Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Whoopie Eco-camp!

Well.... Ppl kip bugging me to update luh so i update lorh. Sat & Sun had a Ecocamp, where i was assigned to do house to house visit on water saving things. Another team went to Ulu pandan river to clean it up. Heard they slack all the way.

For us we had to meet up at Chinese garden MRT at like...8.15? Can't really rmb. Then wait lorh till everyone gather tgt, namely Peizhen, suriani, valerie and liyana. Then off to the blocks where we will visit. Coincidentally 1 of the blocks that we were visiting was the block that i lived in b4 we shifted to my present hse. FYI the area was jurong east st 32 blk 301-304. I lived at 304. Sadly the blk i was assigned to was blk 303 haha. Team with liyana and tgt with a PUB officer we started the thing lorh. Alot of interesting things lah actually. I mean u actually get to enter so many hse lorh quite fun but tiring also haha. Got one time this guy with blood-shot eyes open the door lah.. So scary... Me and liyana got a shock haha. Got 1 even better, HDB flat right they manage to make a garden WITH A FENCE in front of it. Power lorh.

Then finish the thing... Went to eat, then took coach to sentosa lorh... Of course is after picking up those at ulu pandan. Haha. Then we walked to... palawan beach? There we played a game called protecting the king?Ur suppose to protect the newspaper on the kings using urself and a garbage bag. In the end is all queen.. From our class. Boss, liyana, ziying and constance. Constance was our group's queen. Val and su also in my team with another 2 guys bryan and daxino? Duno how to spell their name lah. Then at first... our team was like attacking all the other team.. Haha, then liyana group most power. Impossible to make her wet sia. Then after we finish attacking the other 3 team all gang us lol so we were the most wet group haha. But it was fun luh.

Then after this we had amazing race which was.... i suppose u can say 'not' that amazing. The first station took us like 1 hour to reach. At the Coasta sands resort there.... Then we only completed half of all the station, which was 6 in total. I tink only liyana that group manage to finish all the station i tink. Haha liyana work at sentosa so she sure know all the shortest way to go to the places lorh. Human map. Then my group was like 2nd last to go back then the ppl there told us to wait for the last group but then when they come back they had already bathed! So in the end our group only 1 that didn't get to bathe.... Until after we went to see the Song of the sea Which was damn cool.. At least the effects were cool.. The songs were another story haha. Oh i got took 1 photo come i show ur.

I find it damn nice luh. The head was just too big for me to avoid haha.

Oh yah and i had a talk on sharks and how they are actually NOT dangerous to humans. Well its a quite unconventional way of thinking so i won't say whether i agree anot but i guess i will reduce eating sharks fin. Lol too poor to eat too much anyway. Then managed to touch the pup(young) of bamboo shark... Those brown colour one.. Hehe. Then still got archer fish.. They can spray water at u one lorh... Damn fun.

Then we slept at 3am cause was listening to our camp facilitator from UWS(underwater singapore i tink) juraini talking about life story. Haha.Did i mention that we were sleeping inside the underwater world? Beside the conveyer belt there are carpets where we slept on. Then woke up at 7? Or was it 8? Not really sure lah haha. Then we woke up wash up and went to eat breakfast. Then went to dolphin lagoon to see pink dolphins! But i find that singapore really push prices to the limit man. I mean u pay 20plus dollars to enter UWS and dolphin lagoon but if u want to take picture with the dolphin u nid to pay again and then to GET the photos u nid to pay again? I tink lah. Pay so much kao. Then after this... pack bag go home lorh.. We had lunch at the harborfront market... Yeah then went home.... Slp lorh...

Then sch started lo... Nth much.. Results was okay... Oh and sry ppl for the wrong info about the Olvl results. But then the Css farewell shouldn't be wrong lol. By right lah... Oh and finally our mr chua ming xuan lend me his brisingr. And i nearly finish it in 1 day. Haha. Chiong all the way.

Woo long post even i am proud of myself i guess. Haha Until next time! I LIKE BEGV!!!

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