Saturday, May 30, 2009


I just rmb wat i wanted to post about y'day. Was talking to su on the way back home since we took MRT. Perhaps there really is karma in this world i guess. I kip getting the feeling that because of things that i do, there are repercussions coming back. I'm a stubborn person and when i decide on something i won't change my mind that easily. Now, i guess i'm just being a fool.

I might have mention b4 or maybe not, but i am someone whu is heavily affected by people around. I cannot stand having people getting the wrong idea of me so instead i just tell them straight in the face wat i'm thinking and feeling. Guess its not always gd to be so blunt. I see all u ppl as my most impt friends and i dun wan anyone to have the wrong impression of me... Ok great now this post sounds like i done smt wrong and trying to fake my way through. Well watever if u know me u'll believe me.

I'm very emotional and tend to get attached to things easily. Sometimes i also dun know wat my feelings are but there are some things which i treat very seriously and thats 2 timing someone. I cannot stand idiots whu 2 time and i will never ever do that. My friend had a bf whu was 2 timing her and i was really shock and quite angry. Having 1 gf is already very lucky already and u still wanna have 2, wat an ass. Even if i say that, i'm waiting for my feelings to sort themselves out b4 i really make a decision and i did. We are still young and don't really know how does love feels like so we will all make mistakes. At least i know someone whu had quite a few. ^.^ Lol Dun come find me pls.

Well thats my confession of the day i guess. Even though i'm not a christian. Haha this makes all u readers my holy father/mother! No offense to christians.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Not feeling so calm right now

Today got back my maths results already quite pissed, and now somethings else made me even more pekcek.

What a bad day. Sian. Shortest post ever.

Thursday, May 28, 2009


Aiyah whole day i also dunno how i spent it in sch de sia. I only rmb EBT was crap since i didnt listen at all, AQMC questions getting so chim that i nid to swim 1000000KM below brainlevel to understand it and the test was totally GGfied. WRT was the only lesson i got listen to de sia. Although still got slp lah haha.

Well at least today chatted with some people. Since its rare to even talk to them/her/him/watever i guess i should be happy? Lol. Then i just realize that i wan to mention smt. Y'day received my cert for getting Best performance in ECA. Yay! Lol late by 1 day. Not trying to brag but its the first time i get smt like this siol so must blog about it. Got money somemore leh. Not bad not bad.

Then after sch stayed back and actually wanted to do RE project de but in the end also didn't do. Only helped other people to do their AQMC quiz.

Ah well today at least spent some time doing something meanful. Well to me i guess. Not gonna tell wat it is so happy guessing. I think sometimes i'm trying for the impossible but can't help but hope it might come true. Sigh~~~~~~

Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Wah knn really today damn fucked up the whole day. My head pounding like the roadwork below my house like that. Drilling into my head. =.=

Whole day in sch is cannot listen one i tell u. Slp at anytime possible. Lucky when katayon asking question i still can answer if not sure kana sia. Maths was pathetic, totally flunked. Woohoo totally dunno how to do. First question confirm wrong due to forgetting to divide by 2. Aiyah sucks lah maths. Then RE today damn fun sia. Went to the 报恩寺 near Bukit changdu(opium hill) at potong pasir? Basically somewhere near vivo i tink. Its a really clean and green temple siol. Water heater use sun, lights use battery charged by wind or sunlight, hall is using architectal technique called stacking to bring in natural ventilations. Even the sutra wheels right, ppl is put whole sutra book inside but there they put thumbdrive instead, so high tech siol.

Basically the temple, other than being a buddist temple, also encourages other religions to host their activities there. The mr Lee whu were bringing us around was a energetic and kind old man whose classmates back then were ppl like Goh chok tong, so i leave it to u to calculate his age. Other than teaching us on the green technologies in the temple he also taught us on the importance of using our brains to save energy. And that politics are smt that everyone should be concern about and not being passive about.

After that alot of us got off at the bus stop near the temple. Boss they all went to vivo while i followed Xianglin Mingheng Weixiong and lyndia go opposite busstop take bus home. I tell u both me and xianglin slp until mingheng got off the bus we also dunno. Really slp till like i tink if brake suddenly we will fly one sia.

Anyway Xl wan go JP buy sushi so follow her go lorh, then go home eat panadol and slp for 5.5 hours. Then now here blogging.Thought of a saying, fully by me okkk.

Conflicts are just like cornflakes. Some are big, some are small. Some ppl dun like it and avoid it while some like it alot and will look for it. U can either have it like it is or u add milk to soften it but eventually u'll still swallow it down. Some ppl have a big stomach can hold alot of it but too much u will vomit it out and create a huge mess with it. Unless of course u manage to digest it and everything's Aok.

Wahaha so boliao right me. Lol i also think so. Ok lah its a long post. Nid to slp soon again lah if not tml headache again i swear i gonna scold someone in sch man.

Monday, May 25, 2009

SUSU B'day!

Haha i shalll call u that too liao! Nice boh the card? We all stay back and cut out one neh. Must treasure it ok? Wah lao today damn busy sia. And the weather is not helping by neing so OMG **** HOT!?!?!?!? Is really so hot that i wan to scold liao man. Even after i off my aircon for like 30mins, i open the door and go outside the room, can feel the GREAT diff in temp can? SO CRAZY.

Well today actually was quite cranky at first since i was late for RE lesson then rush in hear nid to take temp even more pissed. Sorry to winnie abit loud to you when u telling me liyana sitting there. After RE val said a lousy excuse like taking money and boss accompany her. And as expected su knew wat they were up to, buying the cake. Then me, const waited for winnie, su and yana to reach atrium then went to BTP Pizza Hut.

Reach there, eat, celebrate su b'day, took some stupid pictures. Also went to buy long ruler for AQMC but in the end realize that we didn't nid it so long wat. Dunno why mrs preety wan long ruler.Then chiongback to Convention Centre for the SJWP. Well same as last year it wasn't very attention retaining. Drifted off after 3 groups, but at least i tried doing maths. Which is sort of a start lah. Lol.

Wah i tell u in the 1hour break was damn busy lah, printing the RE PV info papers like madman sia, spent $4.5 liddat leh, then walk here walk there. Then i also see liyana like so stress also dunno wat to say. :( Then tired until go AQMC dun feel so well man. I tink is the whole day drink too much coffee. Then still got 2cup of pepsi in between. Lol.

Then after that went for a talk which is reallly very interesting sia. Carrot, egg or coffee? Will the hot water of life boil u till ur soft and weak like carrot? Or will it harden u until u become hard outside and hide urself behind it? If not will u be able to use the hot water of life to make a hot and aromatic coffee? Now i get the feeling i'm better Carrot and Egg leaning to Carrot. Must be able to upgrade to Coffee man.

A really interesting talk anyway. Then took 184 with Susu, Xianglin and Weijin since all taking MRT. But weijin is go Bugis while su go JE to go admiralty while the 2 of us to BL. Then chiong home and on com let mom watch show. Haha.

Ok gonna go dig info on EBT e-learning man. Crazy week it shall be. Byes.

Sunday, May 24, 2009


Y'day finally dragged my hand to do my WRT project. Heng i got hardworking members to chiong tgt. >.< If not die man i tell u. I nid to write out all that i nid for the exams liao sia. I didn't know that getting AD can get money sia. Try get another one this sem. Lol i;m only aiming for the money. Nth else man. No more work= All means to get money also must get.

Aiyah tml like very busy sia. Despite tml being the EBT e-learning week. Which is like totally GG since we sure nid to ask mariam ALOT of stuff on EBT lah. DNA i hate u man. So i'm hating myself, my genes. =.= Tml 11 to 4 is the actually break. But 1-3 got the SJWP or Singapore Junior Water Prize which all EWT ppl nid to attend. Attended it last year too. Some projects really quite interesting sia. Got one i rmb is smt to do with Seabass, a kind of fish. Ok then back to topic, morn nid to go do stuff. Then after lesson at 6 got to go attend a talk sia.

Ah crap i want to talk to alot of ppl on dif stuff but no idea how to approach the topic. Haiz nvm shall wait till i figure out wat i really want first bah. Can only listen to songs to waste time off.

Saturday, May 23, 2009


In the end didn't do any of the frigging WRT project. Tml is seriously die die die must do le. If not really gg and drag other ppl die also. Cannot man.

Talked to boss again, i think i talk to her too much man. LOL. Asking about the wrt but somehow and another the topic changed to me with my bad habits. Like scolding too much vulgarities and being too tiko. Since she said it, that it makes some ppl irritated, I'M GONNA CHANGE! Remind me pls ty. Hope in the future when i look back at this post i have already changed for the better. If i really do it tink it'll be damn fun sia, looking back and reading again why did i want to change.

Sometimes i realize that i can't be "myself" around other people simply because i do not know wats my true character. In the past i always try to be a joker and play around with other people, but now i think its just being a huge nuisence. Whenever i do something i'll wonder if is it something that i really want to do or will it make someone laugh or watever. But most of the time i failed to think about if other people will be able to take wat i say. Took things for granted. Suppose to be more sensible and stop being like a kid. In the end still must be grateful that boss told me something that i didn't really know or understand.

Gonna try and at the very least be less tiko by my b'day. As for the vulgarities, maybe lesser? Like 1-2 a day? Oe 1-2 a week? Just now i listening to breakaway by kelly clarkson.

I tink the song that most describe my feelings now is Behind these hazel eyes by Kelly Clarkson too.


Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Not feeling so high afterall.

Well these few days quite "busy" i guess. At least when i stay in sch or after sch i did productive things. Like doing things for people and going to buy my Portable hard disk today. Yes i bought a Hard disk le, Seagate Free agent go. 320GB.

Well i seriously have NO motivation to do ANY projects right now. I dun know why either but i just feel like moping around thinking that "OMG projects are nearing!!!" But in the end not doing anything.

Then while going back home from funan, on the mrt so many ppl. Zzz when we go to work and everyday have to squeeze with ppl. My god siao man.

Ah life is so full of crap. I tell u today someone was being damn irritating can. Make so much unnecessary sound. Got one time so loud somemore. Please lah if u wan to seek attention dun try with me i can't be bothered to care about u man. Can u stop asking for things from me do u tink i'll let u have mine? Tsk some ppl.

Sometimes i really feel that my life have so many things to miss out in. Suppose everyone also bah, like constance is due to her mum de obstruction. Ok then liyana and hui2 is work and sometimes household problems(if i'm not wrong). Ok for the rest is all very free and can go for all these sia. Ok winnie doesn't but thats cause she dun wanna go her problem. LOL.

Well sometimes, i just feel so extra. Hahahahaha.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Update! Number 2! Go read 1 first!

Hmm today i gave my resignation letter le. Feel so.. Well can't really describe how i'm feeling. Happy that i'm gonna be free, but at the same time i feel that a part of me has been removed and can nv be recovered. Its just like graduating from sch man. Ur glad that u dun nid to go there already but still u'll miss it.

This week my emotions really going up and down man. I dunno why too. Guess my karma caught up to me, for slacking so much over the years that now when i really nid to do things i feel the stress that i haven felt .

Haiya since everyone says dun think so much about it i shall not. No willy stop thinking about it! Sometimes i really feel that life is real boring where all the real fun is in the first 20 years of your life. After that is the boring and working life of the 20-50/60s. After that u'll be into the tired and relaxing(if ur money is not scammed or didn't even save up) life. By then hopefully u'll have children or even grandchildren to look after or fret about.

Lol i dun wanna be those people that nag too much but i tink thats impossible since even now when i'm young i'm already nagging at some ppl liao when i'm old i'll be even worst. Haha. Ok its a shorter one compared to the last post. Yay!


Lol just realize that i didn't update for the whole of this 5 days. Gonna split into 2 post, one is on the happening this week and the other one is any great reflection in this week.

This one is on the happenings. Ok start from mon! Ok great can't rmb wat i did. LOL. Oh it was raining that day since we were like shivering all the way while going to makan place. In the end also didn't eat there since too many frigging ppl. Borrowed the alumni card from weijin and we went to alumni clubhse eat again. Saw Qi en with her friends. So zhun. Then went to lib to slack till lesson start lorh then nth le.

Tues is I&E which i hate. Although i must say it wasn't that bad in the end but still. I just find that its the most undoable project out of all of them. Then the lesson also damn short sia. Release like 1 hour earlier. Can't rmb but i think thats the day when i accompany boss go JP. Her cousin b'day so get to eat gd stuff. Lol then also we went to popular to buy some paints that she val and su nid for their GV thingy. Chat also lorh about some stuff.

Wed was interesting since we got to go the the solar powered place at ngee ann. So cool lah. Like see all the solar panel and etc. Then see like how it helps to reduce the power the building use. Just plain cool.

Thurs lesson end early de day.But during the break we celebrated huihui's b'day. Fun as usual. Haha i dun think i'll upload the photos. Then many of us stayed back at atrium to do AQMC report but in the end also nv do must, for me and Xianglin lah that is. Then Xianglin accompany me go Gekpoh cut hair. Aiyah wah a loust place u recommend. I go back my own one next time le lah. LOL now my hair is back to its worst state. Then after that went to eat mac and listen to xianglin talk ALOT. Lol hope she better dun see this. But it was fun and now i understand her better. Haha.

Y'day morn nth much lorh, lesson nia. Maths was super tiring as usual. Then elective was boring as usual. What i had expected had happened, the 2 person that had pon the last 2 tutorial really came to our group sia. LOL. So zhun man. I can go be fortune teller. I tink next time, i should go home by myself since going with u is the same as not going with u. Plus i find it weird trying to maintain my silence. Haiz nvm.

Ok this is quite long i tink. Wahaha.

Monday, May 11, 2009


Well i'm really hating tues now, since there's I&E. Its a stupid module thats adding unneeded amount of white hair to my head.

Something happened today, which made me totally sian. Not gonna say out though some already know wat it is.

Told my mother about quitting work and she just said if u wan to then just do it. But she started asking about why again. 1 year spent on sch and work only is really tiring. Some might say "its just 5 hours" but that 5 hours is fixed and u can't change it. "Well change ur timings to fit it" and i did try but its almost impossible. Which just means i have to give it a miss. "Well then go the next one" BUT THE NEXT TIME THE SAME THING HAPPEN AGAIN. Why do we need to worry about money so much when other people are surviving with more mouth to feed and less income than us? Is it wrong to wish to do other things in poly other that go to sch and go work? Even if i have a CCA, can i even spare the time to really enjoy myself there? My co-worker already feeling tired after a few weeks sch started.

Projects just keep reminding itself in my head and work is a load on my mind and having additional incidents just doesn't make it better.

The tears just won't stop even if i hate myself for crying.

Sunday, May 10, 2009


I wish all mothers a happy day today! Today so many ppl at NTUC. Abit shock dao, maybe cause all wan to buy things to go home cook for the whole family? Or buy extra things in case if the husband cook and fail got back up ingredients can cook other stuff. Lol. But can see a big difference lah, all the aunties/mothers like going orchard liddat wear till so nice come NTUC. So weird. Woo but i was so bored that i was on a housefly extermination rampage today. With my trusty D4 spray in hand, i defeated 30plus houseflies! With about 5 is killed by hand, since they too stupid to fly away. Duno why there's SOOOO many of them, is like at first is cai da-ge(he quite young 23 nia so call da-ge) go started this. Then i bored so continue on, then another TL also come do it. LOL.

Then yeah i took the resignation form le, guess its for real this time. Knn everytime also got things to tempt me to not quit, since they said in august can get bonus of 1 month. Zzz... If really no more work, gonna save up le, no more anyhow spending it on food Zzz..... Must get my piggy bank habit back. Lol.

Oh yeah shit tml mon again. Weeks are passing by so fast, I&E is making me hate tues now. Its such a no head no tail module. Wats more everyone is busy and not free to do stuff. Organizing an event nids even more planning than a report and with everyone so busy how to do sia. Man i dun wanna think about it. Gonna do all my main projects finish first. One step at a time man!

Sian sometimes i really wanna find someone to talk to, as in really talk about ALL the things that i wanna say. But doubt i will find that person soon. Lol.

Conflicts rising in the 2 out of 3 main countries, think soon iron curtain gonna be up. Dun understand? Then ask me. LOL so simple. Too bad for the ally in rival country, you're on ur own.

Last friday went for the CSS NP alumni welcome tea. Quite fun, saw many friends that i haven saw for a long time. Lol and played games and i kana forfeit. So gay the forfeit. Wanna see it go to Facebook and ask yuling for it. LOL. But i realize what i really miss is talking to ppl on the way back home. Since coming to poly, everyday is spent going to sch and going home alone with no one to talk to. Ok morn got Xianglin i forgot. But after sch is alone. Makes me think of the times in sec sch where we would always make a big racket at the busstop and bus. Be it with friends from my class, or after choir where all of us would go home tgt and be damn noisy. Sometimes we will be so tired that all will be slping, then that gay rick will gay with me since his head will be on my shoulder. But those were the days where we will chat about all kinds of things. And thats what make it so fun. But now in poly everyone is living in different places and its hard to find people that u live near or tgt with.

Anyway now i'm only spending all my time talking to my friends or slacking. LOL.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Industrial Attachment Program

Today attended a talk on our year 3 modules, whether we will take 6month Industrial attachment or 6month Project design & development or 2 month attachment and Final year project. I want to go for the Industrial attachment but i'm afraid. There's also alot of unanswered questions like wat will happen to our Diploma Plus, the top 40% is whole course or whole class. The one thing i was totally afraid of is the interview lah. Like all interviews i go is fail one neh! Sec sch got 1, poly got like 3. Zzzz, totally no confidence liao.

Working in Ntuc so long has made me have a impression that work is always easy and slackish. Which is totally not the case and made me quite nervous. Like if really get in and goes to a certain company how will i cope? Can i survive there? So many things to consider.

Then while listening to the talk, suddenly thought about the future. Will we still be able to meet up and chat? Talking and laughing together... Really makes me wanna talk to ur forever in sch, just sitting down and joking with ur. In 2 years time i'll be doing my NS while all of them will be going to university(i guess? all so smart sure go one lah) Then by the time i come out they will be either in last year of uni or starting work(if got exemption). By then they'll be so busy. While i will need to really consider if i wanna go uni. Which as of now i have no intention of going.
This past year i had so much fun with all u girls ( guys in the other clique ur not forgotten) and i really can't even imagine the future without u ppl. I'm still a crybaby afterall. Really want to spend more time with u ppl since there's only 1 year plus left(Not including IAP or PDD). I dun wan us to drift apart even after we left Ngee ann and continue on with our life. I really want to see the day when i see u girls get married and maybe even when u have ur children. Lol still quite long away but yet not so far away. Time flys when we become adults and start working. Everyday u work with only wkends to rest and then its work again. Its a continuous cycle. They say only friends u make in sec sch last but i dun believe it. I want the friends that i made in poly to last forever till the end.

So guess its my another LONG post again. Lol Congratulations in reading finish that big paragraph of words( if u skipped then u suck! Lol!) Just hope that time won't cheat me and shorten my already limited time with all of you.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Monday blues

Oh well the stupid thewest game dun wanna let me in so nth i can do about it. Maybe wait and see how it will go lorh. I spent so much time on the game and it treat me like this. Really feel abit like crying sia. Zzzz.

Haiz nvm shall forget it. Today Someone was so angry over something that happen. Aiyoh he joker nth u can do about it luh, at least tml u wont see him right? Happy abit pls. Lol. Everything is a joker to him lah so take it easy i guess. Can't really say anything to you since i myself is a frequent TNT that goes off sometime or another.

Today first 2 hours of lesson was cancelled so got to slp abit later but i still reach sch like at 10 when the lesson starts at 11. Lol so i went and bought straits times to read for fun. So many things happening nowadays. Like the AWARE incident and the Influenza A(swine flu H1N1). Its a very big event since singapore still rmbs the SARS incident and do not want it to happen again. Now even going to the library u nid to have identification. I was abit shocked just now. Lol.

Anyway 1 article i read in the newspaper was saying about vaccination and some other stuff. Like when the decision to make Tan Tock Seng hospital into a SARS only hospital everyone was criticizing the Director of medicalservices for being 'kiasu' but within weeks their decisions were proven sound and we have being recognized internationally for the quick reactions. I tink its really a very meaningful article trying to encourage people to think about wat our ministers or higherups are trying to do before we criticize them.

Hmm end of the line, Pls think in other people's shoes ( i know constance and winnie did that today) and that to take care of urself and not get infected by the flu.

Stay strong and Stay healthy everyone!

Saturday, May 2, 2009


Well its so late but suddenly feel like blogging. Ok maybe not that late for some of u. No one online to talk to or there is someone but i have no topic to talk to her about. Nth to do as usual and in another 12 hours will have to go work again. Its so pathetic. Although its a chore having to stand there for 5 hours doing nth(since there's not much ppl), at least its better than sitting at home wasting electricity and growing fat. So much time, so much things i can do but i just dunno wat to do. To think that sometime ago i was still comtemplating about finding about a gf but forget about it. FORGET IT MAN. With me now, having a gf is just making someone else suffer, with my frequent unpredictable behaviour. I really wonder how boss they all can stay me sometimes, LOL.

After typing the above paragraph, i realize the topic is changing from 1 sentance to another. Wow so i'm really random after all. Now i finally see how fat i am and wat am i gonna do about it? No idea. Lol maybe climb stair to tutorials forever? See bah.

Projects are coming, with the deadlines approaching( still a few weeks away though) but i find that the teaming is really very unstable. Even with 3 groups, all the members are different. Out of a class of 24, having 3 dif groups in dif modules and all dif members is abit rare man. Hope next sem i wont have to deal with this again. I know u ppl like to stick tgt but dun too over ok? Try changing the members in ur groups pls.

People are so predictable once u get to know them well. Close to each other, will always be tgt, things u do tgt, secrets u share with each other. Ppl that u will interact with will differ and everyone is all apart. Some with their friends, some with their bf, while others are left alone. Find someone else to rant to man, no use telling them.

Ok that was totally some crap that i typed out. If u can understand then ur pro or really close to me. LOL which is like rare? Haha.