Monday, September 14, 2009

Too free.

Now that i'm staying at home everyday, i'm so free that i have time to blog almost everyday. Well also because today all the people that i talk to all MIA. Valerie go msia liao, MX got poly outing, tzehock also go msia, then the rest all dunno go where. Haiz. I realize that my left eye's vision is getting worst. I mean i can see but its.... Not in coordination with my right eye. Hmm can't really express wat i wanna say.

Suddenly miss those days in choir when we are taking the coach to someplace. All the tenors guys sure will sing song one. Derrick wensong stanley me huishi perry haocheng. Back then i still rmb we will be idiotic and sing those ssongs with high notes and then screech our way till we reach the note. LOL. But those were the most fun time that i had. Somemore the other section that will be sharing the coach with us will always kana our ownage singing. Lol. Aiyah that time go pei XL and lyndia buy their things then me huishi and mx were singing and made me think of choir. Despite the rude comments, hard practise and long timing, i really loved my time in choir. We were really a big family with different lives but the same passion. Sec1 was a stressful year with all the solo practises and wat-have-u-nots, sec2 was tough but rewarding with the SYF, sec3 was stressfree with only the SLs having to fret(>.<) while sec4 was another tough year and also a painful year with the SYF again. Too bad we didn't rreally have a section group picture nor a huge choir picture. At least not 1 where we have a clear enough pic.

Thinking whether should i spend time in the lib, in the way that i go lib and use the electricity there instead of at home. But then i dun wanna use com so much leh. =.= I dunno wat to do.

1 comment:

Kendra said...

It's so good to here that you do have a lot time blogging, for it means I'll be reading more from you, lol