Friday, July 31, 2009

LIfe so far

Since constance kip nagging me why never update, i shall do an update today. Haiya i wan to do my AQMC part leh but i dunno sia. No one online to askkkkk. Come on ppl come online plsssss!!! Nvm i shall go do EBT in the meantime. Sunday will be my I&E, excited to get it over, afraid some cockup might happen. Oh well we shall build the bridge only when we reach the river. Lol i'm having more and more lame sayings nowadays. Today was saying someone with friends like ants like that, so many. Haha. Random right. Then giving animals to represent some ppl, namely mountain/wild pig and hippopotamus!

Nothing interesting to write about leh. No inspiration. Life is too bland nowadays. OH I RMB LIAO! I got write a draft in my phone about this wedding i saw during winnie and yana's I&E! I go find.

Ok here it is! Well i really think about this event lah. Like how it is a decision for a lifetime and how happy it is to see someone getting married. I tink until now i took part in like.... I have like 5 auntie and 1 uncle married, out of which only 1 i didn't attend as i wasn't born then. The rest i was there although i got totally no recollection. Only the 2 most recent ones i rmb, my youngest auntie whu got married last last year and my uncle whu got married last year. Haha i rmb clearly since i was the one whu open the car door for the grooms. Earm hongbao u know! LOL. It really is a big event where 2 families come tgt. Despite having to learn to tolerate and understand each other more than ever after being married but the joy must overshadowed it. Ok random post.

Although its early yet but i wish for everyone that i know to have a happy marriage! But for that to happen must find a good GF/BF first! Lol.

Monday, July 27, 2009

My things to do for the next few weeks.

Gonna copy the things from su's blog, easier.

#01 - EBT Presentation on 6 August! So slides must be done soon!
#02 - EBT second test on 13 August!
#03 - AQMC lab report due on 7 August.
#04 - 2 upcoming AQMC quiz online.
#05 - Maths CCT!!! I got no idea when is it.
#06 - 2 maths online quiz?
#07 - Chiong finish I&E!
#08 - WRT Newater Assignment. (OVER)
#09 - WRT WRP report!
#10 - RMT Site Visit!
#12 - Recycling project/ Gv stuff
#13 - Plus RE test on 12 Aug.

Must kips seeing it then will rmb.

Saturday, July 25, 2009


Lol was chatting with huishi till 12midnight on friday. After some incident we realized that both of us are VERY similar, be it in our character(we both emo and think too much) or in the things that we went through. Not that i'm trying to harp on it but i suppose something good came out of that incident bah. At least now i have another good friend to crap with now. Haha.Shit leh i tink my RMT will be totally flunked since i totally dun understand what my teacher is saying in her lecture. Somemore winnie and constance pon and left me with ruixin and tim niaaaa. So saddd.

Ok then today i went to hindehde to help in a guided tour for people from the National museum of singapore. Well as usual i reached super early. Like 8.50 when we suppose to meet at 9.30. Lol.In the office got an unexpected finding, a preserved sample of a pangolin! Just nice i can use for my I&E. It was quite fun actually, seeing all the adults like oohhh and ahhhh at the trees and plants. Lol.

Ok heard about somethings. Wtf people gonna come snatch room from us. HALF for like duno 50+++ ppl?Its like so lameee.

Then, aiyah, whu ask u so kaypo read siaaa. Then so emo. But its in the past le so dun mind it so much ok? Now he's with you and if he ever bullies you or dun treat u that well tell us we will confirm deal with him. Dun nid to cry over this okkk (dun deny that its not part of the reason why u cry) Just be more like yana, siao siao abit then everything will be fine.

Ok i tink today post considered positive. Yay!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Nth happy to write about anyway

Ah well, its just me being too kaypo and in the end make myself unhappy nia. Stupid weilei. Stop being so kaypo will you? Nah not that possible. Maybe i should be abit more evil and not tell so much things to ppl that ask. Just some random thought.

Today wed, i totally did nth in sch, not even listening in class. These few days can't concentrate in class sia. Totally. Is either i do my own thing or i slp. And the temp in the class nearly always so hotttt. Ok lah some ppl cold leh but i dun feel ANY coldness at all. Hope they will heat up and change the temp colder in future. Stayed back in sch, finished rereading HP and the order of phoenix.While tim and val was playing plants vs zombies, ok tim and ernest played the most. Actually wanted to do some work but in the end still slacked. I have no idea by when is the nearest thing we have to submit. Gonna die soon. Talked to tim about some stuff. All i can say is, when u make up your mind, must tell ok? Will be happy for you.

Ok lah got happy stuff but is y'day happen one. Decided to skip RE lessons to go to the Newater plant. We took MRT to tanah merah station where we met up with huihui. I swear we were the most noisiest bunch in the mrt man. Then went there see see look look. Took some pictures, of course i siam as usual, but it was quite fun bah... I guess? Then i went with yana and boss and winnie, can't rmb the bus number but i rmb that we got off at suntec. Then we walked to the busstop at suntec convention centre to take 700A. While waiting for the super long bus as we missed one, we chatted about quite some stuff lah. Then we took the bus to bukit panjang interchange. I went there to get HP and order of the phoenix from MX. Thanks MX!!!! Somemore i saw jocelyn there sia! So qiao! Then finally reached home at like 9.30. So late.

Nowadys, i see so many things happening. I really don't know what i want and what i hope to have le. Feeling so crap now, not knowing why i'm like this. Why can't life stay simple as it always is? Why do people have such a sophisticated brain that it thinks so much? Brain, should just break down, let me be a vegetable at least i won't feel anything that way. No feeling, no pain and no sadness.

Feel like recycled sludge, stinky and avoided.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


This post was put off for like dunno how many days man, first is because i busy watching harry potter during the weekends, then is y'day where the screen looks abit weird, finally now it looks normal so shall faster blog all that i want. So its gonna be a super longgggg post. But i tink i forgot half of wat i wanna write le.

Ok first is Sat continued. Kns do i have a very charitable face or smt? Why is it that people like to ask me to donate or smt? First is after eating at vivo this person ask me to donate, like $10. At that time i abit emoooo then i just give lorh. Its for a gd cause. Then after that, when i going home from the NDP practise along the citylink this uncle was like asking me if i got change can give him cause he lost his money. Then i just give him $1.30 in coins since i quite pissed and tired, can't think properly. I must have the very easily bullied face when i'm not happy or smt.

Then yeah i was at NDP practise there, not to see but to be a rubbush collector. We were collecting the plastic bottles from those big garbage bag lah. Some of the bottles were like half full. This shows how wasteful ppl are, we even found some bottles that are FULL. Then we use tongs to pick up those bottles from the bins and collect it. My seniors using those bottles to do a sculpture or smt. Interesting right? Haha. At least i got to taste wat my army food will taste like.

Then is sun. Sunday is my own I&E nid to settle. My group and timothy's group went to jacob ballas children's garden to observe a MAD lesson by cicada tree and also to show the ppl from cicada tree our project up till so far, well actually my group only discuss with them only. Tim's group then is present. But the place is quite nice, its just in front of the NUS bukit timah campus. Received very positive feedback so now nid to do minor changes to it then can liao.

Y'day was SUPER boring. I bring my laptop also boring sia. Nth to do, like RE 2 hours like free time liddat, his lesson no use one. Then EBT is like no notes, then i cannot focus. So slack instead. Then AQMC practical is playing of plant vs zombies. Then the lesson everyone like all slping sia. So funny. One thing i not very happy about during AQMC lesson. Wah u damn fast hor? So fast siam into the row and sit down. Just because i dun say anything, nvm i play with you see whu will win in the end. Fun.

Wahahaha facebook quiz say i shy! Yay! And not only me, huishi and mingxuan also! So we shall form the SHY ppl association! Somemore we have similar experiences! All in the same boat sioll! But then huishi tink the name too cool, he not suitable for it so he want to split from us to form the GAY ppl club! So he decided to form another faction!

Today is 2 of my friends de b'day! Lol Pamala and Wenyi, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! 2 chio bu b'day ok! Hahah. Hmm now that liyana mentioned, Aiyah u no nid to be sorry lah. Out of your control and i already expected it. Nth to do about it. Haha! So no nid for the apology ok? Haha! If really wan then buy me a BIGGER b'day present! LOL!

Now this is another record post! Lol. Tml might skip RE to go Newater plant. If Blogger cooperates i will post again tml! Wait for it yeah? Haha.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Tears shed for someone else are the most precious

Ok i know this post is late for 2 days but still. I don't want to act that i'm really sad over huihui leaving. I admit that i am not that close to her and although yes i am still abit sad, compared to most of you mine would seem mild so.... Think of it another way, at least now she has some breathing space, at least now she can dun nid to travel so far just to come to school. She will have more time for herself and most of all, she will not feel so stressed up with all the birdface in XXXX XXX. I can only hope that in the poly that she going to she won't have so many bird face and will find friends that care for her as much as all of you. Tang Hui Hui, like i said b4, live your life the way u want it and never regret. Look forward but never forget that behind you there will always be people looking after for you, even if those closest to you doesn't.

Today was really busy day for me. Morn woke up early to go to Hortpark to help winnie and liyana de I&E event. Reached there quite early lah. Then waited for awhile then liyana came and told us about our station. Mine was quite easy, u just nid to memorize tips for saving energy and then look for the question which i pasted then answer 7 correctly. There were 5 groups and 5 stations. The whole thing was quite fast bah, 1,5 hour nia i tink, somewhere there. Then in the end mingheng group won, lol. Then after that went to vivo with winnie rongsheng liyana and hamid. Knn i like super light bulb sia, 2 couple then i 1 person. Went to eat at pastamania, then went to sky park to slp. Then went to city hall find lihui to go NDP preview to do saikang work. Picking of bottles from rubbish bin. Then reach home lorh.

Ok great Harry potter starting, continue tml after i go do my CMI I&E. Hope it don't cock up lah. Today i already quite pissed off and if tml still cock up i tink i just might chuck I&E back at him and fail it. Gotta run!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Apologies and reflections

First off, for people that was angry over my edited post y'day, I'm sorry. I was being too extreme in saying that NO ONE can be trusted. I'm being angry at things people do which i myself also do. Its not fair to all of you. I'm sorry, forgive me?

I feel that i am stupid, not realizing that some things just shouldn't be told to people that are related to it. I know that all you people are trying to help me and i appreciate it. I just didn't want to understand it, to face up to it.

What's over is over, i shouldn't blame others for their actions since i don't want them to blame me for mine. I just hope that we all remains on good terms. Its part of growing up i guess. I should keep my big mouth shut when people say things that they like.

I should look only at what i have and not at what i do not have. Its said that boys need to undergo pain before they will grow, we shall see shall we?

Once again, I'm Sorry people.

I only hope that they will be happy together

Monday, July 13, 2009

Great Monday, i love it. ( edited )

Best monday ever. When i go to school, i stupidly got on the bus 189, even though i was supposed to take bus 184. Where 184 is supposed to turn left, it turns right. Lucky i still noticed in time and got off right away so still manage to walk to the 184 bus stop.

Then go KFC eat, our miss valerie chuan wei leng whos so graceful and not clumsy at all, while trying to open chilli packet knocked her root beer all over herself and myself, i tink i kana more. So my monday was super perfect.

Today is official monday the emo day, so shall not say much.


Class politics, gossips, divulging of secrets. Nothing matters anymore. It only made me realize that nothing is kept hidden, not unless they are not connected. One event, many realizations.

No one can be trusted.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Tired/ Pissed off

I'm seriously tired man. Its rare to me to take afternoon naps lah but today i just slept for like 3 hours. Friday went for mingheng group's I&E event and y'day went for Su's I&E event. Really quite jealous that other people finish their I&E already but they really had to put in alot of time on top of the projects lorh.

Mingheng's I&E was a mini live earth concert, with a solo performance by his group member and 4 bands performing after that. But most of the people was already gone by the 2nd band, which include me lah.

Sat go Su's I&E, i'm helping out as a student leader for their treasure hunt. First prize is $30 leh! Dun play play. Lol. Its quite messy though since it rained half way and people running here and there. But overall i'm sure everyone had loads of fun. After the event we went to al-ameen(correct spelling anot?) to eat. After that went to Udders to eat ice-cream. Then me su val and huihui took....77 is it? to B Batok then Mrt home.

Wah kao i go home straight away dun feel well sia. Wtf. Tink cause kana rain and eating heaty food plus the icecream that contained alcohol. Now i have even worst sore throat, like theres sand in my throat.

Also fri got back my Retail marks, its a borderline pass so i guess i should be happy that i passed. Pon the lecture and went to find boss at lib. Now my turn to worry about I&E sia. My that leader, very busy doing his project so i'm quite worried if he can finish in time. And tim needs our group to do with them, so must rush to at least be able to show to those people at cicada. Which is on tues. AND THERE'S NO TIME! My god.

Is it just me whose too afraid that after saying it some things will change that stopped me from doing what i want? Or is it because i know you too well and know the outcome even before i say it out loud? Knowing too much sometimes is a burden and i don't know what i'll do when what i think might happen happens.

I&E to fret, Feeling so NOT well that i'm getting easily agitated, something that weighs on my mind. How long can i last?

Cowardice, weilei can be your 2nd name.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Sick sia

Wah today wake up fever. Then can't go to sch(even though i wasn't planning to go in the first place) Went to polyclinic, used up 2 hours of my life there. The only thing funny was that i got to wear a mask. Lol. I wore it all the way back home ok. Responsible citizen. Ok i got take picture let ur see....... Wtf i upload 3 times all say done but no picture. Nvm i go put on facebook ur go see ok? Haha. Then today hope that my I&E group did something.

Nth to write on since i was slping most of the time. Give me 5 mins to think...................

Somehow, i came to this realization that if most people have 20% of negative thoughts, i will have 75%. Its so easy to think of bad things about others. Why do i have so much expectation of others when i myself dun fulfill their own expectation of me?

Wah sian i hear mariam explain about the IAP is like so crazy man. 8 modules in all. Woo i tink by then i go siao liao. Haha provided i get in first bah. Ok gona do RMT now.

Sunday, July 5, 2009


Lol i was wasting my whole time away this afternoon until 9 plus then i realize i have ALOT of things to do. Gonna finish my wrt part, do RMT report and ppt, then still nid to think of I&E story. Plus tml is quite a long day! Omg. Thats so crazy. Woo hoo now i can still be here blogging is a miracle in itself. Anyway now i damn high, perhaps due to so many things not done yet. Hahahah

Oh and no i'm not gonna write out wat i wan my gf to be like. Due to the fact that i personally tink its abit fake writing out and i scared getting shoot if i write wrong things. Haha. Someone write for me instead? LOL.

And yes lyndia i dun tink he will read my blog anyway. Read read lorh. The most get beaten up. Then i can sue him till he left underwear only.

Justnow watched war of the worlds on Channel 5. Ending was so fast. Totally no link about the show man.

Oh well since i today abit no link also. End here bah.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Hehehe interesting post! (Edited)

Wow so long didn't post liaoz. Lol this few days quite busy doing things... And trying to sleep earlier so that i won't be so tired everyday. But in the end will slp at like 12 plus so no dif. Lol. Finally i have done quite a few of my projects and i feel so good. Although still nid to do much more but its 1/4 work done. YAY. Another thing is that my computer is seriously getting DAMN SLOW and the browser will crash sometimes one. It gets damn hot also. Hmm...... Shit now sch just reopen... TZE HOCK when u free help me reformat. LOL. Kidding nia. I will wait till hols bah, provided it last till then. Even now when i typing it also keep showing the cannot contact Wah kao gg have fun liao lah my com.

Today listen to my elective teacher saying, that we did like shit for this test. Haha. The way the question should be answer is totally different from how we will usually answer a question one lah. Oh well must try harder for the next test.

Haiya somethings happened that really made me 大开眼见( open my eyes big big). Assholes that break up with girls due to some shit reason then wanna patch back again just because he got dumped. Then after like 3 weeks he go on a MIA trip. My friend call and sms he doesn't reply for 1 day then say he's sick and dun be sad !?!? He should be glad she didn't ask gang beat him up lah pls. Wasting of girls on him.Dun spread ur bad genes man. Even when he post on facebook his friends also give negative comments sia. How pathetic is that? Go eat dung lah, dun waste good food on you pls. So can't really blame hui2 and winnie saying almost all guys jerks. Oh well just be me and i know i won't be in that category, wahahahahah.Ok that sounds abit spastic but no one cares right?

Right i was saying i gonna do a interesting post, i can't rmb if i got do this post b4. I tink i got do smt like this b4, OH is the say all the gd and bad things of my clique. Now i shall give my opinion of what qualities their BF should have bah. Might have some similarities with their gd or bad points. And its still a making in progress, in future if i have anymore insight i might re-post it. So people looking for GF( not for assholes/jerks and i mean when people say u are not and not YOU THINK YOU ARE NOT OK?) Here's some (possible?) candidates?

Ok first i tink i'll start with Girl C, despite the fact that she already have a BF so i just say for fun. Guys dun bother trying to win her over she very devoted to her BF. Ok Girl C is damn man lah and very not graceful one. Then she also goes with the flow. So i tink that her bf shouldn't be that man, eh that sounds wrong.....Like... like me liddat? Since everyone kip saying i not man enough. =.= Then he should be able to make decisions for her since she so shui bian. Also the bf must be damn clever or has damn LOTS of determination to be tgt with her since he will be facing the BRICK like resistance from her mother.

Hmm wait am i revealing too much info here? People if your not comfortable with me saying any info pls inform me and i will change accordingly.

Next is Girl L, who also have a bf already so no luck guys. LOL. Girl L's bf i also dun know that well so nvm. But personally i feel that her bf must be someone whu can protect her since she got the can be bullied face. Haha dun beat me liyana. Then he must be able to cheer her up since she also sometimes quite emo. OH and he should be rich or at least able to support her sufficiently lah. This is so that she can work because she WANTS to work and not work because she HAS to work. Working and studying is very tiring so the least he can do is to spend more time with her lorh, make her happy? Haha i'm just saying my own opinion the actual person do not, i repeat DO NOT have to fit the qualities i just said.

Then is Girl S. Ehhh her bf ahhh. Should be more man or more fierce looking bah. This is to stop those tikos and kaypos from staring at her on MRT and bus. Even if he dun laugh also can since she can laugh his share but i guess a sense of humour should be ok. :P Then he must be able to cheer her up since she always gets irritating things thrown at her. Should be quite smart so that same wavelength can communicate. Lol.

Then is Girl V. Aiyah her ah the bf like i said b4 should be rich to allow her to eat watever she wants. Then he should be able to stand up for her when she gets mistreated? Lol something like that. Oh then must be at least clever to not be scammed by her since she so clever. HAHA. Can't really think of anymore qualities leh. Girl V u tell me wat qualities u wan? XD

Then is Girl P! Ok lah basic requirement is her bf must be like taller than her lorh. Shouldn't be a problem bah( ok ok but i'm shorter than her) Then must be a very good and kind person. Girl Ptoo innocent liao. Eh then.. Must be tanned/man!Eh from my info the bf should also be able to communicate with her, like must be able to understand her bah.

Then Girl W. Aiyah this one ah. So many things to say. Must be able to take her beating. Then should be a club goer since she likes going to clubs( is go with her to the club not to go and dance with other girls ok). A foreigner would be a bonus. Must be a good listener since she always alot of things to say one ( complain about something or scolding someone or something) Lol. Then should be a also rich or have a steady income person since she likes so many things and prone to buying. AH bf should be able to help her save money/remind her not to spend so much. Then must not be a person whu is easily jealous since she will spend time with her other friends.

Finally last but not least, Girl H. I must really say i dun really know lah but i just feel that if ever she get a bf, that bf must be damn man lah. Must be able to stand up for her. Then he should really be damn nice to her also lah. Her life isn't easy and i feel that she deserves a guy whu loves her totally.

Ok lah. Tired sia typing all this. Basically all their bf should be good to them lah, treat them well, listen to them and cheer them up if they can and not be stuck up idiots. Its a standard requirement lah. Hope they can find one that really treats them well. Ok this is it!


(Edits) Ok since they all say they shy, i changed their name into not so obvious. Lol. And no i won't be writing a post on wat my gf should be like since i dunno and i feel that if i write for myself it is too weird/fake liao. Haha.