Friday, November 28, 2008

Duno if is a gd or bad day?

Well today is friday again... Tml nid to go work again lol. Have to think about how many days i'm gonna work during the hols... Quite busy since have a project to do and nid to go back to sch sometimes.. See first bah.... Not that i have any serious need for money hehe. 2 hours break today was a waste of time lah... Went to eat KFC which totally sucked.... Waste my time walking there and waste my money... Kao. Then after that during maths quite sleepy so slept abit. After i woke up suddenly kept thinking about weird stuff... Stuff like when i die will anyone be happy over it as my friends kip saying though i know they say it for fun only. Sometimes i know that i am quite irritating but then its a habit le lah quite hard to change so still trying to find ways to stop myself. Then still have wat ah... Can't really rmb just stuff along that line... Then accompany xianglin to go look around for earphones while waiting for her bf but didn't bought any in the end. Then came home and slack lorh boring.... Spent so much money this week lorh.... Bought a new pair of shoes since the old one the bottom is already dropping off soon... Then also bought new earphones... In totally i think i spent about $80-90 bah...

Ahh another project coming up man... Zzzz some water project and if i didn't heard wrong i tink my teacher said that we might go to CSS take water sample!!??? So zhun sia!! But its still a i tink nia. Lol so dunno see first.

Crap i tink after coming to poly i really cannot settle down sia.... Especially with stupidly perverted friends(although i also join in the talk) and SUPER funny people... I tink i am becoming more and more.... How to put it? Volatile? Moodswing is damn sudden and violent de.. Haha maybe my true nature coming out? Dunno lah.... Wow today i wrote so much stuff. Hehe.
Now nid to go find ppl to help me do CATS survey!!! PPL HELP ME DO!!!!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Funny sia!

Today was IS day so can slp till i shiok then wake up... 10 am actually. Its late for me lah then slack slack till i overshot the time and had to take MRT go to sch. Lol. Then CATS was so easy... My group members so power. We finish the thing that we nid to do so fast that we were slacking for half an hour lorh. Pro right? Haha. Then went for my Badminton lesson... Was okay lah.. I played for 45mins only lorh... Half way when i was reaching for the shuttlecock it flew towards me and hit my glasses... Zzz lucky not spoilt. The lens drop out nia because the screw came loose. Then i cannot play without glasses mah.. Can't even see the shuttlecock how to play sia. Kao then was slacking till end of lesson. So sian lorh. Lucky the teacher got the small screwdriver so i fixed it back.. If not i tink later i can't even recognize the way home man. Haiz...

Realized that quite a few ppl reads my blog... Haha so cannot say bad things about them. Later get killed sia. Then yah after that went cheers... Standard liaoz lah. Wait until 6pm winnie have to go for korean lesson then we went home lorh...Thats all

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Ahh my bad temper....

Well today was off with a bad start i guess..... Went crazy after hearing about some stuff so scolded someone without getting the full picture.... Sorry Lyndia! Really sorry. Then was lessons... Still the same lorh... I can understand but never remember so when test come... Good luck to myself. Haha. Then went canteen to eat and i had to wait at least 5 mins for my food... Zzz so long lah. After which went for Hospitality lesson... Listen half way fell aslp until got break then i wake up. Tutorial... Breeze through lorh since the teacher doesn't really care de lol. Then accompany winnie go do her cats than teach her abit of chem then went home le.. So boring. Haha.

These few days nth much to blog about lah so its a short one. If i suddenly have a revelation then i will post again.Hehe

Friday, November 14, 2008

Quiz as usual

(1) What is your ambition?--> Never really think about. A job i like and a happy life

(2) Who is more important to you? Friend or Girlfriend?--> Friend. When have girlfriend then will be girlfriend bah

(3) How often do you think of committing suicide? --> sometimes..... When i at high places

(4) Do you think you have enough confidence?--> Nope. Absolutely not

(5) How many babies you want?--> See how many my wife willing to have

(6) Do you believe in seeing a rainbow after the rain?--> Literally, yes, in reality, rare.

(7) What is your goal for this year?--> Help my friends more and pray hard that i won't be scammed! Lol

(8) Do you believe in eternity love? Maybe.

(9) What is a perfect boyfriend/girlfriend is to you? List 10.
1) Faithful
2) Outgoing/ Friendly
3) niceeeeee
4) Understanding
5) FUN!
6) Accepts me for who i am
7) Honest
8) Caring
9) Independent
10) Patient

(10) What feeling do you love most? --> Love. When listening to love songs.

(11) What are the requirements you need from your other half?--> Patient with me when i go crazy

(12) Is there anything you want to tell to the people you hate?--> Just go away!

(13) Do you cherish every single friendship you have?--> No, i cherish even friendships that i dun have! Haha

(14) What can be done to get over some1 faster???(some1 u love? like family members and stuffs~ not some1 u hate! LOL!) No idea but Time is a proven answer although its slow.

(15) What do you crave for the most right now? --> So many things...

(16) What is your favourite memory of school life?-->I set de question so i dun nid answer!

(17) Describe the person who tagged you in 7 words?--> watch horror movie till cannot play dota

(18) What have you done to make yourself happy?--> Erm... Nothing? Cause i'm usually not happy?

(19) What will you become in 10 years from now? --> An employee with no life! Lol.

(20) What do u always do before you sleep?-->Lie on bed and have sexual fantasies!!! Lol sometimes nia. Sometimes is think about stuff that happen in the day.

Remove one question from above and add in your personal question. Make a total of 20 questions and tag 8 people. List them out at the end of the post. Notify them in their cbox that they've been tagged. Whoever does the tag will have blessings from all.

1) Winnie
2) Suriani
3) Valerie
4) Constance
5) No idea
6) No idea
7) No idea
8) No idea

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Funny how life works

Hmm i'm back here... This morning something happened to me. Just thinking about why some people would bother telling me that my blog is on a major hatelist. No you didn't see wrong and i was told by a tink that was the email) that "Congratulations ur blog is on a major hatelist". I mean, hey if u don't like it, don't see or read it. Just because ur doesn't like it means i have to listen to u. So wat do u want me to do? Delete this blog? No way man.

Today was chatting with my friends about random stuff and we talked about nuclear bomb and World world. Lol 1 of my friend was saying "If i unite the world into 1 country then there will be no war already!" Funny right? This made me think about the incident this morning. People all have different views of things and if everyone hates each other because of these small things then the world would be a chaotic place already. Well guess i'll just leave it here. Thinking about it so much doesn't make me happier anyway.

Last Sat i went to Waves 13, a dance concert by the SP dance group. My friend is in it so she invited us to go. Its a good concert man. The dance moves were damn interesting and it was very well thought out. Next year i definitely want to go again! Then also got to meet up with 4 of my sec sch friends. So long didn't saw them le. Had a lot of fun with them. Lol. Heard the NRA also having a performance. Wondering if i should go and compare their standard. Haha.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Long time no post!

Lol its been nearly half a month since i last post sia. Aiyah i getting more and more lazy to post hehe. Well since now i got time i shall try and post about everything i want to say.

Well first things first, the amount of work is seriously piling up sia. Just 1 week is enough to cause me to have like 5-6 hw not done... Ok maybe cause usually i didnt do them but can tell that its increasing. Guess i nid to squeeze out time to go do. Haiz so sian... Then another thing, i'm quitting my job at the end of this month.. I jsut suddenly don't want to work anymore... More and more work is coming in and i really want to get CCA points but work is just hindering me from going for these events... Guess this just means that i nid to save more and not spend so much on unnecessary things. Lol but i never would have imagined last year that i would be working at NTUC for more than a year! At the end of this month i would have worked 1 year and 1 week at NTUC... Gonna miss seeing all the aunties working there and the regular customers. Seriously man today when i went back to work after 2 weeks i really find that i miss seeing them... Haha some of the customers are really beautiful aunties ok! Lol.

Then another thing that i want to say out loud is that my friends have said that my temper is getting worst.. Very easily angered.. Dunno wats wrong with me nowadays.. I have a feeling i getting more and more hot-tempered. I even nearly destroy my table when i was playing dota... How crazy does that sound? Haiz hope i can change yah? Where's the me in the past!?!?

Then last week i was a volunteer at the marina barrage on Sunday. It was super crowded can! I sort of was a tour guide for people that were visiting the place. RCs all over singapore were bringing people in groups to that place so each of us had to 1 person take 1 group! So scary can. Lol. Then after taking then was standing there for at least 2 hours. Not kidding ok is real cause no chair then the people say cannot go to the barrage there. Knn. Then finally the event ended and we wanted to take the water taxi go esplanade... Then queue half way the personnel say its not available until 6.30 because the dam was opened to let the water flow out. Anyway its still about 2 years until we can really drink water from the reservoir since the water is still dirty now. The government want to be more strict about their spendings so decided to use nature to clean out the water thus the wait before the water is clean. If u want to know how they do it.. When it rains... The dam is opened when the water level is higher inside so the dirty water flow out. Repeat this over time and the water inside the dam will be all rainwater eventually. Hah. Then after that Boss' group want to go orchard go eat and (i think and most likely and eventually) go shop. I didn't follow them since its very no point as i won't buy anything and its a waste of time so i follow Xianglin, lyndia. weixiong and mingheng to go IMM eat... Oops forgot the name of the place, Jap food lah. Then went home lorh... At the barrage i only took one or was it 2 pic.

Thats a big raindrop don't u think?

Now thats the dam itself. U can walk on it and it even has 6 pavillions for u to rest in case it rains

Now for a totally big shot of my head! Oh and the guy behind is my friend's friend called weiyang. Wah lao why u point middle finger at the phototaker?

Since already got so many pictures le might as well add in another one. Dun get shock ppl!

Its weilei carrying a bag in a very man manner! Woo so man sia! XD. Guess i'll stop here for today. Wow wrote qute alot if u ask me lol! See yah!