Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Tiring day

Today done so many things. First in the morning i went to cut my hair, then i went to find mingheng and xianglin to give them tutorial papers to photocopy, then we go to jp just to give 1 copy to weixiong and for them to eat lunch, then we go lib to study although only study abit. Then when i finally reach home, huishi sms me ask me go find him to emo. Zzz but since he ask me is serious liao so i go. Then we walk from JP lib to the safra garden there then to lakeside mrt then to the mac near JJC. We went to the mac is to find guowei lah then after that talked alot of crap then finally came home. Lol.

These few days kip thinking about the upcoming GG-fied test. I mean i got study lah at least but i damn scared when the time comes i will forget all or can't rmb the impt things. Oh well the most no AD nia. Lol.

Too sian and nth to talk about so short post lah.

1 comment:

Ivan said...

A busy day is okay, as long as you're enjoying what you are doing. Enjoy!