Thursday, August 28, 2008

Mix and splash camp part 2

Now for the second day of mix and splash camp. Woke up at... 6.30 then brush teeth then realize that everyone still sleeping so i went back to lie down on my sleeping bag till ppl start to wake up. Then go down have breakfast... The breakfast was really cannot make it lah i tell you. Aiyah dun talk about it. Then we were waiting for coach to come to take us to sentosa for the amazing race.

Then coach come we go sentosa... To siloso beach i think. Then we played a game to determine the order of the groups. We were the 4th team to go. Then the whole thing have 12th stations. I can't rmb all of it le lah. I only rmb have... U find quill egg in a tray with flour then must transport it to another place using spoon, Then got one is u must drop green bean into a newater bottle at chest lvl, picking up of small things like green bean and corn with those big wooden chopstick, then got 1 must figure out number pattern, use shirt catch something someone throw from about 3 storey high, find cross tape on trees, dig for items in the sand, find a cup with a X on the bottom(the cups are filled with disgusting concoctions), use rubber band and some... string? thread? something lah to transport a cup of sand. Still got 3 more but i cannot rmb.

Then eat dinner there... Wah the dinner is the best i ever seen, i totally cannot take it. Didn't finish the rice. Then go back for night performance. The 3 guys from my group want to go back home sia! We all like totally sian diao. Without them we cannot make it.Then 2 of them stayed in the end so it was okay. Our performance was a gathering of superhero. Like a camp liddat. Got sunwukong, wolverine, cyclops and POWERPUFF GIRLS. Can guess which one am i? Then we make till veri funny lorh. Then bad guy magneto come, the 3 guy hero lose, nid powerpuff girls come, then we win. Lol. Not bad hor, we were 2nd for night performance. Then after that go bathe then the guys in our room playing olympics games sia, touch rugby, soccer, baskerball. Super funny lah. I really miss them. Rowdy but fun ppl.

Then the fun part. The first day i got injured at the butterhill. Then the first aid person help me clean and cover it up lah. Then hor... She see me she ask me got change dressing anot? I didn't mah so she want to help me change, then she try take it off then discovered that it was stuck to the flesh!? Then she scold me why didn't take off when i bathe. But then b4 i bathe it was stuck already! Okay then nvm. She cut off the thing the best she could then left some of it. The dredding is those wire gauze lidda de then got the strands left on my wound.Then she got the... Wat do you call it ah? Erm.. i tink is pilers? Those tongs-like thing but its sharp at the end one? Yah. Then she pluck right, pull abit she stop cause she keep saying damn pain damn pain. I nv say anything she kip saying, Then winnie they all come out see me there then also sit down and see. Then more and more ppl come out and see sia cause got ppl kip shouting" Cyclops dun cry! Pain anot?" and all the what-have-you-not. Then become 20plus ppl looking at me trying to deal with my wound. Damn funny. Then got sadistic ppl kip trying to volunteer to "help" me to pull off the thing. In the end i pull myself. Not that pain. The antiseptic thingy was pain. Then the best thing is after this the first aid person accidentally hit the wound. Then it is GODDAMN PAIN. Lanjiao. Then slack lorh until 3.30am till i slp.
This is my group4! Got 3 guys and a SL not here.

This the ppl that went to the camp. Should have more ppl de since many went home on the 2nd night. 3rd day i next time than post now i going to play game. Hahahaa.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Mix and splash camp.

Hey hey ppl! I'm back!!! Got miss me boh? I know dun have no nid tell me. Hmm... The camp... can be improved lah i guess. However i enjoyed myself. CYCLOPS!!! For more info pls read my post, depending on the number of words can be this post or next post.

Okay.. First day. Met peizhen, constance, winnie, valerie, liyana and huihui at ngee ann bus-stop. I still rmb huihui go buy thing then come.. Suddenly say "sia lah i forgot my wallet, left it at the toilet!" We all like OMG. Run back! GOGO. Then she and liyana went and then liyana also go eat. Then after that went to BE axis to gather. Waiting waiting.. Then they announce the grouping. Peizhen and winnie in one group, me and constance one group, liyana and huihui one group, then suppose to be valerie lyndia and suriani one group but then lyndia not going then suriani sick so become she alone one person. So sad right? After that is thinking of group name and 2 cheer and making of group flag. Cause the theme is mix and splash so our name is..... JAPALANG. The cheers if u want to know u ask me personally i do for you cause type out too boring.

Then after this is games.... Got 100sec no NG.. But i think all the groups overshoot 100sec lah so no point. Haha. Then got a game is must transport balloon some distance without using hands. Followed by a game where u balance i pail on all ur members leg. The problem is the pail is covered with oil so is SUPER slippery. And the oil is they pour like no tomorrow one and they healthy hor use vegetable oil leh. Lol. Then they will pour water in and u balance lorh. Of course the games u will be competing with another group. For us we fighting valerie's group. Then got another game is u rock-paper-scissors then winner jump towards a ball when u jump near enough u kick in between chairs to score a goal. The last is the butterhill which is where i got injured lah. Our group is like the second last group to play so the area before the butterhill is FULL of MUD. I MEANT FULL. If u run nid to step like 10 steps of mud b4 u can run up. Even the canvas is brown color one. Wtf. LOL. Then after this is go wash up then dinner i think.... Then after dinner is preparation for night performance. Then is wait for night walk. The night walk not scary one lah actually. If i say not scary then is really not scary cause even humji ppl like me say not scary. LMAO. Then after that u slp. I tell u the room we slp in is DAMN COLD! All of us in it go in all scold. " @#$% Why the air-con so cold sia!? Eh freezing ah. I becoming icestick!" Then b4 we slp the guys were playing soccer in the room until they tired. Then when they going to slp they sang song. Super funny lah. My room ppl all very fun.
See the leg? So fast i cannot even talk. Pro sia!

I feeling lazy now. The 2nd day events i talk about it in next post. Maybe tml i will post liao lah so dun be too impatient. See you again!

Saturday, August 23, 2008

I'm weird... seriously

Okay... I just realized that my last post was on my birthday so yah.. Decided to come update le.. wahaha no tagboard so ppl lazy to tell me update so nice. XD. So yeah thanks to peifen and xinyi whu wish me happy b'day too. Hmm nth much lah. Just that y'day went to celebrate Congshi's birthday. Got Me, mx, huishi, jolynn, joanna, renwei, hongming, yaihui, guowei, xinghao and cibing. Not sure if cibing's name is spelled correctly. =P Of course plus the most impt person congshi also lah. Played pool at the country club at bukit batok. Then we walk quite far to a coffeshop where most of them ate botak jones for dinner. I didn't cause i got abit of gastric so ate at home. Then after that is the blowing of candles and eating of b'day cake. Then took group photo then go home liaoz. Then reach home play one incomplete game of dota due to time constrain. Haha. Oh and this is 2 of the group pics.

Then today.. Woke up to a rainy day. It was damn heavy lah the rain. I almost couldn't see the building opposite my house. But weirdly despite slping so little i was quite awake during work.(slept at 2am u see) Today was totally unexpected. Thought due to rain will have lesser ppl. In the end it feels like there was MORE ppl. Wtf. But i survive so no problem. Then the aunties all discussing about whether want to move over to work at the hypermart anot. Jurong point is expanding so the NTUC will be upgrading into a NTUC finest with three storeys.. At least that is wat i heard. So i guess i will apply also. If i get in i continue working. If not... Then i guess i will stop then. I dun want to take bus to another outlet mah. Waste of my time and bus fare.

Know why i put weird? Cause only now do i have the feeling of exam... WHEN IT IS OVER!?!? LOL. Weird right. Hopeless liao lah. Hmm tink i will be quite entertained. Mon to wed mix and splash camp. Friday going back to sec sch to see teacher. Then first week of sep going to work. 2nd week slack lah.. Then 3rd week of sep is chalet. Then slack abit the sch reopen liao i tink. Haha. Not too busy bah. Lol. Kk thats it then ppl.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Huishi, Jinyee, Jolynn, Liesl, Mingxuan, Tzehock, Pamela, huiyi, Suriani, Valerie, Constance, Lyndia, Peizhen, Joanna, and Derrick. Ok now add in winnie.. She's the last i guess.These are the people that wished me happy b'day today. Really very touched that they rmb and make it a point to wish me. Thanks ppl!!! But then some ppl that i really wanted to hear from didn't so was abit disappointed.. Oh well... Today stayed at home till 3 plus then huishi called me to go out. So went out(saved me from rotting at home in the end). Met him Congshi, Jolynn and Mx. We went to play pool then after that went to watch money not enough 2. Basically i find that the show has no storyline. Seriously. Its not as gd as the first movie. At least i find it not as gd. Abit jump here jump there. But then the 3 brothers really showed that different side of ppl lah. Hui-ge was the typical poor but fillial son, jack neo was with the typical singaporean thinking(more of his wife) and for lee guo huang....Erm.. Nth really. Lol. But then the last part with the mother dying part was quite sad.. Oh and i find the ending too... How to put it? Too succesful i guess? Like.. Die die lorh then not sad and all the things etc etc.

Oh and ppl if u msg me and i don't reply pls dun be angry its because my phone only have $0.02 left and i no money to go buy top-up card. Lol. So thats it for today.. My b'day was passed just like that.

Happy Birthday!!!

Ok Now i am 17 years old already! Thanks huishi.. He was the first to wish me happy b'day..On msn. Haha.. A few mins past midnight mah. But then most likely i will stay at home and rot the whole day away so can't really say its a nice day. Most of them got sch. Ok now jinyee and jolynn both same time msn me. I got a shock.. Really. Ok lah got 3 ppl wish me happy birthday.. Quite delighted.

Now for my b'day wish. Hope to have a gd year ahead in poly and that all my friends, be it past present or future friends, to be happy and to enjoy their life to the fullest! Oh and gd luck for exams!

*blows candles*

Friday, August 8, 2008

National Day celebration!

Okay... Today was interesting...Firstly early in the morn woke up at 7am.. For no reason.. Lol. Then slack till 9.30. Then pack bag and bathe and took 154 to clementi mrt to meet Boss(peizhen), Winnie, Constance and Valerie. But then the bus was unexpectedly fast and i reach the station at 10am... The meeting time was 11am. So i was SUPER early...Then no choice have to wait. Lucky i got my PSP to kill time. Then waited till winnie came. Then she was ranting about her friends pangseh her. So can tell she super piss off. Then when they all reach we went to eat lormee at some coffee shop near the clementi swimming complex. Then we went back to mrt station to find suriani. Went to sch to print Ecology notes.. Then winnie went home. The rest of us went for maths lesson.. It was pathetic lah. 40 plus students become only 9 students. No one from the other class came. Woots our class so hard working.Haha.

Then after this went to blk 34 to hand in things then went to library cause boss want to print something. Then we managed to get beanbag to lie on. Its seriously damn nice.. LOL. Nth to do so we decided to go for the national day celebration at the convention centre tgt with weijin, mingheng, lyndia and weixiong. Then we go there walk walk abit then go in... Then valerie say want to go home le. Wah kao go there take goodie bag and run off..LORL. Then the thing start lorh.

Its quite fun.. Starting is got Drum performance and then band performance.Also got Video but i forgot it came after wat. Then got this news reporting item where 4 news reporter reports news which has absolutely no link with each other but they some how sew it tgt making it hilarious in the end. But abit chim lah. Then got myanmarese students dancing.. Lecturers from LSTC doing a skit/dance. Which is super hilarious. Then they made us do a super funny thing. U know the national day always have F-16 flying past? We can't have that so they gave us each a paper to fold into paper aeroplane to throw as one. But singaporeans kiasu so all want to throw first so it was a utter failure but it was fun. Haha. Then is a dance again by lecturers from different schools in ngee ann. Then is another sort of hiphop dance by students.. Got belly dance somemore. Woots. Then sing song lorh.. Then got this pyro thing.. U know like fake fireworks? Damn nice lah. We were all shocked then everyone become super high. So fun. Then after that got tea reception. Ate abit then went home lorh.

So now i am blogging about it with only my left eye. My right eye is covered by tissue cause i tink i getting lazy eyes so must do this. The difference in degree in my left eye and right eye is getting larger so perhaps i am becoming more dependent on my right eye leading to my leg eye's deterioration. Cause that time i go check my eyes. Words that i see with my right eye is larger then my left eye but then my left eye's degree is not as high as my right eye. So now must try my best to rectify it. If not die. So pls forgive me if i type wrong. Hahaha. Oh and i took this pic at the convention centre

Monday, August 4, 2008

So sian

Ok... I finally cut my hair on sat. But then i come to school everyone is like... Why u cut this kind of hair sia? Wah kao i totally sian diao. I dun want to leave my hair long mah... I looks ugly.. But i also know that cutting short hair will make my face look big... But then no choice. Aiyah cut short liaoz can wait for a while before i nid to cut it again. Haha.

Today was super boring. I forgot that today no envt bio lesson and practical and only have maths. So went to sch for 2 hours nia. Before that i met mx whu wanted to get the game marvel vs capcom from me. So we met and went to blk 56 the table there.. After a while i saw liyana walking to blk 34 so i called her and she came and sat with us. Then we talk crap until xianglin came by too and finally constance, winnie and huihui came by.. Then we went for maths. Which is a waste of time.. Oh and xianglin told me that she couldn't recognize me from behind cause if my super short hair. LOL!

Haiz.. I am feeling random today..Came home to eat mee sua.. Cause is my chinese b'day. Aiyah pamela went to macau.. SO GOOD!!!! Unlike me whu is staying in singapore... Even Boss they all also going to bangkok in the vacation... Is it in the vacation? i tink so... Haiz...

Oh yah got this weird thing happen to me y'day. I was listening to Mr zhou talking about ghost(a near direct translation from 周公讲鬼) on 9.33fm. Then the ghost story wasn't very scary leh.. But then weirdly enough when i slept dreamt of ghost.... I was on a bus and then got 2 friends sit a few seats in front of me.. Then i turn my head then when i look back i saw 2 ppl sitting behind them... Then they were shouting smt to me.. Not abusive words but just sort of talking to me in a loud voice.. Then i talked to a friend whu i sitting beside me on the other side of the aisle then after i talk to him the 2 person was sitting behind us.. Not directly but a few seats behind. I was puzzled lah and then ask my friend about it.. Then he told me... Eh u saw ghosts. Then i woke up.. So weird....

Lol learnt how to upload pictures in le so i will put one..

This picture is taken after my final IS module for this semster, ComT, was over... This is only like 1/4 of the class cause some went home and some didn't even turn up.. LOL.