Thursday, November 19, 2009

Wat a flood day!

Lol main thing today was the FLOODING at Ngee Ann man. Lol i tink i shared a video on my facebook link showing the waterfall at Makan place. So funny can? Its like the waterfall in a swimming pool except this one is in a canteen and from the ceiling. Plus the drains, like those quite big canals ALSO flood siol. Thats like so crazy man. Heard atrium was flooded till ankle length. Lol heng we went to class like 1 hour b4 and when we reach blk 34 the rain just became heavier. Lucky man cause my umbrella i lent to boss and val then me and constance was walking in the rain. We went to KFC at BTP. I seriously dunno why they wan go there eat luhhhh. I really dun like their food their le. The chicken so hard to bite.

Hmm today actually passed quite fast leh i have no recollection of doing anything substantial sia. Weird. Tml is another sian day with lesson starting earlier due to LLJ having make up lesson. Well her lesson usually quite joke so still ok but then elective is another matter. Boring plss. Haiz. I thinking if i should take tml and go Far east SC to fix my PSP leh. Although will take be quite tiring with laptop and etc but i really wan to have it fixed so that at least if i wan to play it i won't be pissed off. Really that analog stick has caused me so much anguish, its like ur project half way liao get deleted u will damn sad right? Mine is saved data deleted. Thanks to my joke bro why always itchy hand plus the cock up analog stick, it is a perfect formula for saved data to be deleted. How can i even play a game if i know that there is a high chance for it to be deleted? Waste the batt nia. Hm but if tml go there and it RAINS. Then i gg have fun liao. Lol.

Haiz tues the jap i also dunno how did i fare. Wonder wonder. Then i was hearing about the dates for exams and its NOT THAT FAR away. Omg. Most of the modules i studying now i dun really know ANYTHING about the theory. Die. Then still nid to worry about the projs and practs. Really very tiring lah. First time i feel that i am really tired of work.

Plus i dunno wat possessed me to agree to go back to NTUC to work. With so much things now, and working on wkdays... I dunno if i got time to work and go for GV events and still do my HW. Tink GV event i really have to give up going for some or going late.. At least now i dun nid to hear my mother nagging me about going to work. But yet i can't help feeling that i have just went back to b4, when i have to miss things to go for work. Can't help feeling that why is work always cloashing with GV events? When i dun have work there weren't so many things that i wanna go for GV leh. Like once i go back work, got Eco camp and GV chalet and etc. Sometimes i can't help hating my family for bring poor, making me have to go work and missing out my life on poly. Will i be truly be able to enjoy my life after? Next time is a very vague answer which no one can tell. When will u define future as? Do you think that in the future i, no WE will have so much time to meet up and have fun? Everyone had their own life to live and its only NOW when we are right here in the same place with the same goal that we are able to have so much time and fun tgt. Nvm, i tink if i continue on i will be emoish again.

Such a long post and thanks if u manage to read till here.

1 comment:

Janet said...

I hate floods! I really pity the affected people :(