Thursday, January 29, 2009

The rest before the war

Well today too free so decided to post smt up yeah. Thats cause today my 2 module is over le yay. Ok lets see, y'day stayed in sch till 7pm sia! Lesson ended at like 12? Then ate lunch then went to find a place to do maths hw. Lol but then for the first 1 hour i was slping, too tired le i guess during cny slpt at 2-3pm everyday. Then after that woke up and do maths, actually is copy but i try to understand how to do first. Oh yah then boss very funny kip asking me to put my head down so that she can cut away my white hair. After a long time i gave in and then guess wat? My hair, which did not undergo ANY colouring process, has many colours. Got white, half white half black, reddish and even abit gold colour one. Steady right. I planning to take pictures of them then i shall post it up on this blog so wait for it ppl!

Then later after this i am planning to go creative buy the MuVo T200. My mp3 died on me a long time ago so had to buy a new one since my phone earphone kips getting spoilt and i think they are trying to scam money out of it. Then going to NTUC to buy stuff for tml's war like lesson. If i'm not wrong 9 hours of lessons with only a 30mins break leh. I doubt that we will even have time to eat lunch lorh. So must buy tidbit or cakes or etc to survive the day.

Ok stop here first. If later after i buy the stuff i have anything interesting i will have another post.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Approaching CNY

Heys ppl i'm back again haha. As u all know CNY is coming in about 2 days but its not like i'm looking forward to it very much haha. As for the reason why i also have no idea myself. I mean u see everyone like so happy go out buy stuff and spend so much money.. I just find it boring lorh. So this year i didn't buy any new clothes. Haiz this year CNY also like very busy liddat... Want to go rick hse also no time. Sat sun working then no time to go out le.... Mon and tues is go relative hse mah, then sch start again. This is the worst lah. Then the next sat i going to junhua hse play mahjong/gathering, Sun is the one month celebration of my newborn nephew although its abit early. Haha so yeah quite busy luh. Then Feb coming so sian it means exams are coming and i suppose i have started to study(abit) already. Well its a start and i will try to continue to study more de. Weee.

Suddenly i really want to see all my friends now again sia. Like a CNY gathering or smt which is like almost 100% impossible. Everyone is like so busy, poly students with their exams and jc ppl with their A's. Life is really very cruel, why make me think of all this after it has become a fixed truth? But like a saying that i saw, i'm not sad that everything is over but rather i'm glad everything has happened. A real good saying which is hard for me to practise. Hmm lol.

Well today NTUC was super uber packed. As expected. Then saw liesl. Huiyi and her cousin also came to see me at work lol. Only got a glimpse of her since i was abit giddy from the work haha.
Tml is the day for reunion dinner and i guess there will be alcohol yay i like! Thats the only thingi i want bah. Then maybe get to see my auntie and cousins... Hehe my chio cousins! next time i got picture then i post on my blog ok? Haha. OK end here i nid so time to think of my next post.

Happy CNY ppl! Hope ur angpows come in heaps and bundles with alot of money in it!
P.S Dun have so much that u kana rob hor! XD

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Bloody #$% ^_^ >.<

I'm telling u one of these days i might just be so pissed off that i will go to the passenger service place and rant at them till i happy. Why? Because the stupid 154 is so bloody slow! I mean, today i had my CCA attachment, then after it i nid to go to work straight. I already abit irritated liaoz but nvm i was quite happy that we were released early. Then i wait for that stupid 154, 15mins then come 1 and its a FUCKING SINGLE DECK FULL OF PPL? USE UR BRAINS LAH I RATHER GET DOUBLE DECK NON-AIRCON THAN A SINGLEDECK WITH NO SPACE TO EVEN GET ON. In the end i had to take MRT to work and even with that i was late lah. Damn pissed luh. Oh yah and today hor at the attachment got this guy damn noisy lah talk so much to girls. I mean yes i also kip talking to girls but when i nid to do things i will do mah like do warm up nid to count i got count but him? Continue talking or was he so quiet that i couldn't even hear his breathing? Everyone was like abit irritated cause he damn noisy and act cute and SUPER DISGUSTING LAH. Dots.

Ahhh actually i was planning to post on something but i can't rmb le so forget it if i rmb again then post bah haha.

Oh my i guess year 2 is quietly creeping up on me... I mean like in a few weeks' time i would be taking major exams again and after that about another 2 months i would be a year 2. So nostalgic sia, last year we were the ones being all anxious and unsure about coming to this new environment. And great i'm now listening to emo song so it makes me so... emoish. I mean so many things happen during this span of time. Getting to know 2 cliques, all the different friends from dif courses through IS modules, Trying to catch a glimpse of my sec friends in the poly (i dun see them almost at all okay?). All the big and small incidents that dotted my life in this 1 year, i won't rmb them all but i'm sure i will miss them as they are all once in a lifetime... Just like my time with my friends and clique are 3years in a lifetime. After these 3 years everyone would be taking their different paths, for some they dun even nid to wait till 3 years, like huihui.

Sometimes i really tink that if i really post ALL that i am thinking ppl would like take homing missle and bomb me or smt lol. Well somethings are better left unsaid is really a very applicable
phrase and claps for the person whu came up with this phrase, must be a person with alot of stuff unsaid. XD.

Well an incident just swept through our class again, this time with a person being expelled from the biggest clique in our class. Well i suppose its a matter of when only bah. So many things heard from others about her. And they are all supportive of each other so i conclude that these infos are reliable to a large extent. But if she really ask me questions or smt i won't ingnore her lah the most is i won't take the initiative to sit beside her or smt. Sad i guess. Guess this marks the end of my emoing alone behind everyone. Lol ok should stop saying emo so much later get bomb again lol!

Oh yah i just thought of smt i can post about le! Hmm i guess the person i am talking about MIGHT know that i'm talking about u. Hope u don't anyway. Well I tink if i dun know a person very well and u suddenly like ask me so many questions(be it face to face or online or just a msg) i will be very put off and u shouldn't be like appear so desperate luh. Anyway if the person doesn't like reply u then u should get the hint le bah? Still dun care and continue. Dots leh. Well even if u get angry i also want to say lorh, a crush is just a crush get over it luh especially if the person dun even want to entertain u. Well if u get wat i say and want to slap me or smt u can find me and do it i dun mind.

Well enough for today i'm tired go slp liaoz. See bah if i'm still alive after afew days maybe i'll blog again.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Hi Metinee!!!

Omg i was so shocked today lah when i saw metinee tag in my blog saying that she was crashing ngee ann today. Then after lesson called jinyee to find her, metinee, jiahui, weihao, chongchiang and mx at alumni. Very sorry ah met didn't really talk to u must since i was eating. Well only had 1 hour luh very rush.. At least i still saw them when i was waiting for the environmental talk.. Then saw pamela xinyue yikyie arthas and bahari... So long nv see the jc ppl le lah namely the 3 girls.. Njc and acjc and jjc hor. Lol. Fun lah even though it was short. Realise that i really miss seeing all of them sia.. Metinee is like once in a blue moon when she come back from thailand. Wait this is the first time so shouldn't say once in a blue moon. Aiyah watever.

Abit irritated during the environmental talk since because of it i couldn't go eat with them.. Although i think if i really go with them will be damn sian since they will talk among themselves.. most likely haha. Plus i was damn tired dunno why.. Then yeah... The talk was quite infomative and made me see things from another angle in terms of some stuff which i totally forgot now. ^>^ Well overall today was a very happening day..

Oh and today was the testing of the bridge.. Well our group was the last haha.. Guess we were just too slack. Norman's group was the best.. It can support weight up to 57KG leh.. Even heavier than liyana sia... Lol. But was penalised cause they didn't use satay stick but some other thing. So sad but the weight was like so much more than others so dunno lah maybe still better. Damn scary lah when putting the weights.. Only me and mingheng can do it since only the 2 of us wore shoes. Zzz. All the lazy bums that wore slippers. Then the weights is like so irritating.. Have to constantly put in take out.. Heavy u know? Lol. Then got one bridge snap at my face sia... Scare me to death.. I so ugly liao still get injured on my face then good luck have fun.

Well another incident happen today... Well i still considering whether i should post it out.. Ppl that know do u think i should post it out? Well anyway.. When i was on the bus going home i was like thinking that if this really happen to me right i will cry for like 1 whole day luh... Maybe even 2 days... I mean its just so sad lah... Omg i can't even imagine it lah... Maybe skip school for 1 week or smt... Walk around trying to figure out wats wrong with me... Cry... Emo... Haiz nvm i should stop here and not think anymore... Well thats all yeah? Oh yah i got metinee's photo! Here it is! Hehe met u use my phone take photo i will upload de, aiyah u so chio i'm sure u don't mind right? Hehehe.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Noooo onnee tag on my blogggg

Aiyah no one tags on my blog.... So saddd... Well very boring these few days.. Had to stay back and do our bridge project since its due on tues. Well at least we're finishing soon le lah. Today when i was going to find xiangling and mingheng i saw bingcheng and junhua studying! Lol.

Then nth lorh.. This will be a short post bah.. Then yah tml is the release of Olvl results.. Cant go back to sch to see so disappointed.... But still gd luck to all ppl getting results!! Oh and another disappinting thing... I CAN"T MAKE IT FOR CHOIR FAREWELL!!!! I got CCA attachment in the morn and then after that i got to go to work. Cannot take off cause its near new year shit. Sian lah like that. Someone make me get sick on that day or smt.... I really want to go back!! Pls make a miracle happen or smt... Then yeah... Bought some stuff today.... Ppl suggestions if u dun eat chocolate wat would u prefer to eat.... Nid some suggestions...

Work is really making me abit irritated sometimes... Haiz.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Whoopie Eco-camp!

Well.... Ppl kip bugging me to update luh so i update lorh. Sat & Sun had a Ecocamp, where i was assigned to do house to house visit on water saving things. Another team went to Ulu pandan river to clean it up. Heard they slack all the way.

For us we had to meet up at Chinese garden MRT at like...8.15? Can't really rmb. Then wait lorh till everyone gather tgt, namely Peizhen, suriani, valerie and liyana. Then off to the blocks where we will visit. Coincidentally 1 of the blocks that we were visiting was the block that i lived in b4 we shifted to my present hse. FYI the area was jurong east st 32 blk 301-304. I lived at 304. Sadly the blk i was assigned to was blk 303 haha. Team with liyana and tgt with a PUB officer we started the thing lorh. Alot of interesting things lah actually. I mean u actually get to enter so many hse lorh quite fun but tiring also haha. Got one time this guy with blood-shot eyes open the door lah.. So scary... Me and liyana got a shock haha. Got 1 even better, HDB flat right they manage to make a garden WITH A FENCE in front of it. Power lorh.

Then finish the thing... Went to eat, then took coach to sentosa lorh... Of course is after picking up those at ulu pandan. Haha. Then we walked to... palawan beach? There we played a game called protecting the king?Ur suppose to protect the newspaper on the kings using urself and a garbage bag. In the end is all queen.. From our class. Boss, liyana, ziying and constance. Constance was our group's queen. Val and su also in my team with another 2 guys bryan and daxino? Duno how to spell their name lah. Then at first... our team was like attacking all the other team.. Haha, then liyana group most power. Impossible to make her wet sia. Then after we finish attacking the other 3 team all gang us lol so we were the most wet group haha. But it was fun luh.

Then after this we had amazing race which was.... i suppose u can say 'not' that amazing. The first station took us like 1 hour to reach. At the Coasta sands resort there.... Then we only completed half of all the station, which was 6 in total. I tink only liyana that group manage to finish all the station i tink. Haha liyana work at sentosa so she sure know all the shortest way to go to the places lorh. Human map. Then my group was like 2nd last to go back then the ppl there told us to wait for the last group but then when they come back they had already bathed! So in the end our group only 1 that didn't get to bathe.... Until after we went to see the Song of the sea Which was damn cool.. At least the effects were cool.. The songs were another story haha. Oh i got took 1 photo come i show ur.

I find it damn nice luh. The head was just too big for me to avoid haha.

Oh yah and i had a talk on sharks and how they are actually NOT dangerous to humans. Well its a quite unconventional way of thinking so i won't say whether i agree anot but i guess i will reduce eating sharks fin. Lol too poor to eat too much anyway. Then managed to touch the pup(young) of bamboo shark... Those brown colour one.. Hehe. Then still got archer fish.. They can spray water at u one lorh... Damn fun.

Then we slept at 3am cause was listening to our camp facilitator from UWS(underwater singapore i tink) juraini talking about life story. Haha.Did i mention that we were sleeping inside the underwater world? Beside the conveyer belt there are carpets where we slept on. Then woke up at 7? Or was it 8? Not really sure lah haha. Then we woke up wash up and went to eat breakfast. Then went to dolphin lagoon to see pink dolphins! But i find that singapore really push prices to the limit man. I mean u pay 20plus dollars to enter UWS and dolphin lagoon but if u want to take picture with the dolphin u nid to pay again and then to GET the photos u nid to pay again? I tink lah. Pay so much kao. Then after this... pack bag go home lorh.. We had lunch at the harborfront market... Yeah then went home.... Slp lorh...

Then sch started lo... Nth much.. Results was okay... Oh and sry ppl for the wrong info about the Olvl results. But then the Css farewell shouldn't be wrong lol. By right lah... Oh and finally our mr chua ming xuan lend me his brisingr. And i nearly finish it in 1 day. Haha. Chiong all the way.

Woo long post even i am proud of myself i guess. Haha Until next time! I LIKE BEGV!!!

Friday, January 2, 2009

New year 2009!

Aiyah didn't make a new year post since i was damn busy. Haha. The O's will be released on 9th of jan! Anyone wanna go back to see the results? Crap i tink i have lessons...Maths? Lousy lesson maybe i should pon again! Wahaha. Then choir sec4 farewell is on 17th. Shit i already took off le cannot off again! HOW??? Sian see how it goes bah. Hehe.

Let's see.. This whole week i was like almost doing smt everyday! Last sunday was project day! Did 2 project in a day.. although is only like do a little bit nia. That took nearly the whole day. Well.. Sort of saw my friend de mum... Then i was like so shocked! I mean my friend was like just calling her bf to come... Then her mum pop out after that!? I was beside her mah then suddenly her mum walk to her and said " can u go home now?" I was like.. !? Whus that?(i dunno thats her mum since she's quite old) Then i realize that some parents are just too protective/strict on their children. Go out also must like 突击检察. What the heck lah? Argh enough i should stop thinking about this.

Monday.... Oh yah had my sec friends outing... Well i didn't do much since i went there after the buffet... They had a buffet then went to pitstop cafe to play games. Kinda sad that i didnt get to see some of them since they went off.. But still i was happy that manage to see most of them.. Lets see....nvm i dun list names since u all wont know whu they are anyway. but i got pictures!! But lazy to upload. Really miss seeing them everyday sia... Back when still in sch. Everyone has drifted apart.. but still the bond that connects us are still present although its has been stretched thin. Really very grateful to FUCHENG for organising this!

Then... NYE i was working till 10plus haha but after that i went to junhua hse to ton woo. Got michelle connie bingcheng guangjie peifen and of course junhua lol. Then played mahjong lorh..LOL i tell u michelle play mahjong damn funny one lorh next time must go play with her. But then her and connie had to go home like at 1am? So after they left me bingcheng junhua and gunagjie continue to mahjong lorh.. Ok lah i was damn lucky and i won overall. Got 2 match, first time i was playing with bc and jh's parents and won $6. Then the 2nd match with the 3 of them i won 1.80 nia. Gj was the ultimate loser since he 1 pay 3. Sad right. Well learn alot from all the mahjong. Manage to make a half colour, so happy. I noob so half colour very gd liaoz.

Yeah sounds little but is actually alot of stuff de. Haha. I still thinking of my new year resolutions so next post then write it out(i tink)