Saturday, February 20, 2010

What a funny yet dumb thing to happen.

My god, a shock came in the form of a phone bill. When my mother opened the phone bill, she was so shock to see that it was 200plus. I also Xiadao leh i thought talking with constance made the phone bill so high kns. So i faster checked the bill and what did i discover? $124 of it was to Renci charity.... A total of 19calls, 2 $15 and the rest $5. The best thing is when we ask him he even dares to deny it. Like pls lah Sunday afternoon only he's at home alone. If its not him whu else can it be?
The most dumb thing is, he's crying not because he called the number but because we told him that he have to pay for the calls he made. We told him he's gonna pay for $100 and then he cry till like $100 is his lifelong savings and we gonna snatch it from him. My god.

Anyway, today was quite sian. I was totally watching Hi my sweetheart. Chionged 4 eps which took like.....5hrs? Lol i really no nid study liao. Tml gng auntie hse for steamboat since my mother side didnt have one on CNY since alot of my relatives went overseas. Anyway now i love the opening song of HMS alot sia. Can't get it out of my head. =.=

Ok short update. Haha.


Institute for Internet Safety said...

Hmmm...high phone bill is quite shocking but if part of it is for charity, maybe it's still good. But you need to check the whole thing if it's not a scam or anything. Good luck! Keep on blogging!

Janine said...

High phone bill? It's a little bit shocking, just check it thoroughly where are those charges came from.


Gosh! High phone is quite irritating if it is because of unexplained charges. Better check it immediately.

THE SECRET said...

High phone bill is not a joke. You have to be aware with all the charges added to avoid deeper problems in the future.