Thursday, December 25, 2008

Tired sia!

Wah kao i shall start off by ranting about a company... cannot say real name later i get sue so i shall call it GB. Wah lao their christmas order states that the roast turkey comes with a cooler bag but then the goods for collections today only comes with a gift box and not a cooler bag! I mean.. If u want to give cooler bag but not sure how many u nid can't u put smt called " WHILE STOCKS LAST?" Dumb shit caused me to kana scolding by customer. That customer also very kiamsiap leh. 1 cooler bag nia... KP till like nv give her the thing like that lorh..." I order the things very early already! Why mine dun have cooler bag? I wan to see ur store manager." Kao lah if i know where to buy i go buy 10 go stuff her face and body with it lorh. Made me damn pissed. Lousy management sia. Stupid shit.

Woo that was refreshing! Ok now back to topic. Well these few days was REALLY damn busy. Started working night since 21th and on 23 i had to deal with the goods coming on 24th! 280 items in total. 3 lock cages in total. Come i show u picture.
Thats 1. We got 3 in total...

Then u see the brown boxes right? I have to open them and check the stuff for any missing items and to put it in cooler bag. So my working hours was mostly taken up by this. I have to check items that are coming for tml and to arrange items for collection on the day itself. Busy lorh.

On 24th itself was totally chaotic man! I seriously was damn busy. I cut short my lunchtime and rushed back to help out lorh. The ppl all come in swarms.... When 1 person comes it will be followed by 3-4 others.. Then will be rest for a while then it repeats. Lol like tide coming and going like that..

After work had to chiong to marina square to find my clique!Ok maybe i took my own sweet time... Just a little! Tiring lah. Wah lao i damn paiseh sia out of the 4 of them 3 gave me christmas present. I didnt get any cause no time and i dunno wat to buy and my atm card was RETAINED by the frigging stupid machine! The bank these few days like pasamalam sia so many ppl i too lazy to wait that long to get a replacement. Oops off topic. Met the clique and then walked around to see the shops. Ok they went to see i didnt cause is all girls shop. Mostly. Then we walked to esplande the top there... Is it? I can't rmb. Then chat for a while. Slacked till like 9.30.. Then winnie went to find her friend, boss and liyana took bus go home while me and su took mrt. The moment i sat on a seat i fell aslp. Totally. Thats how tired i am. Even today.. I was standing there waiting for ppl to come collect their stuff.. Then suddenly i feel damn tired. Just super tired and wanted to slp or just sit down.

Then yeah lorh reached home without falling over my feet due to sleepyness. Oh yah forgot to say smt. Thank you peifen and jinyu for giving me a christmas present too! The present was quite unexpected but thanks oh and the sushi was weird but the choco roll was delicious... Bought at the jap place there i saw! Haha.

Well Merry christmas everyone! Althought theres only like 3 hours left but its still considered alot of time. To ppl that i sent a sms to, AT LEAST REPLY ME LAH. PPL LIKE CHUA MING XUAN. The rest i dun really expect them to reply me. To ppl that i sent a personalize msg to.. I meant wat i say okay? Its not like i say just to make u feel better. I really feel that way. Hehe i know and u know wat i wrote nia leh? No one else knows woo.... Fun seh. Oh and all ur msg i wrote it like 2 days ago since i afraid that i might have no time to type all out. Haha.

Oh yah after the incident today with that bugger customer i suddenly realized something. What if i am also like that in the future? My Sky sia... I started thinking of my own character. I mean.. Ppl kip saying that once u go into army u will change and become more mature. But i want to be more mature NOW! Dots. I know that i damn childish lah.. I also dun think b4 i act de. I try but usually fail to. I mean in the past i also will try to copy ppl that i find "cool" or interesting. But in the end i myself feel so pathetic copying them. Haha.Great now i sound like someone i know. But then i guess i realized its dumb trying to be someone i am not so i just do wat i like. However some of the things that i copied from others has become a habit of my own sia Lol so doubt will change. So ppl! Pls forgive me if i offend u of watever! Oh and dun be shocked when i am suddenly damn random and do random things or funny things.

Well a week from my last post and i have so much to post about. Actually have alot more de but i can't rmb or lazy to post so cut short le haha.


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