Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Eco-camp, Super success? LOL FUN!

So i am back from Ecocamp at Sentosa Underwater World Singapore. Well i was so irritated and pissed and angry y'day. I had to miss the games part of the camp, cause i got work in the morn. At first is say i go at 8 but i woke up late, 8am then i wake up. So went at 9am instead lorh. Then was super pekcek cause of the sushi orders giving ALOT of problems. Make my head big nia. Then the idiotic X'mas goods die die dun wan come. Make me go back for nth. Sibei irritating.

Then after that went home, kin kin to bathe. Then chiong to see ahma. She fell down on Sunday. Must go see her at least. Then heng there got thing to eat, if not i tink i will faint siol, or at least my leg shake. Then after that finally i started on my journey to Sentosa. But bloody hell waiting for that 181 took so long. Kns.

After reaching Sentosa, met up with su and yixuan at beach station. Then follow lihui tgt with annabelle go find my group. We only manage to play 1 game the use big chopstick pick up green bean then let it fall into the bottle. Lol. I did it in 3 tries! Yay. Wow we were the first team to finish! Yayness! Go group 5! Haha. Then after that was waiting for the other groups to finish. Then ate watermelon and play frisbee. After that go to the UWS for the briefing and etcs where they bring us around the exhibits and explain to us (heard b4 for us 2nd timers). Then after that is have dinner, then we went to bathe. Lol duno why we had to have some funny bathing routine. Then after that i tink is supper bah? Not too sure but we didnt do much lah. After that is just take slping bag and off to the conveyor belt! We all like sibei shocked by the total offing of the lights lah, at least last year still got abit of light. This year is TOTAL DARKNESS. Somemore we slping at the end of the line, so is we extend to the inside of the conveyor belt but we were the last ppl so after us is no one. So scary. Lol. Then down there listen to alot of stories. Haha.

Then morn, woke up go wash up then breakfast! Nice nice. I tink the food provided by UWS is nice just that they should have 2 drinks de better. Even if we can't finish we can just put in bottle of smt luh. Especially at night. Hahaha. Then is go see the divers feeding the fishes. Then all left but me stan and theeee another junior duno. So we were walking around like sialah where everyone. Haha. After is go see the Fur Seals, pink dolphins were put on hold cause they just changed the holding area and retraining or smt. Then giving of prizes and then off we go! Lol. Went to the hawker centre at harbourfront eat. Nice nice. Winnie left first though.

Then came home. Somethings happen lah and made me damn sian nia. Really tink i not enough slp very unstable sia. Small things can make me so pissed and angry till i wan to cry. Ok not want i did. Lucky got perry come talk to meee then i ok abit. Haiz. Tml work again. Shit it mannnnnn. Ah sian i forgot wat time i nid to go work tml again.

Just wanna add, I LOVE MY CLIQUE! Yay yay! Although this year we are missing 2 ppl but still. Fun with ur always!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Regrets and feelings of emptiness

So y'day was the end of our tests. I can only say that if i really pass the paper, like i said i will treat lyndia xianglin and constance go anywhere they wan to go eat. Only limited to them whu heard me say that in the room y'day! Later i pock ah. Hmm now that i tink about it if after moderation MIGHT pass leh, shit better eat maggi mee for the next 2 weeks first. Who ask me to slack so much this sem and didn't study wholeheartedly. So many things weighing down the mind. Guess i can only do my best for the exams.

Now gonna write down all the projects and see how to go about doing them. Ah man so crap. Being a leader is so sucky. I hate it. Ah well only looking forward to the Eco-camp on 21th 22th although i will be late for it also due to work. Lol. Woohoo maggi mee here i come!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Exams - GGfied!

Everyone's saying how this this all the exams are ggfying. Lol. All like so funny one lah. All the teachers love to do stunts and scam us. Combine with the quite abit of studying needed its a sure recipe for students doing stunts also and dying left right center. Of course i'm the one that dies at the middle cause i too pro liao die last at the center. LOL!!

Haiz so bored nowadays. Gonna find games to kip me entertained. So now i'm dling maple story to play with huishi. Haha so no life lorh. I wan to spend my time more meaningfully plsss. Duno why i feel like buying new clothes. Yawnz. Money gonna be spent again. Ahhh hahaah.

Ah soon this year is gonna end. Wonder if i had grown in this year and did i become a better person anot. Abit afraid to know. Haha

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Just feel abit off.

Somehow, i really feel like going to Kbox to sing. Be it to erase the always lurking sense of sadness or to get rid of my smouldering anger. Seriously why are some people so inconsiderate? Dun wan to listen then dun come lah. Even if the main thing u nid is to copy the things, shouldn't u at least give him some respect and AT LEAST lower down abit? So that at least he dun nid to strain his voice so much until he kips coughing. So what if u manage to get a good grade? I tink u fail in life. Maybe i fail too for being unable to control myself. Instead of complaining us taking away the ADs why dun u think about how u can get it back from us? By first and foremost shutting ur bloody big mouth up. Ur tink ur so cool saying stupid things when he asks ur questions? Irritating shit man ur just plain lucky he is such a kind person, if not i tink ur should be out of the class and bloody failing this module. I'm not saying ALL of ur just most of the idiots.

Ah well, not that i wrote it out, i still feel the same. LOL. I know i should be studying for SHWM since its testing tml but i just duno leh. I nid to get it tgt since this time round, there is no feeling of test AT ALL. Shit man. I'm hungry now. Ah so random. Watever.

Sometimes i really wonder what do i expect out of it. Everchanging thoughts.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Standard Charter Race - DONE but shag

Haha so it was finally over, i swear the last 3 hours was the most taxing time. The bags were few and we were tired but we cant really rest since ppl are still trickling in. Ok i shall start from the start.

Sat morn i went to run with hock and his gf, but he himself overslpt. Haha so i ran myself first. Then after that i went back home slack abit, then go for work lorh. Wah sat was like really no ppl one sia. Few purchases. But then got funny things happen. U know the sink that we have to clean the fish, its just like ur normal sink at home, then below it at the pipe there got the cover where the pipe turn horizontally before going vertically again down? Cause the sink was choked so auntie took out the cover to let the water flow and to unchoke it. Then she forgot and with the pipe she flushed the cover down the drain! Lol so funny lah. Then we were like OMG? Then had to run around to the big drain see if got flush down there anot(we got a filter thing there) but alas it wasn't there. Then we went to the another drain which was b4 the big drain but after our sink drain. Its one of those small ones, like those drom the rooftop small and round one. But right when we open the drain, we saw SMT THAT CAN MOVE AND OCCUPY THE WHOLE DRAIN. Guess wat was it? Its a...............CRAB! No u did not see wrong, its a Crab i swear. So we had to spend like 10mins trying to rescue it (the crab stupidly prefer the drain thus we had to forcefully drag it out) First i must clarify i have NO idea how the crab manage to got into the drain but i know that the auntie working night shift forgot to close the crab tank thus the crabs had a nice night walk/outing. So in the morn i heard they were running around finding the crabs. They were everywhere lah, at office store veggie area and the door there. Must have been quite the walk for the crab and quite the hunt for the aunties. Lol.

Then at night went to constance hse to meet first, su also came. We had such a joke time there lah. But constance mother really like openly listening to us siol! Jaja lucky nv say anything confidential there, HAHA. Then went to the pickup pt, saw lihui and michelle. Then we were waiting for su's friend fasihah? Sorry forgot spelling. Then also got theee liyana or liliyana? Plus pamela and pingen lorh. Then reach there like so many volunteers siol! We were like woooooah so many ppl. Haha. Then change into the New balence shirt. Its so thin lah. Then had briefing about how the ppl going to deposit their bags(we were at the baggage area) then had a SHORT(5mins) break then we started since the ppl came at like 3.30 for those running the full mararthon of 42KM. Then at first me liyana and another girl from CSS also were asked to ask the ppl to queue for the assigning of areas for bag deposit. But is like the ppl really ALOT SIA. We were like shit wtf. Then ok lorh nth to do but try and direct the ppl to queue. Then the ppl like deaf sia, i shout out for them to go queue up but they still walk pass me trying to cut. =.= Then best we kana scolding why we not doing our job? Hello theres like 3 of us covering a big area and sometimes the ppl ask us question then others sneak pass us, wat u wan me do? Zzzz so pissed off sia. Then we just put bag when they come lorh. Until 9plus when ppl finally stop depositing but thats why ppl from the marathon come back to take back their bag. Haha so no rest actually.

Then give back bag lorh. But without slp for the night was really shag lah everyone so tired. Somemore the morn so hot, there no fan somemore. Behind at the far end is really damn HOT. Can faint one lorh. Some of us cannot take it and went to slp in the shelves (me and liyana). Others slp in the uncomfortable position of semi-curling into a ball. Then finally finish lorh. Took....960 with boss and liyana at the esplanade. Then took 180 from BP interchange. Haha concession rocks!

Back at Jp, had to detour to get my Singtel top up card, then i went back to JP to buy mac to eat. I ordered take away and then i went to the NTUC finest to buy the e-thirty for val. In the end when i reach there is like SO PACKED OMFG WTF? I sibei pissed lah, i quite tired plus dirty plus hungry(forgot to add the food provided was GIFAFM aka get it fucking away from me kind of taste) still nid to squeeze. Then quickly chiong buy for her. Then finally home to bathe and eat.

Then still i play com, haha then charge new phone. After the phone was filly charged i transfer all the impt dates into it, all the dates i nid to type like 3 times cause kip typing wrong cannot see properly too tired liao. After like 30mins i finally finished it and lie on bed to slp till today morn. Haha then i only rmb perry and CJ called i tink to ask dota. Duno wat i reply them can't rmb. Haha.

Then today celebrate val bday at BTP pizza hut. Nth much happened actually. So we got 18 things for her. Liddat lorh, Haaha. Ok long post today. Tata

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Spending money like water~

Wah damn sian leh, i bought a new phone. samsung one. But i realize i super not used to the features in the phone sia. Lol. My god $188 gone. My 1 month work at NTUC flew away just like that. Nvm, see my dad wan anot. If he wan i shall be a gd child and give it to him. Of course when he renew his contract the phone he get will become mine! Lol. Fair exchange u know, 0 for 188 leh not bad deal liao.

So many things i wanted to blog but as i dragged on i forgot about them totally. I only rmb that i will nid to spend money AGAIN as i nid to top up my phone card, left $2.10 nia. Poor meee. Someone be kind enough to donate money to me? Lol. OH then still nid to pay Eco camp $25, die really like water gone into the sea man.

Ah well gonna go for the Standard charter race later, nid to be there at 2AM for god knows wat i forgot the reason. LOL. Just know that i nid to be there. Ah well, hope can see ppl that i know there.

Thursday, December 3, 2009


Lol i'm like so high from talking to jon. He sibeh funny leh. Still tell me wat next week free. My god, make my day super joke. Next wk got 2 test he tell me free. LOL.

Oh my god today WSH was ggfied man. Lol can only blame myself for not studying. Lol. This week past hectically also. Tues i even got time to go Junhua hse play mahjong sia. Nv die b4. Haha.

Then i tink this wkend will die also, Sat morn go run then go home bathe then work then rest awhile then go AMK AT MIDNIGHT as i volunteer for Standard charter race. Then sun go home nid to study for Noise pollution and monitoring control test on MONDAY. Haha how gg is that?

Ah well sure i can survive one. I can study while working anyway. Take notes put at table stand there read. Woo. Pro right? Haha. Ok lah nth else to write liao. Tata.