Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Lol today is one of the most boliao day ever man. This afternoon went to Bukit panjang plaza to find boss to get the new form to apply for the PSEA. Took 180 from start till end. My god i abit bus sick at the end of it lorh because although its a long one, the driver like dun like cold or smt the aircon nv on one. So hot and stuffy. Headache when i got off the bus. Then follow boss go buy her bread and bandung soya bean drink. Then when she buying the soya drink i saw althea! So qiao can? She also queuing to buy stuff. I was like talking to boss, then look at the person behind her. Eh? Look familiar ah this person? Sia lah is althea! Lol. Then walk 2 rounds around BPP(boring) then went back to jp and continue walking.

At jp i walk 2.5 round. The 2 time is i walk from one end of the old building to the other end of the new building while the .5 is from one end of old building to the other end of the new building. Lol so crazy right? Went to the challenger to look at the HD there. I mean the price is ok but i see their package like all very beaten up leh. Here bend abit there abit dirty. Lol. Maybe next time i ask someone go with me. OH and anyone have challenger membership? Lend me ty.

Short post cause ppl want me to finish faster to dota. Lol. See yah ppl!

1 comment:

Jason said...

Great day! Just be thankful for a this day, quite busy but still lovely, lol