Monday, April 20, 2009

School's started again

Well first day of sch, really bored. Lucky today i accompany my cousin go sch early sia. If i go to sch at my normal time i tink i will confirm be late. Totally forgot that first day of sch will be damn packed. Lol is like in market sia. Except its worst by like 5 times? Somemore got the baracuda ppl playing the drums and etc, even more noisy. Wah my cousin best sia, dun have his friend's number or his timetable and he didn't bring battery for his com. If i not there i see how he die man. Lol. The lecturers this time all LOOK quite kind. Note that is LOOK, not confirm. Haha. Then got a 3 hours break, we went to lib to buy books(didn't get any since only 1 was out and we bought it already) then go lib watch national geographics. So studious right still go watch documentary. Then after that go for a 30 mins lecture(actually just intro to the course and etc) then go home. So stupid.

First day of sch already abit screwed up. I hate groupings man. Always gives so much problems. 4 ppl a group = someone have to be sacrificed. I really dunno who to choose man. The one whu will be left will really suffer man. One is a friend whus really close, the other is already so distant that we really cant bear to let her suffer even more. Being angry for the sake of angry is so dumb but there's no choice. Sometimes i feel like just not caring about it but that doesn't solve the problem but only cause it to become even worst. Everytime when lecturers announce that there will be groupings i will always think, " whu will i be with this time?" Then i'll guess whus with whu and those thats left will be in the group. Being passive in groupings is only for ppl that have so many close friends that no matter wats the number of ppl needed, they will always have a group with their friends. For those that are left, u can only resign urself to doing the project with the other ppl that u dun like or dun know. Thats usually wat happen to me and i dun wan that to happen but this time, trying to decide whu to group with is really a headache. KNN CCB I DO THE PROJECT MYSELF LAH LET THEM DO TGT OR SMT!

This is just shit man.

1 comment:

Jackie said...

Good luck! Expect more activities, more projects and more exams, lol.