Saturday, May 31, 2008

No time

Hmm i am still slacking as usual... So now i had to do many things in a short time. Must gather and complete my ComT info paper.... Study for my hydraulics paper which i am not confident of passing even if i study for it...... Sleep till i am dead...... And then finish my book which i was reading. Haha.

Y'day saw KHOO SIOK HWEE at the interchange. She was like..." EH!!! Why are you here!?!?" LOL. So fun lorh. I stalk her around the interchange. What my hair very weird? Its just super short okay? Hmph. Monday you die. I will gang with derrick to torture you. May be mx too if he show up.

Read other people's blog and i really feel that everyone is like trying very hard to cope with their own life. So many problems... Be it from school.. Workplace... Family.... Or just from ur friends... Where you face rejections... Discrimination and misunderstandings... Its just so ironic... Sian lah

I feel like just slacking and fail the hydraulics test... I dunno why. Maybe i am becoming more and more unwilling to study. More and more emotionally unstable and more and more........ I dunno any more.


Tuesday, May 27, 2008


Aiyah today have ecology field trip to bukit timah nature reserve. But then half way 2 of our friends feel unwell and it seems like it is going to rain so we decided to turn back. But managed to play around with the walkie talkie. So fun. LOL. Then when we were waiting for the rain to end we saw so many MONKEYS. Haha. They so funny. Then everyone like so scared of them liddat. Lol. Then after that we went to see the quarry. It was quite a nice scenery.

Then had to walk back to sch to take bus cause i not very sure of the buses at bukit timah hill. So FAR... Zzz. Hmm.... Oh and i finally cut my hair liaoz. HAHA. Now its damn short. Lol.

Something happened today to make me think about relationship again. The number of years in a relationship doesn't matter. Even if it is more then 3 years... It can be still okay today and over the next day. Some ppl can just have one or two years of relationship and then they got married liaoz. Aiyah. Why the heck am i thinking of all this? Crazy.

Thats it for today. Gonna slack now. Bye ppl.

Saturday, May 24, 2008


Paiseh ppl! For not updating for nearly 1 week. I abit sian from mon to thursday cause of IAC. But now its OVER!!!! YAY!! I love it man. Okay.. Now i am back to playing maplestory. LOL. This is because it is the only dumb enough game for me to play in and easy to download.

Common test is coming in 1 more week! "sweat" As usual i haven studied for it and i dunno where to start. No past year questions to try... only have example questions which i don't even understand in the first place. =.=!!! Guess i nid to consult some 'gao ren' to enlighten me. Luckily my worst subject on mon so it won't affect me going back to CSS for the choir camp! Haha i will go there laugh at them.

Actually i remember i have some sudden realization on one of the day de.... But i forgot liaoz. Too long already lah. Haiz. Oh and i realize it is impossible to have a chalet with ur sec sch friends liaoz. Our vacation doesn't fall on the same days with them so its impossible. SIAN. I really wanted to have a chalet to meet up with them de

Guess have to see how it goes bah. But there will be a picnic for some of us! For those that are involved... I CAN'T WAIT!!! LOL. But i guess things like this will happen. U wan to see someone but there is just no time to do so. Hmm. Life is just so sucky.

Sunday, May 18, 2008


Okay can die liaoz. IAC and ComT still haven do yet.. Zzz.. I slack too much lah serious. Just don't have the drive to do anything. Dunno why.

Eh lyndia sorry hor i not saying you jiao bin. is Mx. Paiseh.. Please forgive me if i offended you.

Hmm.... Oh yah!! today i went with someone to go buy a pair of rings! So romantic.. Lol that is abit gross.. Haha.. He buying to give his GF. So good... I tink it cost around $60++ for the pair. Then i treat him to KFC as a belated birthday gift. Not very Ex lah so.. Next year i will give you something better!! Maybe i should buy one for myself.. Lol. Lame sia.

I tink i wan to buy a printer. Cause i find it abit irritating having to go sch to print. Especially so if you nid to print something before lesson but then its impossible. Haiz guess its cause i slack so much. Oh well. someone help me print my survey!!

Today is a short post since i not thinking straight. Abit uncoordinated.. So if you read liaoz abit weird then.. Its normal!! Haha

Tuesday, May 13, 2008


Okay the reason i put that title is cause lyndia said i very hypocrite... Got interview then wear till so formal. Well... Sorry lah but u can't expect me to wear shorts or smt to go for interview right? Don't even nid for u to say i myself also feel SUPER weird.. I'm not trying to say anything except that... i'm sorry lorh.. In case you don't know i very particular bout what ppl say to me... As in like i take wat they say very seriously. Yah so thats it bout hypocritism.

Then there is a overseas study trip to thailand which i want to go... but then my mother say that this year dun go overseas better.. Say that this year got a lot natural disasters then unsafe. Then say that my grandma went to temple to ask and the medium said that this year better not go overseas. WHAT THE FUCK LAH? RELIGIOUS SHIT AGAIN! EVERYTIME I WANT TO GO OVERSEAS ALSO LIKE THAT. SEC 2 LIKE THAT.... POLY YEAR 1 ALSO LIKE THAT. THEN WAT? IF FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE THEY SAY SAME THING I NO NID GO OVERSEAS LIAO LAH? FUCK SHIT LAH. EVERYTHING WAIT NEXT YEAR. FOR ALL YOU KNOW I DEAD ALREADY BY NEXT YEAR. STUPID SHIT.

Okay that was my relieving of anger/anger management. I know that its not the best way but i guess it counts for now.

Oh yah and i had the PUB scholarship interview today.. I meet the deputy director of PUB! Lol. But then i have a feeling i won't get in so... But its okay. I went for the interview to try out how would a "real" interview be like. Haha

Lastly i would like to say an early HAPPY BIRTHDAY HUIHUI a.k.a DOUBLE H

Sunday, May 11, 2008


Hmm... Was reading other people's blog... Namely tze hock and huihui.. And i realized alot of things... Everyone has the same problems.. and everyone have different expectations.. And that is wat makes life difficult but at the same time interesting.. I just thought about wat my course advisor Mr koh told us.. Poly is just like when u go out to work.. Where there is no routine for you to follow but instead you have various assignments to complete.. So it depends on you to determine which assignment have the highest priority and then you complete it first.. Actually i should have realized it earlier lah.. Sometimes i really feel that i am gonna waste my life away.. But i just can't seem to stop.. Guess i nid someone to slap me and make me wake up.

Oh and i'm sorry for loosing my cool and scolding vulgarities at my tagboard.. Sry ppl..
Note: not sorry to that passer-by

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Stupid day

IS day today so it sucks. Had to do assessment for both IS module so it was chaotic.. But i managed to survive! Now the only problem is to go print out my individual post and group post and submit it. Zzz.. So ma fan. They think we nth else better to do.

After that went to Outerspace to find tze hock. So long never see him liaoz. Then we stayed there and talked/slacked till 6.10pm. then we go home lorh. Oh and i just found out something VERY interesting about him. As to what it is that is for me to know and u to find out. Haha. Then took 154 back home.. We talked about his LATEST going-ons... Like how he feels after some time with his gf. Then he was like... LOL.. And the funny thing is that he was like telling me... Weilei you should go fing a gf. Then have someone to care for.WOOOH. At least that was wat he was trying to say i guess. My reaction was like... If can i want to stay single in poly.. I duno why lah.. Then he jiao wei say, "Dun be scared cause of a failed relationship" I was like... Its not because of that. Lol.. Then we talk crap for a while more then i play PSP.. Then he got off and i reach home and i sit in front of the com typing all this crap out for you to read! HAHAHA

Yup thats all! Hope it satisfy you for the time being. See yah next time! Oh and i will go back to Css one of these days.

Monday, May 5, 2008


Okay i think i am really going crazy liaoz.. My lessons start at 12pm but here i am at the library at 9.45am!!! Siao man. Wanted to do my maths but then i see the question so stupid dun feel like doing le.Lol.. Just now thought about the aunties Working at NTUC... They work 6 days a week.. Although is part time and they go home at 12.30pm.. They still have to do housework and cook and etc..That basically takes the whole day. Thats so boring. Then i realize that my Sat and Sun are the same! I go work in the morning.. Then i go home and play com or PSP then i go to slp. Oh my god. I think in the future when i go out to work i will become worst lorh.

Shit my ComT and IAC project still haven do.. Die. Dunno where to start sia. Hope i dun fail these 2 modules.. Sian lah.. I getting more and more emo liaoz.. PATHETIC PATHETIC PATHETIC PATHETIC PATHETIC PATHETIC PATHETIC PATHETIC PATHETIC!!

Friday, May 2, 2008

Friday... The day after labour day

Now i'm slacking at the library at ngee ann. So quiet.. Except for the activity going on 5 storeys below me.. Lol. Lesson was boring lah. Had to present a powerpoint slide for ecology.

Lets talk about y'day. I woke up at 10.. Played my PSP for 2 hours.. Then had to mop the floor.. Then played hero siege with mx for 2 hours.. LOL. Then after that went to michelle's hse to slack. We went there to play mahjong and sang karaoke.. Lol.. And ren wei is still the gay person. He got 91 points for zhang shao han's 遗失的美好. Gayness right? Siao man. 7 of us went there,Wenyi Connie Ruimin Peifen Mx Fucheng Renwei and me! U see everyone become more chio lorh.. Lol. Had dinner there.. Then went home at 11.30pm. Nearly didn't get the last bus.. Haha. Its was fun lah. I want to do it again!!! Thanks michelle for letting us go ur hse.. Oh and sry for making you take taxi home and in the end i was late. SORRY!!

Okay now downstairs is playing whu let the dogs out.. WHU LET THE DOGS OUT? WHU?