Saturday, May 16, 2009

Update! Number 2! Go read 1 first!

Hmm today i gave my resignation letter le. Feel so.. Well can't really describe how i'm feeling. Happy that i'm gonna be free, but at the same time i feel that a part of me has been removed and can nv be recovered. Its just like graduating from sch man. Ur glad that u dun nid to go there already but still u'll miss it.

This week my emotions really going up and down man. I dunno why too. Guess my karma caught up to me, for slacking so much over the years that now when i really nid to do things i feel the stress that i haven felt .

Haiya since everyone says dun think so much about it i shall not. No willy stop thinking about it! Sometimes i really feel that life is real boring where all the real fun is in the first 20 years of your life. After that is the boring and working life of the 20-50/60s. After that u'll be into the tired and relaxing(if ur money is not scammed or didn't even save up) life. By then hopefully u'll have children or even grandchildren to look after or fret about.

Lol i dun wanna be those people that nag too much but i tink thats impossible since even now when i'm young i'm already nagging at some ppl liao when i'm old i'll be even worst. Haha. Ok its a shorter one compared to the last post. Yay!

1 comment:

Krylle said...

It may easy to give a resignation letter but the hard thing is letting go the attachment we had with our colleagues.