Tuesday, July 21, 2009


This post was put off for like dunno how many days man, first is because i busy watching harry potter during the weekends, then is y'day where the screen looks abit weird, finally now it looks normal so shall faster blog all that i want. So its gonna be a super longgggg post. But i tink i forgot half of wat i wanna write le.

Ok first is Sat continued. Kns do i have a very charitable face or smt? Why is it that people like to ask me to donate or smt? First is after eating at vivo this person ask me to donate, like $10. At that time i abit emoooo then i just give lorh. Its for a gd cause. Then after that, when i going home from the NDP practise along the citylink this uncle was like asking me if i got change can give him cause he lost his money. Then i just give him $1.30 in coins since i quite pissed and tired, can't think properly. I must have the very easily bullied face when i'm not happy or smt.

Then yeah i was at NDP practise there, not to see but to be a rubbush collector. We were collecting the plastic bottles from those big garbage bag lah. Some of the bottles were like half full. This shows how wasteful ppl are, we even found some bottles that are FULL. Then we use tongs to pick up those bottles from the bins and collect it. My seniors using those bottles to do a sculpture or smt. Interesting right? Haha. At least i got to taste wat my army food will taste like.

Then is sun. Sunday is my own I&E nid to settle. My group and timothy's group went to jacob ballas children's garden to observe a MAD lesson by cicada tree and also to show the ppl from cicada tree our project up till so far, well actually my group only discuss with them only. Tim's group then is present. But the place is quite nice, its just in front of the NUS bukit timah campus. Received very positive feedback so now nid to do minor changes to it then can liao.

Y'day was SUPER boring. I bring my laptop also boring sia. Nth to do, like RE 2 hours like free time liddat, his lesson no use one. Then EBT is like no notes, then i cannot focus. So slack instead. Then AQMC practical is playing of plant vs zombies. Then the lesson everyone like all slping sia. So funny. One thing i not very happy about during AQMC lesson. Wah u damn fast hor? So fast siam into the row and sit down. Just because i dun say anything, nvm i play with you see whu will win in the end. Fun.

Wahahaha facebook quiz say i shy! Yay! And not only me, huishi and mingxuan also! So we shall form the SHY ppl association! Somemore we have similar experiences! All in the same boat sioll! But then huishi tink the name too cool, he not suitable for it so he want to split from us to form the GAY ppl club! So he decided to form another faction!

Today is 2 of my friends de b'day! Lol Pamala and Wenyi, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! 2 chio bu b'day ok! Hahah. Hmm now that liyana mentioned, Aiyah u no nid to be sorry lah. Out of your control and i already expected it. Nth to do about it. Haha! So no nid for the apology ok? Haha! If really wan then buy me a BIGGER b'day present! LOL!

Now this is another record post! Lol. Tml might skip RE to go Newater plant. If Blogger cooperates i will post again tml! Wait for it yeah? Haha.

1 comment:

Alwin said...

We both love Harry Potter. What's your favorite part?