Thursday, September 24, 2009

Safe journey!

Well Mr chua mingxuan left singapore y'day for aussie! Rich ******* LOL. No lah at least i have someone to go there to buy things give me! Yay! Haha me and huishi already psycho him to buy us souveniers from aussie. If he don't.... well i wish him luck. But sian now i so lonely liao 1 less person to crap with, somemore he's usually 24/7 available one, ok except when he slping but i can call him and wake him up. HAHA so evil. Mx is a damn gd friend lah. He will never ps u one unless is some big thing plus he dun get angry usually. Come to think of it i always ps him >.< . The only thing with him is he dun have the courage to tell the person that he like wat he feels. Hope he might catch some blondie there or smt ;)

Ok lah i just realize its being 4 days since i blog so took time to write things, these few days afternoon i on show let my mum watch while i play PSP/watch the show. Then mon i actually went to my ah ma hse and reread alot of comic there. Then y'day my dad suddenly say he wan to make chicken rice. =.= Ok lah it was passable haha. I mean the rice was not fragrant enough cause my mum did not put enough oil in then the sauce for the chicken was not enough so the chicken no taste. Haha i sound like a picky eater. Woops.

Haha tze hock said i was the only person whu go find all my sec sch friends. I dun tink so lorh, ppl like Winnie more than me pls. Haha but then again hers is close friends mine is really like at first i dun really know them that well but since meet up afew times then closer liao. Sec sch were the best time of our life and its saddening if we forget about each other in sec sch. SO HUANG ZHEPENG U NGNT (No Girl No Talk) better find time to come out find us! Lol like he will read my blog liddat.

Being a person is so hard. As the chinese saying goes 做人难. Its hard for us to always understand what others think or feel. Sometimes in the heat of the moment we always do the wrong thing but only realize it afterwards. Control is something we all need but how many of us do have that? Sometimes i realize that i'm being so selfish and unfillial. Whenever my mother wants me to do something i will always say that i'm sian and dun wanna go. That time when me and my bro said we going to my ah ma hse my cousin called and ask if we were going there already and my mum was telling me most likely ahma call my cousin go shengsiong (tzehock ur ex workplace) to carry the ingredients for dinner that night. Ahma is old already and cannot carry heavy stuff. That made me think about what would I do if it was me? Would i have went with my ahma? Or will i give excuses to run off? Why is it that i still stayed in the past thinking that everything is still the same as it is?

Time waits for no one, but to start that first step is the hardest step of all.

Saturday, September 19, 2009


I guess most people will say its not bad le bah... 1A+ 1A 3 B+ with a GPA of 3.7 and accumulative GPA of 3.5 still. But i'm still not happy about it. More like no feeling. Results has no meaning to me. With the hols half gone and me haven done anything more than sit at home or go lib, i tink most things have no meaning to me le. I mean yes this hols met up with alot of ppl that i haven seen for a LONG time. But still most of the things that i'm doing is just for the sake of doing. If u ask me what will i be doing like next sem i won't even know. Suddenly i just feel that i have my head in the clouds for too long, blind to all the things around me.

Then y'day at night i was actually quite pissed off. Just because i didn't move my ass and walk to JP to buy Mac but instead i called for delivery my mum kp till i spend like $50 liddat. Yes its $3 more but its just this 1 time right. The weather was cold, makes me feel even more lazy, even if i walk to jp mac i dun wan to eat there alone and if i take away i still have to eat the things cold so might as well ask them deliver. She kips saying she scrimp and save till siao but here i am wasting money like nobody's business. Ok lorh then i go eat maggi mee for the rest of the hols lah, the maggi brand one 5 pac 1plus or smt. SAVE ENOUGH ANOT.

Can't really help to reflect on how the hell i survive in the past in sec sch especially sec1. Back in sec1 i spend an average of $3 on food A WEEK. I wonder how i live my life back then. Compared to now, well theres no such cheap food already but still i go for the cheapest but most filling food. But i also spend much more on random stuff. Things that i wan to buy, things i have to buy... Have i really changed into a person who spend money unnecessary? I dun tink so but everyday i kip hearing to save save save SAVE THE GOD DAMNED MONEY.

This sucks just go die and eat potato everyday.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Tml is results!

I must say i tink my last 2 days was quite fun. Although tues i stayed at home and did nth but then wed i went to Lakeshore there and see huishi siqi and guowei study there. I must defend myself first in that i did not disturb them hor! I was quietly reading my book. Is huishi and siqi themself slack. Huishi always like to make ppl guess songs with his ipod. I tink at least they got study abit bah... Hope they did, A's leh so impt. Oh yeah read in the news that some DJ found hawksbill turtle hatchling on East coast park. 26 of them in total but 5 was killed by cyclists/other causes. What really tick me off was that all the supposedly turtle conservationist groups all give nonchalant replys to the DJ when he called to ask for help. They didn't even tell him to call the police which IS what ur suppose to do, its a standard protocol which i just discovered also. In the end its passerbys and Teresa from Cicada Tree(surprise surprise!) whu made the effort to return these turtle hatchlings to sea. Extra info i learned is that ALL marine turtles are endangered and hawksbill turtle are CRITICALLY endangered. So to ppl that like to eat turtle eggs, i would suggest switching back to chicken eggs.

Hmm then today i went to Kbox at clementi with huishi siqi and mx. My first time at a Kbox leh. Hehe. Quite fun lah actually. Hehe i didn't really choose that many songs to sing mostly i sing along with the songs that they chose. Lol. Bloody hell New divide is seriously dif to sing. Lol. We all sing until abit lose voice. Hmm there goes another week.

Tml is results day, omggg abit scared ah. I just realize that our I&E is actually quite half done in that we didnt get the photos from the cicade ppl(at least i didn't) and so is the video from tim group missing. Lol if i fail cause of this i tink i will go berserk or smt.

Haiz i really cannot comprehend my dumb brother. If we ask him to take like 4 things, he will take 1 thing at a time and walk 4 times instead of taking all tgt. Note the things are all paper that CAN be taken at the same time. Lol. Haiz dunno to laugh or cry. =.=

Feel like talking to some ppl that i long time nv talk to. Should i? Haha.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Too free.

Now that i'm staying at home everyday, i'm so free that i have time to blog almost everyday. Well also because today all the people that i talk to all MIA. Valerie go msia liao, MX got poly outing, tzehock also go msia, then the rest all dunno go where. Haiz. I realize that my left eye's vision is getting worst. I mean i can see but its.... Not in coordination with my right eye. Hmm can't really express wat i wanna say.

Suddenly miss those days in choir when we are taking the coach to someplace. All the tenors guys sure will sing song one. Derrick wensong stanley me huishi perry haocheng. Back then i still rmb we will be idiotic and sing those ssongs with high notes and then screech our way till we reach the note. LOL. But those were the most fun time that i had. Somemore the other section that will be sharing the coach with us will always kana our ownage singing. Lol. Aiyah that time go pei XL and lyndia buy their things then me huishi and mx were singing and made me think of choir. Despite the rude comments, hard practise and long timing, i really loved my time in choir. We were really a big family with different lives but the same passion. Sec1 was a stressful year with all the solo practises and wat-have-u-nots, sec2 was tough but rewarding with the SYF, sec3 was stressfree with only the SLs having to fret(>.<) while sec4 was another tough year and also a painful year with the SYF again. Too bad we didn't rreally have a section group picture nor a huge choir picture. At least not 1 where we have a clear enough pic.

Thinking whether should i spend time in the lib, in the way that i go lib and use the electricity there instead of at home. But then i dun wanna use com so much leh. =.= I dunno wat to do.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Oh man. Here we go again.

Wooo my mum complaining to my auntie again!! As usual on my grandma! But still since i kip hearing my mother's side of the story makes me sian. Hmm i tink new info i hear is that my grandma, too money minded. She treats her son and daughters differently. My youngest auntie, gave $50 for new year, and my grandma kpkb behind my auntie's back saying she has a salary of 3000-4000 why give so little. Then my uncle gave also $50 but she says aiyah he got give already very gd liao saying his salary was cut. BUT the thing is he still has a salary of $3000plus and that is AFTER he had a pay cut. Did i mention he didn't tell my grandma when he had a pay rise and only told her after he had a pay cut. =.= Ahh Every new year confirm got new things to say. My dad didn't get bonus for 2-3 years liao, then still nid to bao ang pow. Still my grandma feels that the money we give her is too little. My Ahma, when my dad wanted to give her the new year money, she REFUSE to take it, saying that she knows that pa didn't have bonus and my auntie(father side) had abit of bonus so its ok. SO much difference.

Sometimes i feel like just go there in front of everyone and tell them that if u dun like wat we do just spit it out. U tink we rich then go fuck urself cause we are not AT ALL. Our hse just looks new, the supposely new things are usually things that other ppl dun wan/given and so wat if i have abit of money in my bank i have to use it to pay for my transport food and notes. For the next 3 months i tink. So go away man dun say the word rich in front of me. Sometimes i forget myself and kip saying misleading stuff like i scared ah like i cannot buy myself but since when have i really went and buy it?

Somethings are just meant as a joke. Tink i will stop being so GL anymore, and just kip quiet when things are said. After all when things are all said and done no one knows what we all have to go through just to do it. Ppl getting stressed up due to sudden activity, ppl getting harrassed by idiotic guy whus brainless and weird, ppl having problems in maintaining the relationship. It might all appear fine on the surface but underneath how much fear is there? Of when or where will all things break apart? I can only wish for my friends that they can find the solution to their problems.

God's luck.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Late post

Haha late for 2 days. Suppose to write what i did on wednesday. But then i was out y'day and today too so only now then have time. Ok shall start on wed first. Soooo was suppose to meet at bugis at 1pm. Buuutttt some ppl were late and i was super early, like 12.35 i reach already? Then i found a seat at bugis junction and read Today. Then finally like mos tof us reach, like su boss me constance and constance bf kelis. Then we went to bugis junction walk walk until winnie reach. Then is liyana reach i tink. Then went to bugis walk, until they finally drag me to the line of shops that sells guy clothes. Didn't even realize that there's a place like that in bugis. Then they got me a set of bemudas and shirt. Then after that i tink is val reach, or was it hui2? Can't really rmb. Then after that hui2 and yana +winnie chose another shirt. Then we went to long john eat dinner, but su yana hui2 went to got me another shirt since they still had some time b4 can break fast. So i got 3 shirts and 1 bemudas in 1 day. Then also went to cottonon to get a pair of havaianas look alike. Lol only on that day do i know wats havaianas. =.= Then continue walking, oh then constance and kelis went off while winnie bf came. Then after yana bf came we all went home. I tink is a super cut short version lah. My memory failing me liao lah.

Then thurs i went back to sch to help su boss with their ecolantern. Wah kao so many things to do lah. Didn't really do much in the afternoon though since i totally fail at tying raffia string. But in the end i helped in mending the breaking apart fish. My god its such a dif job lah kns. The glue is hot and the scales are SHARP. Cut me so many times. I shall quote the teacher " Hope that we can win the first prize ah!" LOL.

Then today i went to the Comex at suntec with Xianglin lyndia mingxuan and huishi. 2 NP friends 2 CSS friends. Then go there we saw so many ppl lah. We saw SHUZHEN 2 times, once at JE mrt then at the comex. Then got see calvin from CSS. Then at the Comex saw weixiong and weizhi and the cherlyn or cheryl from EWT. Such a small world. Bought my Router at 49 doolar. Then i also bought a laptop cooler at $6. Like the promoter said, "Unbelievable price! MOONCAKE of Comex, Usual price of 28 now to 6." Imagine the words with the slur of indian words = a good laugh for the day.

But then to wear those new shirts and bemudas tink i nid to at least slim down abit. Sux. Oh yeah since already buy so many things le might as well buy my crumpler since i tink my present bag is weird with the new clothes. =.= I tink although the clothes are free i nid to spend more to fit it into my daily life.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

The emptiness just won't go off

My god i was out everyday since friday. Sunday went to JP to find jolynn cs and huishi. No one told mx and he went to plaza sing and had to take mrt back. So saddd mx. Then also didn't do much, went to pepper lunch eat then we talked crap there. Then came to my hse and they played cards. So stupid right. LOL.

Then y'day jolynn very randomly said that she wanted to eat botak jones so we went to the bb branch and ate. Then after that we went to find ngee kiang. Lol we like go prevent ppl from studying lorh. Then all listening to that huishi talk so much. His life too much crap like him. LOL Sch got joker principal and class, hse got joke dog and sister. But then again i tink managing to meet long 'lost' friends is nice. Haha. Ok i shall write out whu i wanna see after the jc ppl finish their a's. Plus those poly ppl. Let me find my year book first. Go by the order from the back.....

Ok from 4/5, Pamela, zhepeng, yingsheng, gail. I tink marcus and others i will see them soon again so doesn't matter. LOL.

From 4/4, ok i saw xinyi huiyi like last fri, then michelle, peifen, ok actually i want to see EVERYONE FROM 4/4!!! Pls have a meetup after A's?

From 4/3, all the idiots that i always play cards with, those from 2/3 ppl. Yaihui, arthas, Guangjie! Ok other than that i saw most of them on teacher's day. >.<

4/2 hor, AL THE CHOIR PEEPS!!! DERRICK NG ZI GEN! Lol he mugging now liao so hard to see him. Perry also, mugger duos. Lol. Ok since 4/1 i only know like few ppl i shall skip it.

Aiyah so mafan, to sum it up, Anyone that was in 2/3 '05, 44 '07 or in choir = i wanna meet up!!

Saturday, September 5, 2009

150th post! Yay.

Ok lah i see that the last post was on tues felt abit guilty so i shall blog. Hmm this week busy sia.. Y'day went to plaze sing to watch Final destination 4 with xinyi huiyi zhibing and MX. It was MX's b'day mah so i had to PS tze hock and go celebrate. Haha thats just my coincidental excuse yay. But then was ok lah, i mean first time watch final destination movie, and i dun like it. Gore and horrow shows are not for me. I'm too humji to watch this kind of shows. No thank you dun ask me go watch these kind of shows anymore!

Then today was having the CSS-NP bbq. Well i still can't start a fire. In fact i actually caused the fire to die like twice. =.=. Pro sia. And all of us like 1 week nv eat liddat, once the chef(the person bbqing) say i tink is ok, ALL chiong and take liao. All the forks are in our hands and ready to go one. LOL. Especially the prawns. First time went and saw the loft(from the outside). Nvm one day i swear i will get to go in one and see how it is. Haha.

Tml going plaze sing again. Ah well travelling fee is quite high already. Oh yeah i'm gonna go for the comex(?)/IT show? to buy a router since my bro getting his cheapo desktop which cost 292. Maybe i should take this chance to see got any nice desktop anot i can also consider. Dun wanna rely on this laptop for games if not soon it will turn turtle and give up on me.

Hmm tink i neglect my wordpress too much.

P/S. When stuck, rmb my sec sch.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Hmm guess no one noticed i was mia for 3 days. =.= Ah well i was working at the National Association of Travel Agency at the expo on fri to sun. Lol it was a slack yet tiring job lah. I mean its just directing of customers to empty counters but then we have to stand lorh. Although all the other runners from other dept all take chair and sit but we good pt workers didnt ok. But standing for 13 hours for the first time i complain understandable right..... I swear the 2nd i didnt complain liao, ok maybe like once wah leg pain.... But thats all. That lyndia still suan me say wah lao eh u guy leh like that also leg pain. In the end 3rd day she also say she leg pain, she only went on the 2nd day so her 2nd day was our 3rd day. See lah, retribution. Lol. But actually really get to see alot of ppl lorh. Fun lah if u really wan to think about it. But crap fri got jolin go didn't get to see. She went to the asia side while i was at the longhaul/european usa side. Nooooo. Btw i was at chan brothers booth. Quite an eye opener.

Then was chatting with lyndia and xianglin about some things. We as a person should really try not to judge a person by their bad points only. Like dun keep harping on the bad points of a person. I sure as hell wont wan ppl to rmb me as the idiot who have typhoon like emotions that changes every 5 mins. I mean especially if you are good friends then we should even more dun do this kind of things. Heard about some issues from other people's point of view, made me realize that my thinking was quite 1 sided and abit unfair actually. I'm not saying we should be optimistic to the point that we pointedly ignore someone's bad points. Well i can only say i will try to control my feelings more. Help me if u can ok? I shall apologize first in case i offend anyone when they try to help me. SORRY. Lool.

Then y'day went back to CSS for teachers day. In the end only 4/3 ppl all go back to sch. Only got me and mx as representative for 4/4 and 4/5. Lol but in the end i also got talk to anba and etc. We even went to west coast plaze to chat. I sit beside her somemore, the student that she didn't taught. LOL. But got to see all the ppl that long time nv see. Ppl like shunjie, congshi, xinghao, guowei, shazni, hongming and cibin. Then the girls were alicia, xinyue, jinyee, siqi, shiping, huiwen, shuzhen and serene. Dunno if got left out anyone anot. I always see huishi and mx so dun nid to include them. Then after that went to siqi hse watch huishi mx xinghao congshi and siqi play mahjong with XH and HS splitting. I was the accountant lah, knn the accountancy person playing while engineering student do the accounts. Lol but i enjoyed myself y'day in that we had so much joke lah, that jinyee and guowei duo so funny. Win lorh.

Well i hear that there's a alumni bbq for my sch so might be off again on fri and sat. Lol. I'm hunting for songs nowadays. Any one got nice songs wanna recommend me?