Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Gv chalet

Woohoo i'm still quite high from the gv chalet. I dunno why sia. So i shall write down all the things that happpened during the chalet so that i can read it in the future!

The chalet was from sunday, i still rmb i having severe headache sia. Woke up at 7am but laid in my bed till 10am. Then no choice have to go pack bag and then go take mrt to pasir ris. Then nth much lorh, oh yah i so poor thing have to stand from boon lay till pasir ris. Cause the mrt i took was the new kind which have the area for ppl to stand instead of seats then even after the city area the mrt still full sia. Zzz then stand lorh, saw constance when reaching pasir ris. Wah lao her mum actually follow her sia! Super shocked so... They went to eat at white sands first then i was waiting at the steps outside mrt. Then jianhao saw me and talk to me.. Lol at first i was like whus this person sia??? Then yah su came then we walked to outside whitesands to find gifford? Ahhaha i dunno how to spell his name. Then waited for winnie and off we go! Then took bus to the aranda country club, which is like 1 bus stop away? Lol.

Then on the way to the room i fell down sia! Knn so suay. Lol actually is my own fault since my slipper is the 99% flat sole kind liao but i lazy to go buy. So any wet ground has a high chance to make me fall down. ^_^. Then we were waiting outside the room since we were told that the room was still not ready. But we wait like nearly 30mins also no one come clean up or etc. After mr eng came he went to ask again and he came back with the key, stupid sia and they said the room was not ready... Well the place is quite ok lah, not that small since the living rm is quite big, then 2 rooms and a kitchen. HOWEVER, that place has absolutely no utensils; no spoons/fork, no pots, no knife, no stove. Made us have many problems lah.

So suu started to prepare the cheese prawns and all of us were like helping her, me and tim was tearing up the aluminium foil, val and liyana was arranging the prawns on the foil and placing the strip of cheese on the prawn and su was wrapping up the finished products. Lol teamwork hor! Then after this slack around until around 5plus i tink b4 we start the bbq. But the weather not working with us lah. It rained like 10 mins after we got the fire started. Zzz then we had to transfer the charcoal into aluminium trays and we made a make-shift bbq pit, clever eh. Lol. Then the bbq continued till like i dunno wat time? We went back and played mahjong for awhile. Then chatted for a long time, well actually i didn't talk much and was mostly listening to tim talk. Then had a bath and i tink i went to slp.

In the end i woke up at like 5 am since i heard the seniors talking and the stuff they were chatting about was quite interesting so jsut listen lorh. OH and they told me a very funny thing about me! I snore in my sleep which i know but they also told me that when my senior wanted to take a picture of me or was it a video of me i straight away woke up and look at him. When he walk away straight away i snore again! Lol! Then couldn't slp le so walk around and waste time till everyone woke up.

Day 2 i shall put in another post if not its gonna be too long.

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