Friday, February 20, 2009

Maths exam!

Hohoho today maths is good luck have fun for me since didnt really sit down and study for it. Oh well its over time to think about ECA!!!!! !@#$%^ Now thats a module that i really nid to study about man. If not sure fail.

Oh yah today receive a valentine's day gift! So happy(although i dun show it lah). Come i show your the picture.

Hehe first time get valentine's gift from friends. Woohoo. Very high sia. Lol. Thank you peizhen suriani and valerie.

After settling stuff and had lunch me boss and su went to lib first since the rest were asking ms mariam about ECA stuff. Then in the lib room also didn't do anything since we were sitting down there and chatting all the way until they came to find us. Quite fun lah actually.

Since i still rmb now... And under constant reminder from boss and suu, i shall write some BAD things about them!!!! Wahahaha (pray that i dun get killed over this)

First is of course our Boss! Well she actually nth bad to say one but today finally found 1. She has this severe problem of talking about other ppl's gender. Normally talk about me become she instead of he is already bad enough but just now she very cute sia. She ask me " Eh if u are a GUY will u like this girl?" I totally stunned! Lol i'm not angry boss but i find it damn funny sia. Now thats a bad/funny character of her.

Next is Surianiii! Well no nid to ask one see her name u know wat i going to say liao. Control urself su control! Laughter is good but dun let it evolve to hysterical laugh can le. ^_^

Following, valerie! This one ahhh, no hope liao lah. Her future boyfriend/husband better be rich or in the food industry. Pig sia this person! LOL. Must feed her 24/7. Okay that made her sound like a pig but whu cares not me can le! XD Kidding lah she just have a good/big appetite.

Fourth, liyanaaaa. This girl also ahh very funny/cute sia. Always do funny things one haha. Well the problems with her is she nids to WAKE UP and STUDYYY!!! Lol almost 70% of the lessons late sia, well first lessons anyway. Must study, girl dun later nid to retake module( touch wood).

Now is constance, well ask around ppl and i'm sure u will agree that this person ahh super fierce sia! Lol, violent also sia. As quoted from Timonthy, " Violent girl number 1". Number 2 coming later. Well i guess she being violent is a way to relieve her pent up stress from home? For kaypos reading for fun u dun nid to know! ^ . ^

Second last is huihui, well seriously speaking i dun really know her very well since by the time i was with ur she started having her problems but i tink she's a real strong girl yah? Lol thats a gd thing right? Nvm the bad thing...... Even more fierce than constance although is no name one? Lol.

Last one, Winnie! Not as cute as the pooh though. Lol. Now thats violent girl number 2. The bad thing about her is that she trying to brainwash herself to believe that she's not violent. Wat a joke lol. Then ok lorh, always trying to guai lan me but always failed. Lousy. Haha.

Hmm that was quite long. Well thats the entertainment post for today. If boss or suu got anymore requests maybe i will post again. So wait for it ppl. Or if U have any suggestions can just give me a tag to say. Maybe i might answer.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Valentine's day for real

Well today's valentine's day. Nth much lorh... Went to work as usual and after that came home and rot till now. So no life right? Lol. Makes me think of the last 2 valentine's day sia. Last year's valentine's day was spent at michelle's hse playing mahjong and singing Kbox. I still rmb lorh cause after spending the night there i have to go back home to get my bag and went to work. So tired that day lah. But it was fun and thats wat matters. Then the year before, still in Commonwealth lah, then first time gave a real valentine's gift to someone and received one also. Seems like just y'day sia. I still rmb is sharon pass to me one lol.

Early in the morning smsed to like.... 13 ppl? Lol i mass sms mah since i dun use my phone that much might as well spam. Up till now only about 7 reply me. Lol Some i tink won't reply me while others perhaps is too busy with their activity to bother replying to me sia. >.< !Then yah lorh, nearly a whole day spent without doing anything productive.

Sian leh why so many people like to post in codes sia. So mafan. Stupid leh. I dumb dunno how to decipher de can dun make me so curious but cannot know the thing leh.

Oh yah hols coming... But i'm so not looking forward to it. I dun really wanna find another job but my present work is not gonna last i can feel it. No work would means that i will have alot of free time and having free time equals might be going out which will mean will nid to spend money which is NOT good. Watever

Haha valerie tell me say to post about wats my ideal valentine's. I really have no idea. Just wanna spend all the time that i have with my gf when there is one bah? Haha so unromantic right? I feel that being able to spend time with ur beloved is not something which u should take for granted. Even now i see my friend having to out of her way just to see her bf, well that applies to her bf also but i'm really impressed, they really like each other to be able to still stay so strong even with so many obstacles. So for ppl that are already attached, pls cherish ur time with ur partner.

Oh yah and today went to work they were giving this VERY cute cowwie bank (piggy bank). Lol my mum like it so much can, at first is say if u spend dunno how much then u get 1, but i like that go then i got 4 haha. Auntie took extra and gave me. So i have 4. Hehe. Any one i can spare u 1, for ur b'day prez HAHA.

Friday, February 13, 2009

pre-valentine's day

Well today had a test for my Fundamentals of mechanical & electrical engineering. First time that i really study for an exam sia. Should be okay for the test since most of the questions i was able to do. Hehe. Then yah i gave presents to my clique, Lol sorry if the rochers were abit squashed! Lol then after the test went to the makan place to had our lunch. Then boss they all went to town to shop for things but i didn't go lah. Going back from town takes so long and i dun like to go shop since this week already spent so much money already. Sorry ppl yah? Anyway hope ur like my present yah? I still have a few sia but i dunno if i should give it to ppl anot since i abit afraid it might have melted already. Zzz.

Well after i manage to escape from boss they all and got on 154 suddenly feel very emoish sia. Kip thinking about very random things and feeling very sad over it. Like my eng said, we would be calling the shots this coming new sem but after that year we would only be supervising, 1 year passes very fast and will surely not be enough and i can only hope that with the remaining time i can make more lasting memories with my beloved class and clique.

Reached home and slack lorh, play my PSP till i tired then slept for about 1 hour. This 3 days didn't slp much anyway so i guess the rest was very much needed. Lol and now i got someone which i dun know tagging on my blog as usual. My blog like magnet for these things like dun cha tink so ppl? Haha. Oh yah and i tink i will be going for the GV chalet. Just wanna say it here. About 60% so its a yes (barely).... Anyone coming with me???

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Thoughts of life.

Well since this week was spending almost all the time either doing assignments or playing dota or tribalwar, i have totally nth to write on so just wanted to randomly talk about some stuff.

Why is it that people just cannot trust each other? Just because they are more unruly do u have to make such assumptions? If they really want to scam the money they can jolly well make us pay, then all the things they buy using sub standard stuff. Which is not true since i was with them the last time shopping. Why be so... stingy over these things. I feel that they, whu at least organize and go for this, are more like a class to us. Well if u read this i hope u can think about it i guess. Even if because of this i have to fan lian with you all.

Y'day went home and took mrt with su. Chat about many stuff and well i guess in life its hard not to talk about anyone. I admit that i also talk about other people behind their back. Sometimes i just dun have the courage to say the things to the person straight in the face. I guess in the future if i really have that much courage i would offend many people. Well for that matter i know that confirm chop got ALOT of people would talk about me behind my back haha. Not that i ever hear wat they say about me but can guess de lah.

Hmm then today go to work, new manager still didnt show his face so dunno wats my fate yet. Haha. Makes me think about whether i can go chalet anot. Although i say till liddat i confirm will go de dun worry ppl. But the GV one must think first. Haha very dangerous leh go there, dun tink i dunno wat ur thinking ahh. Pls lah until i confirm my feelings pls PLS P L S dun do unnecessary stuff. If not i sure chop dun go for GV chalet.

Exams are coming so mostly i will stay back almost everyday next week so i dun tink i can dota every night le. Maybe some night i will not play. Maybe only haha. Today will on com for like almost whole day since no PSP to play and my mum going out to eat with my bro at the temple i tink.

Valentine's comingso gonna give presents to ppl but then i dunno how to give some of them sia. See how it goes bah.

Sunday, February 1, 2009


OMG i suddenly have something to write about liaoz! Lol i was bored mah so decided to watch the shows that i got from ash. Then i was watching who slept with her and my wife is a gangster 3. My god lah i was laughing so hard that the whole block can hear liaoz. God ASH WHY ALL THE SHOWS THAT U HAVE GOT SOME PERVERTED SCENE ONE???? Lol. My god i tink the one from my wife is a gangster3 is the best lah. Damn funny. At first the main character, a korean guy, is driving, then shuqi took over cause he too slow and lousy in driving. But when she took over is like shes sitting on the guy's lap, shiok sia! Then still not so bad, then the road have ALOT of bumps... So when the car passes them it gets lifted off abit and lands again right? What does that do to the two of them in the car?? Imagine, shuqi bouncing on that guy's lap. For guys i know ur sure know one all so perverted but for girls that dun understand... Well feel free to ask around, or ask me for that matter. Anyway, then the best part, got a lorry block their way and the other alternative is down a long staircase! Wooooo steady man. I tink this is like one of the most innovative thing i saw in a show liao. Lol. Ok maybe is cause i watch too little show but still is damn funny can? Lol shuqi at the end still go and slap the guy and say having fun? Lol although she act angry lah but then i see liao laugh even more!

Haha 2 post in a day sia. Must try record liao next time maybe 5 post in a day. Hehe.

Point of no return.

Well i bought a zen mosaic in the end. Hmm today went to work my supervisor was telling me that our present manager is gonna be transferred away le and a new one will be taking over. Then he was like telling me that the new manager might want to cut down on expenses... which means that maybe us student part-timers might be retrenched! Yes retrenched! Lol so young already going to be retrenched. Well i dun really care if i will get to stay anot but rather i will miss going there and doing all the routine stuff like calculating of the stock and then talking to familiar customers. I know i keep complaining that i want to quit and etc, but in the end i really can't bear to just quit and go. Haha. Oh well see how it goes first bah. If really cmi then i shall have to scrimp and save loh.

Y'day went to junhua hse to celebrate new year. Lol it was boing at first since both mahjong table was full. Then after one of the table finish me marcus bingcheng and junhua's elder brother went to play. Aiyah i lost like 3 dollar? I even got blacklisted for mahjong somemore. Pro right hehe. Then ate steamboat. Oh yah and before that even got louhei somemore. Then took group pic. I just realize that i very extra sia since they are all 2/5 ppl. Haha. So paiseh. Everyone was joking about next year where half of the people will be bald! Woo NS power! Haha

Ok thats it i dun wanna type anymore man. Dunno wat else to post anyway. Sometimes i really wan to make my post like other ppl one which is quite joker but i just cant so i dun care le lah. No one reads then no one read. Can allow me to scold ppl then no one knows! Woo