Friday, November 14, 2008

Quiz as usual

(1) What is your ambition?--> Never really think about. A job i like and a happy life

(2) Who is more important to you? Friend or Girlfriend?--> Friend. When have girlfriend then will be girlfriend bah

(3) How often do you think of committing suicide? --> sometimes..... When i at high places

(4) Do you think you have enough confidence?--> Nope. Absolutely not

(5) How many babies you want?--> See how many my wife willing to have

(6) Do you believe in seeing a rainbow after the rain?--> Literally, yes, in reality, rare.

(7) What is your goal for this year?--> Help my friends more and pray hard that i won't be scammed! Lol

(8) Do you believe in eternity love? Maybe.

(9) What is a perfect boyfriend/girlfriend is to you? List 10.
1) Faithful
2) Outgoing/ Friendly
3) niceeeeee
4) Understanding
5) FUN!
6) Accepts me for who i am
7) Honest
8) Caring
9) Independent
10) Patient

(10) What feeling do you love most? --> Love. When listening to love songs.

(11) What are the requirements you need from your other half?--> Patient with me when i go crazy

(12) Is there anything you want to tell to the people you hate?--> Just go away!

(13) Do you cherish every single friendship you have?--> No, i cherish even friendships that i dun have! Haha

(14) What can be done to get over some1 faster???(some1 u love? like family members and stuffs~ not some1 u hate! LOL!) No idea but Time is a proven answer although its slow.

(15) What do you crave for the most right now? --> So many things...

(16) What is your favourite memory of school life?-->I set de question so i dun nid answer!

(17) Describe the person who tagged you in 7 words?--> watch horror movie till cannot play dota

(18) What have you done to make yourself happy?--> Erm... Nothing? Cause i'm usually not happy?

(19) What will you become in 10 years from now? --> An employee with no life! Lol.

(20) What do u always do before you sleep?-->Lie on bed and have sexual fantasies!!! Lol sometimes nia. Sometimes is think about stuff that happen in the day.

Remove one question from above and add in your personal question. Make a total of 20 questions and tag 8 people. List them out at the end of the post. Notify them in their cbox that they've been tagged. Whoever does the tag will have blessings from all.

1) Winnie
2) Suriani
3) Valerie
4) Constance
5) No idea
6) No idea
7) No idea
8) No idea

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