Saturday, January 17, 2009

Bloody #$% ^_^ >.<

I'm telling u one of these days i might just be so pissed off that i will go to the passenger service place and rant at them till i happy. Why? Because the stupid 154 is so bloody slow! I mean, today i had my CCA attachment, then after it i nid to go to work straight. I already abit irritated liaoz but nvm i was quite happy that we were released early. Then i wait for that stupid 154, 15mins then come 1 and its a FUCKING SINGLE DECK FULL OF PPL? USE UR BRAINS LAH I RATHER GET DOUBLE DECK NON-AIRCON THAN A SINGLEDECK WITH NO SPACE TO EVEN GET ON. In the end i had to take MRT to work and even with that i was late lah. Damn pissed luh. Oh yah and today hor at the attachment got this guy damn noisy lah talk so much to girls. I mean yes i also kip talking to girls but when i nid to do things i will do mah like do warm up nid to count i got count but him? Continue talking or was he so quiet that i couldn't even hear his breathing? Everyone was like abit irritated cause he damn noisy and act cute and SUPER DISGUSTING LAH. Dots.

Ahhh actually i was planning to post on something but i can't rmb le so forget it if i rmb again then post bah haha.

Oh my i guess year 2 is quietly creeping up on me... I mean like in a few weeks' time i would be taking major exams again and after that about another 2 months i would be a year 2. So nostalgic sia, last year we were the ones being all anxious and unsure about coming to this new environment. And great i'm now listening to emo song so it makes me so... emoish. I mean so many things happen during this span of time. Getting to know 2 cliques, all the different friends from dif courses through IS modules, Trying to catch a glimpse of my sec friends in the poly (i dun see them almost at all okay?). All the big and small incidents that dotted my life in this 1 year, i won't rmb them all but i'm sure i will miss them as they are all once in a lifetime... Just like my time with my friends and clique are 3years in a lifetime. After these 3 years everyone would be taking their different paths, for some they dun even nid to wait till 3 years, like huihui.

Sometimes i really tink that if i really post ALL that i am thinking ppl would like take homing missle and bomb me or smt lol. Well somethings are better left unsaid is really a very applicable
phrase and claps for the person whu came up with this phrase, must be a person with alot of stuff unsaid. XD.

Well an incident just swept through our class again, this time with a person being expelled from the biggest clique in our class. Well i suppose its a matter of when only bah. So many things heard from others about her. And they are all supportive of each other so i conclude that these infos are reliable to a large extent. But if she really ask me questions or smt i won't ingnore her lah the most is i won't take the initiative to sit beside her or smt. Sad i guess. Guess this marks the end of my emoing alone behind everyone. Lol ok should stop saying emo so much later get bomb again lol!

Oh yah i just thought of smt i can post about le! Hmm i guess the person i am talking about MIGHT know that i'm talking about u. Hope u don't anyway. Well I tink if i dun know a person very well and u suddenly like ask me so many questions(be it face to face or online or just a msg) i will be very put off and u shouldn't be like appear so desperate luh. Anyway if the person doesn't like reply u then u should get the hint le bah? Still dun care and continue. Dots leh. Well even if u get angry i also want to say lorh, a crush is just a crush get over it luh especially if the person dun even want to entertain u. Well if u get wat i say and want to slap me or smt u can find me and do it i dun mind.

Well enough for today i'm tired go slp liaoz. See bah if i'm still alive after afew days maybe i'll blog again.

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