Saturday, May 30, 2009


I just rmb wat i wanted to post about y'day. Was talking to su on the way back home since we took MRT. Perhaps there really is karma in this world i guess. I kip getting the feeling that because of things that i do, there are repercussions coming back. I'm a stubborn person and when i decide on something i won't change my mind that easily. Now, i guess i'm just being a fool.

I might have mention b4 or maybe not, but i am someone whu is heavily affected by people around. I cannot stand having people getting the wrong idea of me so instead i just tell them straight in the face wat i'm thinking and feeling. Guess its not always gd to be so blunt. I see all u ppl as my most impt friends and i dun wan anyone to have the wrong impression of me... Ok great now this post sounds like i done smt wrong and trying to fake my way through. Well watever if u know me u'll believe me.

I'm very emotional and tend to get attached to things easily. Sometimes i also dun know wat my feelings are but there are some things which i treat very seriously and thats 2 timing someone. I cannot stand idiots whu 2 time and i will never ever do that. My friend had a bf whu was 2 timing her and i was really shock and quite angry. Having 1 gf is already very lucky already and u still wanna have 2, wat an ass. Even if i say that, i'm waiting for my feelings to sort themselves out b4 i really make a decision and i did. We are still young and don't really know how does love feels like so we will all make mistakes. At least i know someone whu had quite a few. ^.^ Lol Dun come find me pls.

Well thats my confession of the day i guess. Even though i'm not a christian. Haha this makes all u readers my holy father/mother! No offense to christians.

1 comment:

Roel said...

As long that you're true to yourself, don't worry about what people think of you. If you're doing the right thing, no problem with that. Let it be.