Monday, May 11, 2009


Well i'm really hating tues now, since there's I&E. Its a stupid module thats adding unneeded amount of white hair to my head.

Something happened today, which made me totally sian. Not gonna say out though some already know wat it is.

Told my mother about quitting work and she just said if u wan to then just do it. But she started asking about why again. 1 year spent on sch and work only is really tiring. Some might say "its just 5 hours" but that 5 hours is fixed and u can't change it. "Well change ur timings to fit it" and i did try but its almost impossible. Which just means i have to give it a miss. "Well then go the next one" BUT THE NEXT TIME THE SAME THING HAPPEN AGAIN. Why do we need to worry about money so much when other people are surviving with more mouth to feed and less income than us? Is it wrong to wish to do other things in poly other that go to sch and go work? Even if i have a CCA, can i even spare the time to really enjoy myself there? My co-worker already feeling tired after a few weeks sch started.

Projects just keep reminding itself in my head and work is a load on my mind and having additional incidents just doesn't make it better.

The tears just won't stop even if i hate myself for crying.

1 comment:

Oscar said...

This is life! Full of trials and challenges, but as long we're loving it, we will overcome everything. Stay alive!