Friday, October 9, 2009

Clique outing!

Wahahahaha i waited 1 day later then blog. Too lazy to write seriously. But well its for future references so no choice. OMG i read from others de blog that our archives will be deleted when it exceed is it???? NOooooooooo. Ok i shall change b4 it reach that level or smt. But its a hassle leh. Hmm see how bah.

Ok so that was y'day, i woke up at 9 since i couldn't slp and watch dora the explorer with my bro. Now that show not restricted to that monkey in boots liao, got liamia(?)(U know those monks from tibet use one?) and then got the wat armadillo also, soon the whole zoo will be there i tell u. Ok then since its raining(started like 10mins after i wake up) i bathe and went out earlier. Abit too early which is shown later when i reach bedok at like 11.25am(meet time 12pm). So i sat down on the stairs and listen mp3 and read my book. Then aboutttt 12 then i saw winnie constance and kelis, followed by boss then su and finally val reached. Huihui met us at bedok interchange and then we went to eat breakfast first. Aiyah hui2 wear high heels and shot up to the tallest person in our clique. HAHAHAH. Then took 40? to Katong SC.

Well the place is actually ok if u really wanna tink about it for the prize we pay. I mean $42 for a large room from 1-7 is quite cheap le. Somemore we 8 ppl so essentially we paid $5.25 each only. I tink sing the most de is Val constance and me bah? Ok i should say ppl that sang little are hui2 boss and winnie. Then during the middle of it they were trying out hui2's high heels. My god made them all like giant liddat pls especially boss. LOL. Then after that boss winnie and hui2 went out for a talk or smt bah? No idea then left us inside. Hahaha left lesser ppl so become abit more siao and sing more enthusiastically. Hehe i shy person ok 7 ppl is too many. Somemore the song i sang at that time is 1 that i really like. WOOTS. Hmm then after that we went to eat katong laksa lorh, go katong how can dun eat the food thats famous there? Then su and val went to eat shaved ice. Ice that are cut into shreds. Then after that go home lorh.

Val did not nid to cross the road to take her bus so we part ways, then boss and su walk towards some far off bus stop while winnie and i went to the bus stop that was opposite the katong SC but 1 stop b4 it. Then winnie's bus 10 came so she went on. I actually quite lost since i forgot which bus can take to mrt. Well so i wasted 1omins watching the bus info board. Finally i manage to realize that i can take bus 12 to lavander station to go home. So while i wait for the bus to come, well the bus passed by as i realize i can take it wat to do, i saw a super funny thing. At first i was staring at the road, then i saw this thing moving at the curb, then i saw that its a rat, not fat but rather long and well fed bah. Then i was staring at it and u know wat it did? It went scampering onto the road and stopped at the middle of the 2 lane road staring at the car. I thought that it was actually dumb enough to run under the wheel but i was sadly disappointed. When the car come then it quickly CHIONG AH back to the safety of the pavement. Then not quite done with its adventure it decided to explore the bus stop or more specifically a lady's legs whu was sitting at the end of the bus stop on the lower seats. So the rat RUN AH past the lady's legs, attracting her attention for about.... 30secs. LOL. That ends the adventure of jerry the rat!

Then ok lorh nth liao. I actually wanted to take picture of it one, sian if i know rats so daring in katong that time rats assignment i go katong find liao. Haha. Oh and mr CHUA MING XUAN coming back sin tml. HAVE A SAFE RETURN!!

1 comment:

Cherry said...

I do love reading your blog, very interesting!