Monday, June 15, 2009

So many things happening haha,

First things first, wah lao i finish my EBT e-learning liao then the sms came saying it has been extended for another week. Trying to play with me is it. Lol.Nvm i already submitted it already at least i dun nid to do it anymore.

Then y'day woke up so early to go Ubin for the walk with Andrew. He was a real nice guy though. Can tell that he's really enthu about wildlife. Heard from him that he and some friends stayed overnight there just to do a survey on the animals there i tink. Although it was really unexpected when we had to wait 30mins just to get on the boat to Ubin. The queue was SO LONG. Seriously man. Lol but overall i tink it was quite fun. First time go Ubin leh. Got to see a monitor lizard.I actually stood all the way back from tampines to jurong east. Haha.

This is so frustrating sia i tell u. My PSP the analog stick spoil AGAIN. I dunno if its the quality of their stick or my brother oe me thats making it spoil so much. But cannot be wat i dun play like 24/7 every week. Nvm i' sick of this man. If i fix this last time, and i spoils again, i'm not gonna let my brother play it anymore. Enough is enough.

Sian anyone free to go out with me? Go far east shopping centre again haha. Then maybe we go walk around orchard? If not very lame leh always take mrt spend money go there like 30mins then go back home. ANYONE???????

1 comment:

Luiz said...

Maybe you need to buy a new gadget as replacement for that PSP. But try to bring it first to the repair shop. Good luck!