Monday, April 7, 2008

No title

Hmm... Nth much to post lah.. This few days kip staying at home and rot.. Oh on last fri went to meet peifen, ruimin and jinyu.. Then we went to play pool. Actually Mx suppose to come too but he got BBQ with his camp mates and gl so didn't come. Then after that me and peifen went to meet Shiva.. My god she eat dinner at 8pm and she say that is the more normal timing liaoz. JC life is so scary.. Especially if u very enthu and join alot of stuff. Then after that we went home.. Shiva and i went to take 99 home.. Then on the bus saw Weihao and Ruslan and one other guy from Css. So shocked! Weihao's hair is like so long lah! longer than mine lorh. Haha. Then reach home.. bathe then come online.. Yah..

Then Sat morn went to work.. So weird lah. U stop working for 5 days then suddenly nid to wake up early and go work.. then after work i chiong to Marina to meet my Delta 3 friends.. and went to watch Shutter.. I was late lah.. so Paiseh.. Haiz.. the show was... Dumb? Okay lah scary also. Then after that we went to play bowling.. Nv play b4. Starting damn farni lah.. nv hit anything.. Or did i hit 2 or 3? can't rmb.. Then till late game then i pick up.. Then saw ppl like bryant get 3 strike!! TURKEY!! That 's wat the ting shows after his 3rd strike.. No kidding. After that went to eat... Some of us went to pastamania some went to the food court.. Of course i went to the food court.. Where else would i go man.. Haha. Then after i went home.. Took MRT with melvin and ameera.. then they got off at JE. The rest of the group went to timbre.. A place suggested by our Divison Head Mark.. Lol they went there to do smt but i cannot say.. Guess bah.. Yah that's it lorh.. Sun got FOC outing.. But i nv go.. Nid to go home to get my new cabinet.. And u cannot imagine my pain man.. U working then u will realize that right now ppl u know are at sentosa having fun.. WAH KAO...............LOL

But then hor.. If ur got take pictures at sentosa pls send me kay? i want..

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