Sunday, April 27, 2008
Today was a super boring day.. Survived on maggi mee the whole day.. I know its not healthy but its the only thing that i know how to cook.. Lol.. Shit i really nid to save up more.. Now my pocket money change again.. From $20 a week excluding bus fare to $30 a week INCLUDING bus fare. WTF!!! How to survive sia.. Mum tell me to withdraw $$ from bank. But i dun wan.. Maybe i'll just eat bread 24/7? Haha.. See how it goes but i tink i confirm will not do it de lah.
Really missed all the people that i know.. all the gd friends that i had.. kind ppl that i met.. Guai lan ppl that guai lan with me . Lol.. Sometimes i wonder if it will be the end of the ties that are connecting us to each other.. Wonder if anyone will be free and willing to go for chalet.. It has been so long.. Until now i still rmb valentine's day, where 10 of us went to michelle's hse to play mahjong.. and i got owned.. Lol.. But it was fun.. thats what was most impt. Now i tink everyone is having exams so it will be more quiet but i hope we can meet up during the hols!! Which is when i also dunno.
Suddenly realized why people tell us to enjoy school as much as you can. When u go out to society and work.. You won't have much time le.. Especially if ur work is not 5 day week but 6 day week.. Then u would only have 1 day off.. Just enough to rest only. How in the world to meet up with ppl? I said this cause i worked and am still working and it really does affect your life. And you just don't have that many chance to meet up with people already. So for any secondary people that pass by.. Pls enjoy ur school life.. I dun mean you can't complain or anything but just make full use of the remaining time with ur friends.
Yup thats all for this post.. Quite long never post le so abit sry ah. Oh and met if ur bored. when you online and see me chat with me lah. That time i talk to you u also never reply. I emo for a few days sia.. Lol.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Fragile life
Today i went home at 7pm plus.. Stood at the overhead bridge for about 10 mins looking at the traffic. Thought about how easy it is for one person to just fall over and die after being hit by a car.. But how much courage you would actually need to really do it..Took 154 today.. Wanted to play PSP de.. But fell asleep instead.. Hah. Realized that i didn't do alot of stuff.. Guess i still am the old me.. Not determined enough to do my work bah. Especially the IS project. Oh well.
Miss all my friends.... And i don't feel very happy.. Its like life have a weirdly unreal feeling to it. I noticed that i mostly walk around by myself.. I mean.. There are classmates around lah but i guess i just kind of walk faster than them and so it becomes i'm in front and they are behind.. After sch is confirm me walking alone. Haha........ I don't know why am i doing this and why am i getting so anti-social.. To me this is anti-social okay! So yah.. Sorry to bore you with my emoing.. Haiz..
Sunday, April 20, 2008
And i went for the NP-CSS gathering on friday.. Quite okay lah.. Oh and i'm going for the Css new building opening.. But then my lesson release at 5pm.. So i still thinking if i am gonna pon lesson or go late. Haiz.
KOH TZE HOCK U GOOD!!! SUCH A BIG THING NV TELL ME.. I will rmb de. Lol.. For those of u that are clueless about what am i talking about, go read tze hock's blog.. And melissa chua's blog, u can link from tze's blog.
I find that Poly life isn't as easy nor difficult as it seems to be.. I guess i just nid to take things as they come. But then class already have cliques.. Then i like drifting around.. Jellyfish lah me.. I dun want to be frends with only a selected group of ppl.. But then i get the feeling if i continue on like this i will be alone....
Thats it for this post.. If i have anything to update then i will post again. Until nest time then.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Ah now the problem is gonna start.. Cca.... I wan a good cca record.. I joined Adventure seekers and Primers.. These ccas are quite good actually since u can get the ARLS points needed for a gold... But most of this are camps which are at fridays to sundays... Then i need to work! Oh man.. I sure don't want to affect my cca points just because of my work.. Oh well.. See first bah.. Maybe when i not working (which i don't know will be when) then i chiong all the camps.. But then still nid to see if got event for me to participate in anot... Sia lah.. This sucks man.. Big time
Monday, April 14, 2008
First day of SCHOOL!!!
Then I went home.. So many ppl.. ZZZZ.. Oh and SORRY Bingxin.. I thought u finish lessons liao.. and then i called u but u didn't on ur phone. Sorry.. Mx called me if i wan to go play pool.. But at that time i already reach home liaoz. Lol
Sunday, April 13, 2008
BE day camp 2
Thursday, April 10, 2008
BE day camp..
Wah today damn irritated sia... Don't know why lorh. After the camp straight away damn pissed off.. Then the jap course which i tried to sign up for by mail didn't make it.. I tink cause the npal site didn't put. KAO.. MY $$$..
Nvm today pissed off so don't talk liao.
Miss FOC miss CSS miss my good temper
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Your view on yourself:
You are down-to-earth and people like you because you are so straightforward. You are an efficient problem solver because you will listen to both sides of an argument before making a decision that usually appeals to both parties.
The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:
You like serious, smart and determined people. You don't judge a book by its cover, so good-looking people aren't necessarily your style. This makes you an attractive person in many people's eyes.
Your readiness to commit to a relationship:
You are ready to commit as soon as you meet the right person. And you believe you will pretty much know as soon as you might that person.
The seriousness of your love:
You like to flirt and behave seductively. The opposite sex finds this very attractive, and that's why you'll always have admirers hanging off your arms. But how serious are you about choosing someone to be in a relationship with?
Your views on education
You may not like to study but you have many practical ideas. You listen to your own instincts and tend to follow your heart, so you will probably end up with an unusual job.
The right job for you:
You have plenty of dream jobs but have little chance of doing any of them if you don't focus on something in particular. You need to choose something and go for it to be happy and achieve success.
How do you view success:
Success in your career is not the most important thing in life. You are content with what you have and think that being with someone you love is more than spending all of your precious time just working.
What are you most afraid of:
You are afraid of having no one to rely on in times of trouble. You don't ever want to be unable to take care of yourself. Independence is important to you.
Who is your true self:
You are mature, reasonable, honest and give good advice. People ask for your comments on all sorts of different issues. Sometimes you might find yourself in a dilemma when trapped with a problem, which your heart rather than your head needs to solve.
Dunno wat to put as title
Monday finally starting sch le.. Abit nervous.. Sound so weird lah.. Ppl already started sch like dunno how long liaoz.. Haha..
Today's post quite short .. maybe at night if i have smt to write i will post again.. Hah.
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Rainy Day
Suddenly i miss my friends.. Be it Css friends or Foc friends..Css de more lah since i haven seen most of them for quite some time.. Then i rmb those times when it was raining then i siao go up reservoir there.. See the lightning so shiok.. Lol..I love to see lightning.. Its dangerous yes but it is also beautiful.. Although very short also lah. Haha. Like they said.. Good things don't last..
Hope to make full use of my 3 years in ngee ann.. and not have so much regrets.. Seriously speaking i feel that there were many more things that i could have done in Css. Should have told my friends how much i love them.. At chalets should have done this.. Help done that.. Shouldn't have went crazy and vent my anger at them.. Haiz.. Full of i should and why didn't i.
Sometimes i just want to talk to someone lah. But now the person i talk to the most is in jc.. so i don't really like to bother her..Yes its a her in case u were wondering.. But don't get me wrong there is nothing between me and her.. Now maybe i should find another person.. Not as a substitute but as a new good friend.. Haha but difficult lah.. finding a guy is weird.. Finding a girl is even weirder + difficult. Oh well.. See how it goes then.
That is my emo post for today..
Monday, April 7, 2008
No title
Then Sat morn went to work.. So weird lah. U stop working for 5 days then suddenly nid to wake up early and go work.. then after work i chiong to Marina to meet my Delta 3 friends.. and went to watch Shutter.. I was late lah.. so Paiseh.. Haiz.. the show was... Dumb? Okay lah scary also. Then after that we went to play bowling.. Nv play b4. Starting damn farni lah.. nv hit anything.. Or did i hit 2 or 3? can't rmb.. Then till late game then i pick up.. Then saw ppl like bryant get 3 strike!! TURKEY!! That 's wat the ting shows after his 3rd strike.. No kidding. After that went to eat... Some of us went to pastamania some went to the food court.. Of course i went to the food court.. Where else would i go man.. Haha. Then after i went home.. Took MRT with melvin and ameera.. then they got off at JE. The rest of the group went to timbre.. A place suggested by our Divison Head Mark.. Lol they went there to do smt but i cannot say.. Guess bah.. Yah that's it lorh.. Sun got FOC outing.. But i nv go.. Nid to go home to get my new cabinet.. And u cannot imagine my pain man.. U working then u will realize that right now ppl u know are at sentosa having fun.. WAH KAO...............LOL
But then hor.. If ur got take pictures at sentosa pls send me kay? i want..
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Last Day of Camp
Then go LT ?? to see videos.. The ?? is cause i dunno the number.. Haha.. I never remember things like that de lah.. Then u see GLs cry then the girls also cry.. major crying session and photo taking session.. If ur thinking whether i got cry anot the answer is no.. Felt abit sad but no i didn't cry.. Went back to the sports hall after this and then had a hugging session with all the Delta Chi GLs. And u get a nice.. Wats that suppose to be ah? A Keychain or smt? Haha.. Duno.. Yah.. Then take house photo.. Then i nv get my orientation shirt cause not enough.. Had to wear a XL to take the pic.. So weird lah.. The shirt takes up half my size.. 0.0!! Okay lah maybe cause i short.. But thats not the point! LOL. I talking to myself sia.. Crazy.. Then go get the "awards" Delta Chi got the most enthu award! Yay! But personally i tink no difference lah.
Yah thats it lorh.. Must find thing to blog again le! Should be easy.. Haha
Thursday, April 3, 2008
DAY 3!!!
Then after this is a WATER WAR!!! All 4 house play in the field.. use water bags and throw at each other.. trying to destroy each other's life, represented by a box with a hole covered by newspaper. It was plain chaotic lah pls.. duno wat to do and how to do.. LOL.. But it was fun lah.. See ppl kana bombed.. haha. That took up nearly the whole afternoon..
After this we went to bath.. the situation no nid explain lah.. CHAOS REIGNS!!! Then we had some sort of photo taking craze... then practise of our power cheer.. then its time for CAMP FIRE!! When we go there is like.. WAH.. got gate some more sia.. so spectacular.. got spartan king there some more.. then u nid to cheer and shout like siao.. spent like 15mins there. then finally entered the convention centre..THEN HOR... so disappointed.. no only got a volcano decorated with lights.. haiz.
The VIP came and then the event starts.. each house come and do power cheer.. then the gls do a performance.. then got a competition.. dress one person in a ... i forgot the name of the clothes le lah.. those white clothes u see gods/angel/greek ppl wear.. So farni lah..
After this watch video.. then got supper.. then is mass dance.. but more like clubbing session stated by Mr Koh tze hock.. then we dance till like 12plus near 1am haha.. Go back already we also nv slp.. cause heard that if u fall aslp u will kana drawn and toothpaste.. Scary. So most of us nv slp. Talk till morn lorh.. Some of them cannot take it and resorted to running on the track sia.. But most of my group ppl nv kana.. YAY.
That ends day 3.. 1 more post and its the end of my camp posts.. Hah.
Gonna slp now.. Nightz ppl.