Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Wah knn really today damn fucked up the whole day. My head pounding like the roadwork below my house like that. Drilling into my head. =.=

Whole day in sch is cannot listen one i tell u. Slp at anytime possible. Lucky when katayon asking question i still can answer if not sure kana sia. Maths was pathetic, totally flunked. Woohoo totally dunno how to do. First question confirm wrong due to forgetting to divide by 2. Aiyah sucks lah maths. Then RE today damn fun sia. Went to the 报恩寺 near Bukit changdu(opium hill) at potong pasir? Basically somewhere near vivo i tink. Its a really clean and green temple siol. Water heater use sun, lights use battery charged by wind or sunlight, hall is using architectal technique called stacking to bring in natural ventilations. Even the sutra wheels right, ppl is put whole sutra book inside but there they put thumbdrive instead, so high tech siol.

Basically the temple, other than being a buddist temple, also encourages other religions to host their activities there. The mr Lee whu were bringing us around was a energetic and kind old man whose classmates back then were ppl like Goh chok tong, so i leave it to u to calculate his age. Other than teaching us on the green technologies in the temple he also taught us on the importance of using our brains to save energy. And that politics are smt that everyone should be concern about and not being passive about.

After that alot of us got off at the bus stop near the temple. Boss they all went to vivo while i followed Xianglin Mingheng Weixiong and lyndia go opposite busstop take bus home. I tell u both me and xianglin slp until mingheng got off the bus we also dunno. Really slp till like i tink if brake suddenly we will fly one sia.

Anyway Xl wan go JP buy sushi so follow her go lorh, then go home eat panadol and slp for 5.5 hours. Then now here blogging.Thought of a saying, fully by me okkk.

Conflicts are just like cornflakes. Some are big, some are small. Some ppl dun like it and avoid it while some like it alot and will look for it. U can either have it like it is or u add milk to soften it but eventually u'll still swallow it down. Some ppl have a big stomach can hold alot of it but too much u will vomit it out and create a huge mess with it. Unless of course u manage to digest it and everything's Aok.

Wahaha so boliao right me. Lol i also think so. Ok lah its a long post. Nid to slp soon again lah if not tml headache again i swear i gonna scold someone in sch man.

1 comment:

Bunny said...

Take some medicines to cease that headache of yours. You couldn't concentrate with your daily activities.