quite easy, u just nid to memorize tips for saving energy and then look for the question which i pasted then answer 7 correctly. There were 5 groups and 5 stations. The whole thing was quite fast bah, 1,5 hour nia i tink, somewhere there. Then in the end mingheng group won, lol. Then after that went to vivo with winnie rongsheng liyana and hamid. Knn i like super light bulb sia, 2 couple then i 1 person. Went to eat at pastamania, then went to sky park to slp. Then went to city hall find lihui to go NDP preview to do saikang work. Picking of bottles from rubbish bin. Then reach home lorh.

Ok great Harry potter starting, continue tml after i go do my CMI I&E. Hope it don't cock up lah. Today i already quite pissed off and if tml still cock up i tink i just might chuck I&E back at him and fail it. Gotta run!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Apologies and reflections

First off, for people that was angry over my edited post y'day, I'm sorry. I was being too extreme in saying that NO ONE can be trusted. I'm being angry at things people do which i myself also do. Its not fair to all of you. I'm sorry, forgive me?

I feel that i am stupid, not realizing that some things just shouldn't be told to people that are related to it. I know that all you people are trying to help me and i appreciate it. I just didn't want to understand it, to face up to it.

What's over is over, i shouldn't blame others for their actions since i don't want them to blame me for mine. I just hope that we all remains on good terms. Its part of growing up i guess. I should keep my big mouth shut when people say things that they like.

I should look only at what i have and not at what i do not have. Its said that boys need to undergo pain before they will grow, we shall see shall we?

Once again, I'm Sorry people.

I only hope that they will be happy together

Monday, July 13, 2009

Great Monday, i love it. ( edited )

Best monday ever. When i go to school, i stupidly got on the bus 189, even though i was supposed to take bus 184. Where 184 is supposed to turn left, it turns right. Lucky i still noticed in time and got off right away so still manage to walk to the 184 bus stop.

Then go KFC eat, our miss valerie chuan wei leng whos so graceful and not clumsy at all, while trying to open chilli packet knocked her root beer all over herself and myself, i tink i kana more. So my monday was super perfect.

Today is official monday the emo day, so shall not say much.



Class politics, gossips, divulging of secrets. Nothing matters anymore. It only made me realize that nothing is kept hidden, not unless they are not connected. One event, many realizations.

No one can be trusted.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Tired/ Pissed off

I'm seriously tired man. Its rare to me to take afternoon naps lah but today i just slept for like 3 hours. Friday went for mingheng group's I&E event and y'day went for Su's I&E event. Really quite jealous that other people finish their I&E already but they really had to put in alot of time on top of the projects lorh.

Mingheng's I&E was a mini live earth concert, with a solo performance by his group member and 4 bands performing after that. But most of the people was already gone by the 2nd band, which include me lah.

Sat go Su's I&E, i'm helping out as a student leader for their treasure hunt. First prize is $30 leh! Dun play play. Lol. Its quite messy though since it rained half way and people running here and there. But overall i'm sure everyone had loads of fun. After the event we went to al-ameen(correct spelling anot?) to eat. After that went to Udders to eat ice-cream. Then me su val and huihui took....77 is it? to B Batok then Mrt home.

Wah kao i go home straight away dun feel well sia. Wtf. Tink cause kana rain and eating heaty food plus the icecream that contained alcohol. Now i have even worst sore throat, like theres sand in my throat.

Also fri got back my Retail marks, its a borderline pass so i guess i should be happy that i passed. Pon the lecture and went to find boss at lib. Now my turn to worry about I&E sia. My that leader, very busy doing his project so i'm quite worried if he can finish in time. And tim needs our group to do with them, so must rush to at least be able to show to those people at cicada. Which is on tues. AND THERE'S NO TIME! My god.

Is it just me whose too afraid that after saying it some things will change that stopped me from doing what i want? Or is it because i know you too well and know the outcome even before i say it out loud? Knowing too much sometimes is a burden and i don't know what i'll do when what i think might happen happens.

I&E to fret, Feeling so NOT well that i'm getting easily agitated, something that weighs on my mind. How long can i last?

Cowardice, weilei can be your 2nd name.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Sick sia

Wah today wake up fever. Then can't go to sch(even though i wasn't planning to go in the first place) Went to polyclinic, used up 2 hours of my life there. The only thing funny was that i got to wear a mask. Lol. I wore it all the way back home ok. Responsible citizen. Ok i got take picture let ur see....... Wtf i upload 3 times all say done but no picture. Nvm i go put on facebook ur go see ok? Haha. Then today hope that my I&E group did something.

Nth to write on since i was slping most of the time. Give me 5 mins to think...................

Somehow, i came to this realization that if most people have 20% of negative thoughts, i will have 75%. Its so easy to think of bad things about others. Why do i have so much expectation of others when i myself dun fulfill their own expectation of me?

Wah sian i hear mariam explain about the IAP is like so crazy man. 8 modules in all. Woo i tink by then i go siao liao. Haha provided i get in first bah. Ok gona do RMT now.

Sunday, July 5, 2009


Lol i was wasting my whole time away this afternoon until 9 plus then i realize i have ALOT of things to do. Gonna finish my wrt part, do RMT report and ppt, then still nid to think of I&E story. Plus tml is quite a long day! Omg. Thats so crazy. Woo hoo now i can still be here blogging is a miracle in itself. Anyway now i damn high, perhaps due to so many things not done yet. Hahahah

Oh and no i'm not gonna write out wat i wan my gf to be like. Due to the fact that i personally tink its abit fake writing out and i scared getting shoot if i write wrong things. Haha. Someone write for me instead? LOL.

And yes lyndia i dun tink he will read my blog anyway. Read read lorh. The most get beaten up. Then i can sue him till he left underwear only.

Justnow watched war of the worlds on Channel 5. Ending was so fast. Totally no link about the show man.

Oh well since i today abit no link also. End here bah.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Hehehe interesting post! (Edited)

Wow so long didn't post liaoz. Lol this few days quite busy doing things... And trying to sleep earlier so that i won't be so tired everyday. But in the end will slp at like 12 plus so no dif. Lol. Finally i have done quite a few of my projects and i feel so good. Although still nid to do much more but its 1/4 work done. YAY. Another thing is that my computer is seriously getting DAMN SLOW and the browser will crash sometimes one. It gets damn hot also. Hmm...... Shit now sch just reopen... TZE HOCK when u free help me reformat. LOL. Kidding nia. I will wait till hols bah, provided it last till then. Even now when i typing it also keep showing the cannot contact blogger.com. Wah kao gg have fun liao lah my com.

Today listen to my elective teacher saying, that we did like shit for this test. Haha. The way the question should be answer is totally different from how we will usually answer a question one lah. Oh well must try harder for the next test.

Haiya somethings happened that really made me 大开眼见( open my eyes big big). Assholes that break up with girls due to some shit reason then wanna patch back again just because he got dumped. Then after like 3 weeks he go on a MIA trip. My friend call and sms he doesn't reply for 1 day then say he's sick and dun be sad !?!? He should be glad she didn't ask gang beat him up lah pls. Wasting of girls on him.Dun spread ur bad genes man. Even when he post on facebook his friends also give negative comments sia. How pathetic is that? Go eat dung lah, dun waste good food on you pls. So can't really blame hui2 and winnie saying almost all guys jerks. Oh well just be me and i know i won't be in that category, wahahahahah.Ok that sounds abit spastic but no one cares right?

Right i was saying i gonna do a interesting post, i can't rmb if i got do this post b4. I tink i got do smt like this b4, OH is the say all the gd and bad things of my clique. Now i shall give my opinion of what qualities their BF should have bah. Might have some similarities with their gd or bad points. And its still a making in progress, in future if i have anymore insight i might re-post it. So people looking for GF( not for assholes/jerks and i mean when people say u are not and not YOU THINK YOU ARE NOT OK?) Here's some (possible?) candidates?

Ok first i tink i'll start with Girl C, despite the fact that she already have a BF so i just say for fun. Guys dun bother trying to win her over she very devoted to her BF. Ok Girl C is damn man lah and very not graceful one. Then she also goes with the flow. So i tink that her bf shouldn't be that man, eh that sounds wrong.....Like... like me liddat? Since everyone kip saying i not man enough. =.= Then he should be able to make decisions for her since she so shui bian. Also the bf must be damn clever or has damn LOTS of determination to be tgt with her since he will be facing the BRICK like resistance from her mother.

Hmm wait am i revealing too much info here? People if your not comfortable with me saying any info pls inform me and i will change accordingly.

Next is Girl L, who also have a bf already so no luck guys. LOL. Girl L's bf i also dun know that well so nvm. But personally i feel that her bf must be someone whu can protect her since she got the can be bullied face. Haha dun beat me liyana. Then he must be able to cheer her up since she also sometimes quite emo. OH and he should be rich or at least able to support her sufficiently lah. This is so that she can work because she WANTS to work and not work because she HAS to work. Working and studying is very tiring so the least he can do is to spend more time with her lorh, make her happy? Haha i'm just saying my own opinion the actual person do not, i repeat DO NOT have to fit the qualities i just said.

Then is Girl S. Ehhh her bf ahhh. Should be more man or more fierce looking bah. This is to stop those tikos and kaypos from staring at her on MRT and bus. Even if he dun laugh also can since she can laugh his share but i guess a sense of humour should be ok. :P Then he must be able to cheer her up since she always gets irritating things thrown at her. Should be quite smart so that same wavelength can communicate. Lol.

Then is Girl V. Aiyah her ah the bf like i said b4 should be rich to allow her to eat watever she wants. Then he should be able to stand up for her when she gets mistreated? Lol something like that. Oh then must be at least clever to not be scammed by her since she so clever. HAHA. Can't really think of anymore qualities leh. Girl V u tell me wat qualities u wan? XD

Then is Girl P! Ok lah basic requirement is her bf must be like taller than her lorh. Shouldn't be a problem bah( ok ok but i'm shorter than her) Then must be a very good and kind person. Girl Ptoo innocent liao. Eh then.. Must be tanned/man!Eh from my info the bf should also be able to communicate with her, like must be able to understand her bah.

Then Girl W. Aiyah this one ah. So many things to say. Must be able to take her beating. Then should be a club goer since she likes going to clubs( is go with her to the club not to go and dance with other girls ok). A foreigner would be a bonus. Must be a good listener since she always alot of things to say one ( complain about something or scolding someone or something) Lol. Then should be a also rich or have a steady income person since she likes so many things and prone to buying. AH bf should be able to help her save money/remind her not to spend so much. Then must not be a person whu is easily jealous since she will spend time with her other friends.

Finally last but not least, Girl H. I must really say i dun really know lah but i just feel that if ever she get a bf, that bf must be damn man lah. Must be able to stand up for her. Then he should really be damn nice to her also lah. Her life isn't easy and i feel that she deserves a guy whu loves her totally.

Ok lah. Tired sia typing all this. Basically all their bf should be good to them lah, treat them well, listen to them and cheer them up if they can and not be stuck up idiots. Its a standard requirement lah. Hope they can find one that really treats them well. Ok this is it!


(Edits) Ok since they all say they shy, i changed their name into not so obvious. Lol. And no i won't be writing a post on wat my gf should be like since i dunno and i feel that if i write for myself it is too weird/fake liao. Haha.