Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Gv chalet day 2

Day 2 i was like waiting for boss they all to wake up to go eat breakfast lah but they so slow.... Made me wait so long. Then in the end boss val and su didn't go somemore cause they too tired and call us to buy the food for them. Zzz. So in the end only me liyana constance winnie and timothy went to eat mac for breakfast. Then after which we bought the $2 breakfast for the 3 ppl at the chalet. Lol when we were leaving the seniors just arrive. Feel abit bad since the moment they come we go like so bad, but the food we buy le later cold not nice so... Yah lol. Then go back, give the 3 ppl their food then, slack lorh. Played mahjong and do some other stuff i tink. Then tim went off to find his friends le. Then after awhile winnie also go off to find her friends also.

Hmm then we basically waste time, i have no recollections of what we were doing. Until kelvin cannot take it and then we all went to play arcade. Oh and we were waiting for liping, pecksi and eyin to return to take their things first since liping and pecksi were going home. Lol actually eyin also want to go de but in the end kana brainwashed to stay. Oh i rmb le the seniors and boss they all were playing a card game called snapjack. Lol then kelvin and yixuan were the ultimate winners. There were 2 winner since we were so tired of seeing them playing it.

Then at the arcade we were all playing like siao sia. Lol. For my card we spent 60 plus. Out of which 30 is free since i'm a nebo member. Lol it was fun lah and thats wat matters, though sometimes i tink of the money still abit painful. LOL. Then went to fish and co express for lunch. Didn't know there were such thing sia. Then we walked to the bike shop near the escape there but in the end decided not to go for cycling. Lucky we didn't since it rained in the night. Then when we walked back there were these 2 person from america. One of the senior's friends. Then at first is me boss su liyana constance and josef chatting. Then geena also came in followed by yixuan i tink. Then even the 2 american and val and the other seniors came in. One of the american was a african-american so he was telling us about how he was being treated in some places where racistism was more severe. Its really very sad lah.

Then after this i went to watch my 豪杰春香. Hehe. Then the seniors went to eat dinner with the 2 americans. The rest of us stayed at the chalet to watch tv haha so no life. Then we ate maggi mee for dinner. Then constance had to go home so me and liyana accompany her to the bus stop since its already 9plus liao. Then chatted with the girls till 12plus then went to take a bath then we all went to slp. Finally no nid to slp on the floor. Hehe. Oh and i was slping with 4 girls in the room! Jealous boh? LOL nth happen lah! But i manage to..... Hehe Ask me personally for wat i did. Haha.

Day 3 all woke up (although VALERIE took damn long to wake up) pack our things and left lorh. So sad we came so many ppl but when we left only have 8 ppl only. We went to the yakun toast to have our breakfast. Then actually liyana and su and boss wanted to take bus home de but cause its raining then they took mrt in the end. Haha. Then boss and liyana got off at bugis, su and geena and shirley at raffles or city hall. Josef at queenstown and yixuan at lakeside. And of course me at boonlay.

Well i tink it was a really fun chalet and first time had cca chalet. It was nice to know more seniors and i tink they are really nice and fun! Although sometimes i abit guailan guailan lucky they nv scold me. ^_^ However the best thing is that OUR CLIQUE ALL THERE!!!! Tim too! Really fun time with them haha.

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