Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Huishi, Jinyee, Jolynn, Liesl, Mingxuan, Tzehock, Pamela, huiyi, Suriani, Valerie, Constance, Lyndia, Peizhen, Joanna, and Derrick. Ok now add in winnie.. She's the last i guess.These are the people that wished me happy b'day today. Really very touched that they rmb and make it a point to wish me. Thanks ppl!!! But then some ppl that i really wanted to hear from didn't so was abit disappointed.. Oh well... Today stayed at home till 3 plus then huishi called me to go out. So went out(saved me from rotting at home in the end). Met him Congshi, Jolynn and Mx. We went to play pool then after that went to watch money not enough 2. Basically i find that the show has no storyline. Seriously. Its not as gd as the first movie. At least i find it not as gd. Abit jump here jump there. But then the 3 brothers really showed that different side of ppl lah. Hui-ge was the typical poor but fillial son, jack neo was with the typical singaporean thinking(more of his wife) and for lee guo huang....Erm.. Nth really. Lol. But then the last part with the mother dying part was quite sad.. Oh and i find the ending too... How to put it? Too succesful i guess? Like.. Die die lorh then not sad and all the things etc etc.

Oh and ppl if u msg me and i don't reply pls dun be angry its because my phone only have $0.02 left and i no money to go buy top-up card. Lol. So thats it for today.. My b'day was passed just like that.


phgoh said...

wa willy, still rotting at home.
study la. lols.
i finish all the bio le.

Anonymous said...

eh~ nv add congshi~ he go out celebrate with u leh!
