Friday, November 28, 2008

Duno if is a gd or bad day?

Well today is friday again... Tml nid to go work again lol. Have to think about how many days i'm gonna work during the hols... Quite busy since have a project to do and nid to go back to sch sometimes.. See first bah.... Not that i have any serious need for money hehe. 2 hours break today was a waste of time lah... Went to eat KFC which totally sucked.... Waste my time walking there and waste my money... Kao. Then after that during maths quite sleepy so slept abit. After i woke up suddenly kept thinking about weird stuff... Stuff like when i die will anyone be happy over it as my friends kip saying though i know they say it for fun only. Sometimes i know that i am quite irritating but then its a habit le lah quite hard to change so still trying to find ways to stop myself. Then still have wat ah... Can't really rmb just stuff along that line... Then accompany xianglin to go look around for earphones while waiting for her bf but didn't bought any in the end. Then came home and slack lorh boring.... Spent so much money this week lorh.... Bought a new pair of shoes since the old one the bottom is already dropping off soon... Then also bought new earphones... In totally i think i spent about $80-90 bah...

Ahh another project coming up man... Zzzz some water project and if i didn't heard wrong i tink my teacher said that we might go to CSS take water sample!!??? So zhun sia!! But its still a i tink nia. Lol so dunno see first.

Crap i tink after coming to poly i really cannot settle down sia.... Especially with stupidly perverted friends(although i also join in the talk) and SUPER funny people... I tink i am becoming more and more.... How to put it? Volatile? Moodswing is damn sudden and violent de.. Haha maybe my true nature coming out? Dunno lah.... Wow today i wrote so much stuff. Hehe.
Now nid to go find ppl to help me do CATS survey!!! PPL HELP ME DO!!!!

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