Thursday, June 26, 2008


Hmm.... Finally pulled myself to blogger and to update. Haha. Let's see... I lazy to continue from last post. If u want to know wat was the thing that i learned on last tues u can ask me when u see me. I guess i should start from mon.

Monday: Back to sch... My god its super tiring and i nearly woke up late sia. Haha. But then i get to see my classmates again. Yay so happy to see them. Its wasn't long but i must admit i have grown fond of them. Hehe. Feel very bored during the hols without them. Then on the day i got back 2 of my paper, Hydraulics and Environmental biology paper. Not too bad i got 92% for maths and 83% for bio i tink. Got ppl higher so mustn't be too happy. Hmm....

Tuesday: Got back my hydraulics paper that day and it was my worst result yet. 55% nia. Wah sian. But then i totally don't understand hydraulics so i guess i should be glad that i even passed. Nid to at least study for it next time.

Wednesday: In the morning on the way to sch i saw miss phoon! I was walking then i looking around for fun then i see this lady look abit familiar.. Then i rmb she taught me in CSS then i turn back and she wave at me. LOL. Wed.... I tink just lesson lorh. Then the autocad result i still dunno. Haiz. Oh well.

Thursday: Today.... Lesson from 10 to 12 nia. Then wait for mx for 1 hour. During the wait this 2 graduates came by and then approach me and talked to me about jesus christ and christianity. I was like.... Erm... Okay...? But i guess they helped me pass the time. Haha. Then Mx came so we went to bukit timah market for lunch. Then went home lorh. Nth much.. Chiong warcraft 3 book. Finish like nearly 2 book. Woots. Its a trilogy btw. Haha yah so liddat lorh.

Oh and why is siok cum char? Ur tgt when ur posted the comment? Lol.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

So unbelievable

Okay okay i admit i very loooooong time didn't update le. The last post was the quiz which didn't count as a post actually. Haha. SORRY. So.... I tink is will be a super long post. Maybe only. Let's start from last fri.

Last friday: Woke up at.... forgot the time liao. Had to go back to sch to take my last test, Ecology. It was okay... I didn't really studied for it as usually then most if it was anyhow whack de. Haha. So yah.. Finish already i sat there waiting for ppl to go. The aircon damn shiok also so i didn't mind. XD. After that i went to my auntie's hse to be a coolie to carry the chalet stuff and to go to the chalet in my uncle's car. So farni lah they actually brought a mattress there and pathetically i was the one carrying it so u can imagine me walking there with a mattress and my auntie in front puching a trolley piled with stuff and them my uncle and mum beside with some other stuff which i don't know wat is it. It was BORING..... i had noone to talk to and nth to do... except playing my PSP and reading the books that i borrowed from the lib. So i had to wait till like 11plus then reach home Zzz. So i rot at home rot at sch then rot at chalet. LOL

Sat: Nearly woke up late for work... Haha. Then after that went home... ate lunch then waited for my uncle to fetch me go chalet again. He lives near me mah lol and since he was going to fetch my 5th aunt so he said he will come and fetch me too. So yah i have to rot at the chalet again. but it wasn't so bad cause i brought my laptop there though i only played for like 1-2 hour.. The rest of the time was spent slping or tickling my cousin whu are VERY CHEEKY. But well... I guess u can say it was fun. Hah. Did i forget to mention? The chalet was the... erm.... was it pasir ris one? aiyah u know the one that is super small one and nearer to the wild wild wet de. Then went home slp lorh. Of course after played a game of dota then slp lah. Haha.

Sun: Went to work as usual.. Nth much lah... Go there slack slack.. See got chio bu anot.. They are rare but not non-existent okay? Sometimes jj or boonlay sec student goes to NTUC. Anyway some of the young mum quite beautiful too. Serious i not joking. And pls dun think that i have a 恋母情节. Is it spelled like this? Whus cares u get the point right? For ppl that dun understand chinese it means that i dun have a fetish for mums. I don't know why but i feel that i will never fall in love with a girl/women who is older than me.. For someone pls dun be offended that i said it! Its only me! Yah then..... Went home and decompose for the rest of the day....

Mon: Wat did i do sia? Erm....... Wait let me think awhile.....(1 hour)...... (2 hour).... Oh yah i did nth on that day.... Coop myself up at home..... Eh wait i got go out.. To jurong point to buy my lunch.. Before that i went to the arcade and i saw this guy playing the dance revolution. I mean he's like... 180cm+? and at least 80kg+?Basically he was big lah but he was surprisingly good at it lorh. I was like... wtf ... He got like A for all stages... But then when he play abit scary.. Cause when he step or even a slight jump i tink the whole level shake abit. Ok maybe whole lvl too exaggerated but it really did shake. Then me the tortoise went back to my mountain to eat my vegetables... LOL...

Tues: Hmm... I bored already. Next time then blog. Wahaha.

So yah that's it for this time. Dun worry i got a story for next post. Today i learnt an interesting thing. Haha. So yah. But pls dun bother to come everyday lah huishi. I not everyday update lorh. Haha

Wednesday, June 11, 2008


Rules & regulation of this quiz:

A) People who have been tagged must write their answers on their blogs & replace any question that they dislike with a new question formulated by themselves with answers.

B) Tag 4 people to do this quiz & those who are tagged cannot refuse. These people must state who they were tagged by & cannot tag the person whom they were tagged by. Continue this game by sending it to other people.

Q: If your Lover betrayed you, what would your reaction be?
A: I guess i would be sad but i will kip it to myself bah and..... i duno?

Q: If you can have a Dream to come true, what would it be?
A: World peace with everyone happy.(seriously)

Q: What will your dream wedding to be like?
A: i duno. anyway my parents said that i can't have a wedding banquet when i get married so i dun care liaoz

Q: Are you confused of what lies ahead of you?
A: Nope, study,work and die. How confusing is that?

Q: What's your ideal lover like?
A: no idea.

Q: Which is more blessed , loving someone or being loved by someone?
A: Loving someone

Q: Do you love your life currently?
A: Its okay and i guess i do love it. Lol

Q: If the person you secretly liked is already attached , what would you do?
A: Hmm, pray that the guy she is with treats her better than me bah?

Q: Is there anything that made you unhappy these days?
A: Hoho, so many things.

Q: Is being tagged fun?
A: Right. so fun. =.=

Q: How do you see yourself in ten years time?
A: hope to be more mature and with a gd job.

Q: Who are currently most important people to you?
A: friends and my family

Q: What kind of person do you think the person who tagged you is?
A: She's a kind and farni short gal. Oops. XD

Q: Would you rather to be a single & rich or married but poor?
A: single and VERY rich. lol.

Q: What's the first thing you do every morning?
A: Go toilet

Q: Would you give all in a relationship?
A: Yes

Q: If you fall in love with two person simultaneously, who would you pick?
A: Dunno cause it haven and maybe never will happen

Q: Do you have a pet?
A: No.

Q: Are you different at home/in private from what your friends know you from?
A: I am a changed person at home. For the worst i tink.

4 person that i'm tagging...

1) Tze hock

Saturday, June 7, 2008


Like i said... On monday when i went back to sch i learnt about some stuff. And it made me think alot. Is 4+ years of friendship not strong enough for you to believe one another? Just because of some crap incident then you become distrustful of one another to the point that you dun speak to each other and even make fun of him in class trying to make other ppl hate him too? WHAT KIND OF CHILDISH FREAK ARE YOU MAN? UR GODDAMNED SEC5s, SENIORS OF THE SCH MAN LANJIAO. WHY MUST YOU PPL BE SO PARTICULAR AS TO IF HE IS KIDDING YOU OR NOT? FOR FUCK HE LIE ABOUT HIS HEALTH? FUN AH? FUN THEN I ALSO LAH? EVEN IF HE IS LYING, THEN THE MOST IS WHEN HE GET TIRED OF IT THEN YOU GO MAKE FUN OF HIM. IF HE IS NOT...AND I EMPHASIS NOT.


For you, i am not blaming you or anything. Everyone has their own decision and u have just made it, and wats more u only know him not long. Not as long as SOME PPL. And seriously i dun understand WATS SO GD ABOUT HIM? WTF IS SO CHARMING/GD ABOUT HIM TO MAKE U LIKE HIM SO MUCH MAN?

AND FOR GOD'S SAKE DUN APOLOGISE TO ME. ITS UR OWN CHOICE UR OWN HEART. I JUST WANTED TO ASK.That's why i wanted to talk to you. If you dun want to after you see this then nvm. Its up to you.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Common Test Week + Slacking activity

This week is the first time i will be having exams in Ngee Ann poly. At least its the first exams that got invigilator and all those crap. Haha. Now out of the 4 test already sat for 3 of it. Hydraulics is as expected CMI (cannot make it), maths was okay bordering on easy and for the AutoCad its was still okay lah despite the fact that i actually didn't finish all of it. Haha. Tml is the last paper... But i dun feel particularly happy about it? Haiz. These few days i learned of many things... So i know of already.. some i don't.

Although its the Common Test week... I am still slacking lah as expected. Mon after the Hydraulics test i went back to Commonwealth for the choir camp. I reached the sch at about 12pm? Went there with Tze hock. Haha. Then i called hui shi to ask when will derrick and him be coming and he told me at 3pm. I totally sian diao. Lol. Then we saw oonyu so we went to find a place to sit down and talk. While finding it my choir junior saw me and asked me to go buy vegetarian food cause they forgot to buy. Senior still nid to run errands for them. But then i went and couldn't find so i guess i am quite pathetic. LOL. After that went back to sch again. We went to a "secret room" on the second floor... But then kana caught and the person is like..." If anything goes missing i am sorry but i will have to take action against you people because you are trespassing." And he emphasis the point so many times till i want to whack him. LOL.Then we suddenly rmb that mx say he want to come so we called him and ask him to come. Heard alot of stuff from oonyu. As to the stuff i will blog about next time.. Maybe i will save it as draft first.

Then finally derrick and hui shi came and we went to the choir camp. Played at the water game.. Hui shi was the first to be dragged in... Then derrick then me... Haha. So fun... I bomb ppl with water and got bombed also. Then after that was.... We went to eat dinner... Went to the nearby coffee shop... So nostalgic... The last time we went there is like b4 'O' lvl .... And so many things have changed since then. After we went back was the choir got talent and choir next top model. And guess wat? The graduates... AKA me, derrick, huishi, guo wei, joanna and perry were the judges! Arthas joined us later lol. Wah i tell you the juniors damn enthu man. As 1 of the judge i abit xia dao. Haha. Then after that we went to bathe. Then went to the rm that we were supposed to slp in. But of course we all didn't slp. I emo at the stairs for about 15mins b4 i kana found out by 3 gals whu then came and emo with me... Got one overpower me with her emoism somemore. The night was spent playing cards until around 3plus am where i just fell aslp. Then it is just slp and slp and slp till 10 am. HAHAHA. Not only me hor. The rest of us also fell aslp.

After that went home... I spent some time using com to confirm my seat number and venue and time for my exam then went to sch. After that went home and played com till late at night then slp.

Today was crap lah. I walked to interchange liaoz then realized that i didn't bring my laptop out. Then i had to frigging run back home to take it. In the end made me nearly late for the exam. Wah lao. Okay now i have to study for Environmental biology. But i nid to first rmb where is the notes!!! OMG.

As for that next post that i said i will probably publish it tml or someday tis week.