Friday, November 27, 2009


So yeah its here already, gonna go Sitex later to buy casing for it. If not its really too slim sia i sure will drop it. Lol.

Y'day was practical day, satha lesson in the morn which i didnt really listen to. Then is break which was spent crapping also. Then is Npmc, wah her tutorials are always so weird. Dun like. Lol. Then practical was easy lah, everyone is like so free. Then all the guys was like gathering at our practical side talking about gyming and etc. At first say go gym with them at CCK one but then didnt go. Sorry guys! Then after this went home lorh.

Then went i reach home i SAW MY NANO BOX! Holy i was really shocked leh. But still damn happy. Lol. Then faster go dl itunes to put songs in lorh. Then was talking to hock. Lol. Ok gonna rush to bathe and meet him liao. At night then i update bah.

1 comment:

Antoinette said...

Wow! So happy that you had your own nano. I'm pretty sure that you'll love it.