Saturday, February 14, 2009

Valentine's day for real

Well today's valentine's day. Nth much lorh... Went to work as usual and after that came home and rot till now. So no life right? Lol. Makes me think of the last 2 valentine's day sia. Last year's valentine's day was spent at michelle's hse playing mahjong and singing Kbox. I still rmb lorh cause after spending the night there i have to go back home to get my bag and went to work. So tired that day lah. But it was fun and thats wat matters. Then the year before, still in Commonwealth lah, then first time gave a real valentine's gift to someone and received one also. Seems like just y'day sia. I still rmb is sharon pass to me one lol.

Early in the morning smsed to like.... 13 ppl? Lol i mass sms mah since i dun use my phone that much might as well spam. Up till now only about 7 reply me. Lol Some i tink won't reply me while others perhaps is too busy with their activity to bother replying to me sia. >.< !Then yah lorh, nearly a whole day spent without doing anything productive.

Sian leh why so many people like to post in codes sia. So mafan. Stupid leh. I dumb dunno how to decipher de can dun make me so curious but cannot know the thing leh.

Oh yah hols coming... But i'm so not looking forward to it. I dun really wanna find another job but my present work is not gonna last i can feel it. No work would means that i will have alot of free time and having free time equals might be going out which will mean will nid to spend money which is NOT good. Watever

Haha valerie tell me say to post about wats my ideal valentine's. I really have no idea. Just wanna spend all the time that i have with my gf when there is one bah? Haha so unromantic right? I feel that being able to spend time with ur beloved is not something which u should take for granted. Even now i see my friend having to out of her way just to see her bf, well that applies to her bf also but i'm really impressed, they really like each other to be able to still stay so strong even with so many obstacles. So for ppl that are already attached, pls cherish ur time with ur partner.

Oh yah and today went to work they were giving this VERY cute cowwie bank (piggy bank). Lol my mum like it so much can, at first is say if u spend dunno how much then u get 1, but i like that go then i got 4 haha. Auntie took extra and gave me. So i have 4. Hehe. Any one i can spare u 1, for ur b'day prez HAHA.

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