Saturday, May 31, 2008

No time

Hmm i am still slacking as usual... So now i had to do many things in a short time. Must gather and complete my ComT info paper.... Study for my hydraulics paper which i am not confident of passing even if i study for it...... Sleep till i am dead...... And then finish my book which i was reading. Haha.

Y'day saw KHOO SIOK HWEE at the interchange. She was like..." EH!!! Why are you here!?!?" LOL. So fun lorh. I stalk her around the interchange. What my hair very weird? Its just super short okay? Hmph. Monday you die. I will gang with derrick to torture you. May be mx too if he show up.

Read other people's blog and i really feel that everyone is like trying very hard to cope with their own life. So many problems... Be it from school.. Workplace... Family.... Or just from ur friends... Where you face rejections... Discrimination and misunderstandings... Its just so ironic... Sian lah

I feel like just slacking and fail the hydraulics test... I dunno why. Maybe i am becoming more and more unwilling to study. More and more emotionally unstable and more and more........ I dunno any more.


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