Friday, March 13, 2009

Memories gone will never be back again.

Lol today was walking in jurong point after going to sch and saw so many sec sch students. Makes me think about my days in Commonwealth sia. The first day i went inside the sch, waiting in the area in front of the canteen in the old site. Then we were the ones sitting in the canteen and looking at the sec1s waiting there.

I still rmb sia the first time i cry in sch. Lol sec 1 during recess chong chiang come slam my head nearly onto my plate of food and i straight away cry sia. I still rmb his face that time lorh. Shocked and abit sorry. Hahaha. Then i also rmb sec1 so hyper always run back class one like small kids.

Sec2 is always go out with peifen they all i tink cause i only rmb my mum nagging me for always going out lol. Then oh yah i tink i was always among the first few to reach class in the morn. Thus i have the class key i tink. Not really confirm about it. Sec2 was also the syf year then quite fierce sia the practices. But it was worth it since we got a gold with honours. But i tink its not the award but rather the time spent with the seniors and friend that was worth it. Lol all of us jokers that took 187 home. Always the most noisy ones.

Sec3 was quite foggy and didn't rmb much about it. I only rmb we got funny seating arrangment with 3 ppl on each side of the class. Then me and peifen and ruimin sitting tgt then me and peifen always do funny things and quarrel then ruimin would be caught in between i tink. It was the last year in the old sch site. Oh yah and i rmb the end of year exam is at the hall! So weird can lol. OH YAH then at the soccer field there got this wall that u can climb. Then i rmb sometimes me tzehock and zhepeng and sometimes and yingsheng will go there slack. Then i was the first one to climb up the wall! Of course with a bit of running start lol.

Sec4 was at the new building(not that new actually) beside pandan reservoir. Well i must say its damn nice to see the reservoir when going home or when its raining or at night. Saw so many things in the reservoir can. Lol. I saw fishs and turtle and even a.. I dunno wats that actually, a water lizard? I was damn shock at first lah cause i was walking along the trail then something long and quite big(compared to a turtle) leap back into the water. Scare me sia lol. Oh yah then also the many areas for the gamblers to play cards. Then we also play block catching lol so fun lorh. I rmb we were so noisy until got teacher come scold us i tink haha.

Pics anyone?

This is sec3 picture

This is sec 4 picture

I dun have scanner so cannot show ur the picture of sec1 and sec 2. This pics were scanned by my teacher when i was working with her. The one in my sec3 pic. She's not teaching anymore but she was a damn funny teacher whu taught us many things about life.

Last is my choir picture!

Ok if i tink of more things to put i'll update again! See yah soon ppl!

1 comment:

Peter said...

Nice shots! Memories will always stay in our hearts forever.