Thursday, August 13, 2009

Happy birthday to myself! Lol

Thanks to all that celebrated my birthday or wished me happy birthday! Today got to eat 2 cakes, one from mx and tze hock another one from boss they all. Despite the fact that today was such a bad day with the gg-fied EBT test being a killer + raper ++. The fact that so many people came to sing me the birthday song was really a surprise lah. First time in my life so many people came to celebrate my birthday. Usually the most was 5 ppl i tink.

Anyway after getting the birthday card(its actually a piece of paper) but it has almost everyone's comments on it so nvm. I went to JP to laminate it already! Haha. I went to crystal jade with mx and tze hock to have dinner. Then we went to JP NTUC finest to sit there. LOL we sat there for like 30mins or more. Then we go walk again. Then finally we all went home. Lol. So short. I tink now i getting more and more lazy to write long post. Haha.

Again. Thanks to all!!!! Love all of you people!

1 comment:

Minerva said...

Happy birthday! May you have many more birthdays to come. Enjoy your day!