Saturday, May 2, 2009


Well its so late but suddenly feel like blogging. Ok maybe not that late for some of u. No one online to talk to or there is someone but i have no topic to talk to her about. Nth to do as usual and in another 12 hours will have to go work again. Its so pathetic. Although its a chore having to stand there for 5 hours doing nth(since there's not much ppl), at least its better than sitting at home wasting electricity and growing fat. So much time, so much things i can do but i just dunno wat to do. To think that sometime ago i was still comtemplating about finding about a gf but forget about it. FORGET IT MAN. With me now, having a gf is just making someone else suffer, with my frequent unpredictable behaviour. I really wonder how boss they all can stay me sometimes, LOL.

After typing the above paragraph, i realize the topic is changing from 1 sentance to another. Wow so i'm really random after all. Now i finally see how fat i am and wat am i gonna do about it? No idea. Lol maybe climb stair to tutorials forever? See bah.

Projects are coming, with the deadlines approaching( still a few weeks away though) but i find that the teaming is really very unstable. Even with 3 groups, all the members are different. Out of a class of 24, having 3 dif groups in dif modules and all dif members is abit rare man. Hope next sem i wont have to deal with this again. I know u ppl like to stick tgt but dun too over ok? Try changing the members in ur groups pls.

People are so predictable once u get to know them well. Close to each other, will always be tgt, things u do tgt, secrets u share with each other. Ppl that u will interact with will differ and everyone is all apart. Some with their friends, some with their bf, while others are left alone. Find someone else to rant to man, no use telling them.

Ok that was totally some crap that i typed out. If u can understand then ur pro or really close to me. LOL which is like rare? Haha.

1 comment:

Mark said...

You've got a lot to do. Just manage your time wisely for you to beat all the deadlines. Good luck!