Abit irritated during the environmental talk since because of it i couldn't go eat with them.. Although i think if i really go with them will be damn sian since they will talk among themselves.. most likely haha. Plus i was damn tired dunno why.. Then yeah... The talk was quite infomative and made me see things from another angle in terms of some stuff which i totally forgot now. ^>^ Well overall today was a very happening day..
Oh and today was the testing of the bridge.. Well our group was the last haha.. Guess we were just too slack. Norman's group was the best.. It can support weight up to 57KG leh.. Even heavier than liyana sia... Lol. But was penalised cause they didn't use satay stick but some other thing. So sad but the weight was like so much more than others so dunno lah maybe still better. Damn scary lah when putting the weights.. Only me and mingheng can do it since only the 2 of us wore shoes. Zzz. All the lazy bums that wore slippers. Then the weights is like so irritating.. Have to constantly put in take out.. Heavy u know? Lol. Then got one bridge snap at my face sia... Scare me to death.. I so ugly liao still get injured on my face then good luck have fun.
Well another incident happen today... Well i still considering whether i should post it out.. Ppl that know do u think i should post it out? Well anyway.. When i was on the bus going home i was like thinking that if this really happen to me right i will cry for like 1 whole day luh... Maybe even 2 days... I mean its just so sad lah... Omg i can't even imagine it lah... Maybe skip school for 1 week or smt... Walk around trying to figure out wats wrong with me... Cry... Emo... Haiz nvm i should stop here and not think anymore... Well thats all yeah? Oh yah i got metinee's photo! Here it is! Hehe met u use my phone take photo i will upload de, aiyah u so chio i'm sure u don't mind right? Hehehe.

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