Friday, July 31, 2009

LIfe so far

Since constance kip nagging me why never update, i shall do an update today. Haiya i wan to do my AQMC part leh but i dunno sia. No one online to askkkkk. Come on ppl come online plsssss!!! Nvm i shall go do EBT in the meantime. Sunday will be my I&E, excited to get it over, afraid some cockup might happen. Oh well we shall build the bridge only when we reach the river. Lol i'm having more and more lame sayings nowadays. Today was saying someone with friends like ants like that, so many. Haha. Random right. Then giving animals to represent some ppl, namely mountain/wild pig and hippopotamus!

Nothing interesting to write about leh. No inspiration. Life is too bland nowadays. OH I RMB LIAO! I got write a draft in my phone about this wedding i saw during winnie and yana's I&E! I go find.

Ok here it is! Well i really think about this event lah. Like how it is a decision for a lifetime and how happy it is to see someone getting married. I tink until now i took part in like.... I have like 5 auntie and 1 uncle married, out of which only 1 i didn't attend as i wasn't born then. The rest i was there although i got totally no recollection. Only the 2 most recent ones i rmb, my youngest auntie whu got married last last year and my uncle whu got married last year. Haha i rmb clearly since i was the one whu open the car door for the grooms. Earm hongbao u know! LOL. It really is a big event where 2 families come tgt. Despite having to learn to tolerate and understand each other more than ever after being married but the joy must overshadowed it. Ok random post.

Although its early yet but i wish for everyone that i know to have a happy marriage! But for that to happen must find a good GF/BF first! Lol.


Aiza said...

Life is what we make it. Just enjoy life to the fullest. Good luck!

Online Shopping for Cool Gadgets said...

Life is indeed wonderful. We are responsible to make it worthwhile. Stay happy always!