Thursday, September 24, 2009

Safe journey!

Well Mr chua mingxuan left singapore y'day for aussie! Rich ******* LOL. No lah at least i have someone to go there to buy things give me! Yay! Haha me and huishi already psycho him to buy us souveniers from aussie. If he don't.... well i wish him luck. But sian now i so lonely liao 1 less person to crap with, somemore he's usually 24/7 available one, ok except when he slping but i can call him and wake him up. HAHA so evil. Mx is a damn gd friend lah. He will never ps u one unless is some big thing plus he dun get angry usually. Come to think of it i always ps him >.< . The only thing with him is he dun have the courage to tell the person that he like wat he feels. Hope he might catch some blondie there or smt ;)

Ok lah i just realize its being 4 days since i blog so took time to write things, these few days afternoon i on show let my mum watch while i play PSP/watch the show. Then mon i actually went to my ah ma hse and reread alot of comic there. Then y'day my dad suddenly say he wan to make chicken rice. =.= Ok lah it was passable haha. I mean the rice was not fragrant enough cause my mum did not put enough oil in then the sauce for the chicken was not enough so the chicken no taste. Haha i sound like a picky eater. Woops.

Haha tze hock said i was the only person whu go find all my sec sch friends. I dun tink so lorh, ppl like Winnie more than me pls. Haha but then again hers is close friends mine is really like at first i dun really know them that well but since meet up afew times then closer liao. Sec sch were the best time of our life and its saddening if we forget about each other in sec sch. SO HUANG ZHEPENG U NGNT (No Girl No Talk) better find time to come out find us! Lol like he will read my blog liddat.

Being a person is so hard. As the chinese saying goes 做人难. Its hard for us to always understand what others think or feel. Sometimes in the heat of the moment we always do the wrong thing but only realize it afterwards. Control is something we all need but how many of us do have that? Sometimes i realize that i'm being so selfish and unfillial. Whenever my mother wants me to do something i will always say that i'm sian and dun wanna go. That time when me and my bro said we going to my ah ma hse my cousin called and ask if we were going there already and my mum was telling me most likely ahma call my cousin go shengsiong (tzehock ur ex workplace) to carry the ingredients for dinner that night. Ahma is old already and cannot carry heavy stuff. That made me think about what would I do if it was me? Would i have went with my ahma? Or will i give excuses to run off? Why is it that i still stayed in the past thinking that everything is still the same as it is?

Time waits for no one, but to start that first step is the hardest step of all.

1 comment:

Boy said...

I really enjoy reading your blog. Thanks for sharing!