Thursday, August 27, 2009

Family issues.

My gosh my mum now complaining to my auntie about my grandma again. =.= Well since i only hearing her side of the story can't really say that my grandma in the wrong. Since i'm so free i shall type out wat mum's saying. LOL. First she was saying how my grandma always want my mum to give her money every month even thought she knows that our family is not that financially stable. Then also she was saying that my youngest auntie although earns 3000+ but only give her 100 each month. My mum is more irritated with the fact that my grandma treats her daughter-in-law better than her own daughters. Lol. Ok new update, my grandma asks for the vegetable money from my grandpa, like those $1plus or smt one. LOL. My god i never gets tired from listening to this. Then now mother saying, which of my aunties got into my grandma's "blacklist". Usually is those that dun give her much money. Well i suppose since they are old ppl they think more in the line closest kins are those with the same surname. Oh now she switch to saying my uncle always saying no money. And how he kept quiet when he got a pay rise. He only told my grandma that he had a rise in the past AFTER his pay was cut again after the economic setback. If i'm not wrong i tink he's a manager now, quite high siol.

Wah damn sian lah today. Feel so..... Went to JP again and after considering sometime(while walking in circles) went to NTUC finest to buy cup noodles and those maki sushi for lunch. Just thinking about it makes me feel pathetic, i celebrate end of exams with cup noodles. =.= Can't really be that picky since some ppl still have advanced maths tml. Good luck ppl! Tml gonna go Expo work. See anyone free and feeling rich anot can go find me. Lol.

Oh yah heard from radio that a gambling group was caught gambling in a chalet, 74 ppl in total. My god so owned can. Total bad business for the chalet in future. Haha. Hmm... OH i heard from my mother on wed saying that... I will get married at 25. O.o? She say that time when i was having that temple thingy during sec2 the temple medium say one. Plus wats more my bro even more pro, will have 2 wife, like divorce and marry again or smt. Holy. No money how to get married sia. Ok althought will have no wedding dinner which is 1 thing saved, still lah at 25 i still haven enjoy life enough to settle down pls. LOL. Shall see if its true, if by then i still have this blog. HAHAHA.

Nth else to write liao. I tink when i finish work then might have happenings can write. Wait for it.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Official PMS day!

I tink everyone just has this down feeling today bah. Ok lah maybe not all. At least i know that Su and val and me feels that way. Cheer up su i'm sure you'll be fine for the aqmc test. The test was just liddat lorh, no comments. Just that i'm not one that studies, but yet no one free to go around with me. Haiz. All with their bf *ahem* *ahem*. Ok lah shall not be an ass and say them. So in the end i walked around JP for 1.5hours. Didn't realize the kopitiam was closed for upgrading. Sucks to the core. But then saw NTUC auntie while walking and got to know that some of the ppl working there was transferred to hougang while the part time girl is quitting at the end of this month.

Was reading someone's blog. I felt really sad after reading it. I dun even know wat i can say to help her. I can only hope that she will one day be released from all these shackles and be truly free.

Anyway i saw tze hock on tv just now. YEAH I SAW U AND MELISSA. But then its quite dark can only make out the outline of the 2 of you. Lol. But i tink the singapore version of know the lyrics still have alot of room for improvement.

Actually i have alot of things to say but now, i just feel that not writing it out would be better.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Maths paper was death to all.

Today's maths paper was gone case liao lah. 1,2,3 sold.... as toilet paper. Totally useless, =.= i have like 20marks gone or smt. Some is due to careless some is no idea how got another one is because i cancelled the working and was about to write a new way of working when time's up. Total joke, but strangely i was calm even though i have half a question unanswered. Guess it was that bad. Lol.

Had a bit of studying for Air Pollution Monitoring & Control. Quite a few things not sure but right now i have no idea who to ask and how to ask. Tml the paper is in the morn anyway so shall die again.

Sometimes i wonder why i'm always so picky over the small things. Just cause of a small incident makes me unhappy over it. Everyone is studying for the exams but here i am slacking my arms off. I should wake up and remind myself that everyone has their own freedom to do what they want. Seeing some ppl makes me wonder why can't we be like them, maybe cause fundamentally we weren't all on the same level? I'm just being thinking too much again i suppose.

Well i dun expect anyone to understand wat i just wrote on top since i deliberately wrote it in a overall picture but for ppl that THINK they know, well just dun anyhow jump to conclusion and ask me if wat u think is correct anot. Lol. Its just a post for me to remind myself again what i should not be expecting.

A person has to have a strong belief and willpower in order to go far and go strong. Can't really say that i have this determination for my own life. Seeing other people working so hard just for their own beliefs makes one feel happy for them when they succeed and to really want to give them our support.

Y'day fell aslp on the floor again and woke up with a worst headache. But b4 i went to Zzzland thought about where all of us will end up in. I tink its because of that NP mag that i saw y'day. We all have to go to work eventually and that will be the main focus of our lives for the next 20years? Even if we want to meet up how possible will it be. Everytime we change our environment old friends leave and new ones, maybe not friends but people enter. Then as time went by old friends are lost and new ties are just not the same. Then you will really be cast adrift. If ever that kind of time comes, what can a person do then? Continue on by themselves or try to search for that which has been lost?

Nvm its been so long since i have so much crap to talk about. Guess today is just my day. Dun have the not.

Thursday, August 20, 2009


Ok lah although i dun like study 24/7 or even everyday but at least i try to study as much as i can. Lol Went back to NP this 2 days just to listen to preety. Wahaha Aqmc sure pass(only theory). Today also go listen on wrt so quite fruitful. But seriously i dunno wat to write here in this blog le. Totally nth to write here can. Ok Today i realize (again) that gossiping is seriously a fun but dangerous thing. Must control myself. Haiz.

Oh yeah, COMMONWEALTH PPL who free in holidays lets go back to the coffee shop behind CSS go eat wonton mee or fried rice!!!! Lol i suddenly want to go there eat, treat it as a memory walk to remember our night study days!

Ok Another short one. Lol. Lets pray that exams wont be too hard. Amen

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Happy birthday to myself! Lol

Thanks to all that celebrated my birthday or wished me happy birthday! Today got to eat 2 cakes, one from mx and tze hock another one from boss they all. Despite the fact that today was such a bad day with the gg-fied EBT test being a killer + raper ++. The fact that so many people came to sing me the birthday song was really a surprise lah. First time in my life so many people came to celebrate my birthday. Usually the most was 5 ppl i tink.

Anyway after getting the birthday card(its actually a piece of paper) but it has almost everyone's comments on it so nvm. I went to JP to laminate it already! Haha. I went to crystal jade with mx and tze hock to have dinner. Then we went to JP NTUC finest to sit there. LOL we sat there for like 30mins or more. Then we go walk again. Then finally we all went home. Lol. So short. I tink now i getting more and more lazy to write long post. Haha.

Again. Thanks to all!!!! Love all of you people!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Tiring day

Today done so many things. First in the morning i went to cut my hair, then i went to find mingheng and xianglin to give them tutorial papers to photocopy, then we go to jp just to give 1 copy to weixiong and for them to eat lunch, then we go lib to study although only study abit. Then when i finally reach home, huishi sms me ask me go find him to emo. Zzz but since he ask me is serious liao so i go. Then we walk from JP lib to the safra garden there then to lakeside mrt then to the mac near JJC. We went to the mac is to find guowei lah then after that talked alot of crap then finally came home. Lol.

These few days kip thinking about the upcoming GG-fied test. I mean i got study lah at least but i damn scared when the time comes i will forget all or can't rmb the impt things. Oh well the most no AD nia. Lol.

Too sian and nth to talk about so short post lah.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Finally an update!

Well last update was last friday! Lol. This week quite a number of things to do and upcoming also have test incoming so not gonna update so much. Besides the things that i really wanna write about is not suitable for posting here. Lol. I tink for the whole week time was really fast. I have no recollections of what i did actually leh.

BUT I RMB ONE THING!!!!!!!!!! I&E IS FRIGGING OVER!!!!!!!! My god that irritating and pisseedd module is finally goddamn over. We presented to a group of adults at the singapore botanical gardens.

Then Ebt presentation was a success i suppose. Lol we were the first to go and mariam was like Yay short and sweet i like! LOL. Damn funny lah.

I dun feel like writing here le leh. I wan to write in my private one. Lol. Then today! I finally drag myself to go joggggg. Feel like i going to die soon. Too old liao. NS maybe i will be one of those suddenly drop death kind. Lol touch wood.

Tml is going to bukit batok to do some event. Hope it will be fun! Ok i sian liao shall stop here.