Saturday, September 5, 2009

150th post! Yay.

Ok lah i see that the last post was on tues felt abit guilty so i shall blog. Hmm this week busy sia.. Y'day went to plaze sing to watch Final destination 4 with xinyi huiyi zhibing and MX. It was MX's b'day mah so i had to PS tze hock and go celebrate. Haha thats just my coincidental excuse yay. But then was ok lah, i mean first time watch final destination movie, and i dun like it. Gore and horrow shows are not for me. I'm too humji to watch this kind of shows. No thank you dun ask me go watch these kind of shows anymore!

Then today was having the CSS-NP bbq. Well i still can't start a fire. In fact i actually caused the fire to die like twice. =.=. Pro sia. And all of us like 1 week nv eat liddat, once the chef(the person bbqing) say i tink is ok, ALL chiong and take liao. All the forks are in our hands and ready to go one. LOL. Especially the prawns. First time went and saw the loft(from the outside). Nvm one day i swear i will get to go in one and see how it is. Haha.

Tml going plaze sing again. Ah well travelling fee is quite high already. Oh yeah i'm gonna go for the comex(?)/IT show? to buy a router since my bro getting his cheapo desktop which cost 292. Maybe i should take this chance to see got any nice desktop anot i can also consider. Dun wanna rely on this laptop for games if not soon it will turn turtle and give up on me.

Hmm tink i neglect my wordpress too much.

P/S. When stuck, rmb my sec sch.

1 comment:

Liam said...

Congratulations for your 150th post. Keep it up!