Wednesday, June 18, 2008

So unbelievable

Okay okay i admit i very loooooong time didn't update le. The last post was the quiz which didn't count as a post actually. Haha. SORRY. So.... I tink is will be a super long post. Maybe only. Let's start from last fri.

Last friday: Woke up at.... forgot the time liao. Had to go back to sch to take my last test, Ecology. It was okay... I didn't really studied for it as usually then most if it was anyhow whack de. Haha. So yah.. Finish already i sat there waiting for ppl to go. The aircon damn shiok also so i didn't mind. XD. After that i went to my auntie's hse to be a coolie to carry the chalet stuff and to go to the chalet in my uncle's car. So farni lah they actually brought a mattress there and pathetically i was the one carrying it so u can imagine me walking there with a mattress and my auntie in front puching a trolley piled with stuff and them my uncle and mum beside with some other stuff which i don't know wat is it. It was BORING..... i had noone to talk to and nth to do... except playing my PSP and reading the books that i borrowed from the lib. So i had to wait till like 11plus then reach home Zzz. So i rot at home rot at sch then rot at chalet. LOL

Sat: Nearly woke up late for work... Haha. Then after that went home... ate lunch then waited for my uncle to fetch me go chalet again. He lives near me mah lol and since he was going to fetch my 5th aunt so he said he will come and fetch me too. So yah i have to rot at the chalet again. but it wasn't so bad cause i brought my laptop there though i only played for like 1-2 hour.. The rest of the time was spent slping or tickling my cousin whu are VERY CHEEKY. But well... I guess u can say it was fun. Hah. Did i forget to mention? The chalet was the... erm.... was it pasir ris one? aiyah u know the one that is super small one and nearer to the wild wild wet de. Then went home slp lorh. Of course after played a game of dota then slp lah. Haha.

Sun: Went to work as usual.. Nth much lah... Go there slack slack.. See got chio bu anot.. They are rare but not non-existent okay? Sometimes jj or boonlay sec student goes to NTUC. Anyway some of the young mum quite beautiful too. Serious i not joking. And pls dun think that i have a 恋母情节. Is it spelled like this? Whus cares u get the point right? For ppl that dun understand chinese it means that i dun have a fetish for mums. I don't know why but i feel that i will never fall in love with a girl/women who is older than me.. For someone pls dun be offended that i said it! Its only me! Yah then..... Went home and decompose for the rest of the day....

Mon: Wat did i do sia? Erm....... Wait let me think awhile.....(1 hour)...... (2 hour).... Oh yah i did nth on that day.... Coop myself up at home..... Eh wait i got go out.. To jurong point to buy my lunch.. Before that i went to the arcade and i saw this guy playing the dance revolution. I mean he's like... 180cm+? and at least 80kg+?Basically he was big lah but he was surprisingly good at it lorh. I was like... wtf ... He got like A for all stages... But then when he play abit scary.. Cause when he step or even a slight jump i tink the whole level shake abit. Ok maybe whole lvl too exaggerated but it really did shake. Then me the tortoise went back to my mountain to eat my vegetables... LOL...

Tues: Hmm... I bored already. Next time then blog. Wahaha.

So yah that's it for this time. Dun worry i got a story for next post. Today i learnt an interesting thing. Haha. So yah. But pls dun bother to come everyday lah huishi. I not everyday update lorh. Haha

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