Friday, June 19, 2009


Haha today went to Jurong lake to kayak, its actually jurong reservoir lah. Lol so funny lorh i tell u when we kayak the sun dun wan come out. At first when we just went into the water it was damn sunny. Then after awhile it turned cloudy b4 it started drizzling.. Lol but since i dun usually go out into the sun in the first place, i became like a crab like that. Why a crab? Because my skin became red, really red like chilli crab like that. Then the inner arm is like white tofu. So big contrast. Haha.

Overall i tink it was fun lah, since its my first time. I find that usually i will miss going for the first time thingy that everyone will say is fun then go for the second one where ppl will say that its not that gd as the first. Also sometimes i really cannot stand people that likes to ask alot of things, act all enthu and wanna come but when its time for the actual event they just poof gone missing. Pls lah if u not planning to go dun bother asking so much shit question. Not gonna make ppl like u more. Anyway Sorry su chill ok? Lol dun care them lah.

After the kayak went to JP to eat burger king. Which i really dun like now. Most of the things they have i can't eat and the only things i CAN eat aren't really that nice. Zzz. After that came home while yana su boss lihui and yixuan went to shop bah. I actually on com and fell aslp facing the computer. Then my mom came in and AH LEI WHY U SLP HERE??? Shocked me awake sia. My mother also laugh since she saw me jerk awake. Zzzzzzzzzz.

Sometimes making urself scarce is a virtue instead of staying and being a bother.

1 comment:

Sherly said...

Wow! Your day is so enjoyable. Kayak is fun.