Friday, August 8, 2008

National Day celebration!

Okay... Today was interesting...Firstly early in the morn woke up at 7am.. For no reason.. Lol. Then slack till 9.30. Then pack bag and bathe and took 154 to clementi mrt to meet Boss(peizhen), Winnie, Constance and Valerie. But then the bus was unexpectedly fast and i reach the station at 10am... The meeting time was 11am. So i was SUPER early...Then no choice have to wait. Lucky i got my PSP to kill time. Then waited till winnie came. Then she was ranting about her friends pangseh her. So can tell she super piss off. Then when they all reach we went to eat lormee at some coffee shop near the clementi swimming complex. Then we went back to mrt station to find suriani. Went to sch to print Ecology notes.. Then winnie went home. The rest of us went for maths lesson.. It was pathetic lah. 40 plus students become only 9 students. No one from the other class came. Woots our class so hard working.Haha.

Then after this went to blk 34 to hand in things then went to library cause boss want to print something. Then we managed to get beanbag to lie on. Its seriously damn nice.. LOL. Nth to do so we decided to go for the national day celebration at the convention centre tgt with weijin, mingheng, lyndia and weixiong. Then we go there walk walk abit then go in... Then valerie say want to go home le. Wah kao go there take goodie bag and run off..LORL. Then the thing start lorh.

Its quite fun.. Starting is got Drum performance and then band performance.Also got Video but i forgot it came after wat. Then got this news reporting item where 4 news reporter reports news which has absolutely no link with each other but they some how sew it tgt making it hilarious in the end. But abit chim lah. Then got myanmarese students dancing.. Lecturers from LSTC doing a skit/dance. Which is super hilarious. Then they made us do a super funny thing. U know the national day always have F-16 flying past? We can't have that so they gave us each a paper to fold into paper aeroplane to throw as one. But singaporeans kiasu so all want to throw first so it was a utter failure but it was fun. Haha. Then is a dance again by lecturers from different schools in ngee ann. Then is another sort of hiphop dance by students.. Got belly dance somemore. Woots. Then sing song lorh.. Then got this pyro thing.. U know like fake fireworks? Damn nice lah. We were all shocked then everyone become super high. So fun. Then after that got tea reception. Ate abit then went home lorh.

So now i am blogging about it with only my left eye. My right eye is covered by tissue cause i tink i getting lazy eyes so must do this. The difference in degree in my left eye and right eye is getting larger so perhaps i am becoming more dependent on my right eye leading to my leg eye's deterioration. Cause that time i go check my eyes. Words that i see with my right eye is larger then my left eye but then my left eye's degree is not as high as my right eye. So now must try my best to rectify it. If not die. So pls forgive me if i type wrong. Hahaha. Oh and i took this pic at the convention centre

1 comment:

PAMELA said...

new add !