Monday, November 16, 2009

Monday tired!

Su say must update more so i very gd one listen to her. See su i listen to u so must give us ur readings ok! LoL. I like so materialistic, nid smt from her then listen to her. Haha. Hmm today really early release and i miraculously managed to get on a 154 even though i deliberately miss like 2 buses. Nice one lah. Hmm reach home early also good i can blog!

Then i started work last weekend. Realised that i actually still rmb how to do most of the things, after all i did worked there for 2 years although 1 year is only on wkends. Was on night shift so today really quite tired. Sat was so free that i really damn bored. There's like so many ppl but no one buying fish. Lol. Dun even have housefly for me to catch also. Super nth to do. Then sunday was totally different. Quite a number of ppl buy sia, tiring but at least the time passed quickly, well as quick as it can le lah.

Then after it ended reached home then i realized that i have alot of things haven do like learning for jap, knowing wat are the words and the quiz. Siao liao lah that one. Cmi. Later must drill it into my head. Then somemore at night cannot slp sia despite being so tired, made me damn pissed off lah.

Today was still ok bah, heng the quiz for Npmc got boss and winnie and constance tell me answer. If not sure die also. Her lesson sometimes really off topic sia. No idea wat she wanted to tell us. Be a cheapo? Lol. Then satha lesson was ok, actually i really like his lesson bah, yes its abit boring at times but he teaches well lah. Then Andrew lesson was quite tense cause he had some family problems and abit sensitive so everyone was quite quiet. Hope it isn't that bad bah. Then liddat lorh.

Sian leh why i go run and gym nv decrease in weight one siol! Still the same i tink. Must be eating too much as usual. But really sometimes damn hungry what. Sian. Nvm shall see bah. But when next week work afternoon shift also dunno got time to go gym then go work anot, tink will be too tired lorh. See bah.

Another note. Hope A lvl ppl work hard and get gd results! Must go out after A's ok? But must see when i free HAHA. Tues tues i free! Ot ur go out at night lah then i also can! Lol.

1 comment:

Ping said...

So sad to read that your day is so tiring. Just take a time to relax.