Sunday, September 13, 2009

Oh man. Here we go again.

Wooo my mum complaining to my auntie again!! As usual on my grandma! But still since i kip hearing my mother's side of the story makes me sian. Hmm i tink new info i hear is that my grandma, too money minded. She treats her son and daughters differently. My youngest auntie, gave $50 for new year, and my grandma kpkb behind my auntie's back saying she has a salary of 3000-4000 why give so little. Then my uncle gave also $50 but she says aiyah he got give already very gd liao saying his salary was cut. BUT the thing is he still has a salary of $3000plus and that is AFTER he had a pay cut. Did i mention he didn't tell my grandma when he had a pay rise and only told her after he had a pay cut. =.= Ahh Every new year confirm got new things to say. My dad didn't get bonus for 2-3 years liao, then still nid to bao ang pow. Still my grandma feels that the money we give her is too little. My Ahma, when my dad wanted to give her the new year money, she REFUSE to take it, saying that she knows that pa didn't have bonus and my auntie(father side) had abit of bonus so its ok. SO much difference.

Sometimes i feel like just go there in front of everyone and tell them that if u dun like wat we do just spit it out. U tink we rich then go fuck urself cause we are not AT ALL. Our hse just looks new, the supposely new things are usually things that other ppl dun wan/given and so wat if i have abit of money in my bank i have to use it to pay for my transport food and notes. For the next 3 months i tink. So go away man dun say the word rich in front of me. Sometimes i forget myself and kip saying misleading stuff like i scared ah like i cannot buy myself but since when have i really went and buy it?

Somethings are just meant as a joke. Tink i will stop being so GL anymore, and just kip quiet when things are said. After all when things are all said and done no one knows what we all have to go through just to do it. Ppl getting stressed up due to sudden activity, ppl getting harrassed by idiotic guy whus brainless and weird, ppl having problems in maintaining the relationship. It might all appear fine on the surface but underneath how much fear is there? Of when or where will all things break apart? I can only wish for my friends that they can find the solution to their problems.

God's luck.

1 comment:

Julius said...

Don't mind them, for in time they come to their senses not to fight about those things. Better communication and understanding are what they need.